Tfw you redpilled your girl about Holohoax

>tfw you redpilled your girl about Holohoax
>tfw you told her there were no gas chambers
>tfw she believed everything you said and wanted to learn more about how Ruski's built gas chambers and how it was impossible to put one and a half million Jews in Auschwitz' ovens in less than 3 years

Jewel, not a girl, a real white jewel.

Other urls found in this thread:

Holy shit based.

>being proud of dating a person stupid enough to swallow propaganda from stormfront just like you do
kek enjoy your idiotic children


Thank the Jewish lord I embraced the Jews.
Now I am happy and content.
I was red pilled and angry, now I am a Jewpilled and feel much better.


So she's a moron.

Yeah, she's the best thing that happened in my life. I wish every one of you could have the luck that I had, when I met her.

Other girls are so degenerate, damn. No wonder why white folks can't find good wife, since 90% of girls are sluts and coalburners.


JIDF on the strike again

Is there anything more cringeworthy than a Nazi worshiping Polack?

>not a girl

Well we knew that.

Yeah, a russian

If my ancestors were in Wehrmacht, and were shooting your ancestors in Stalingrad, why would that be cringe? I still have photos of them in german uniforms, Pommern hier

Besides, I am no nazi, but truth does not fear investigation you fuckhead.

only commie Polack, but both are shit

Good for the both of you if you genuinely believe it.

So she has just as much autism as you, perfect couple desu.

redpilled girls are best girls.

I'm not (((white))) and I belive the Jews faked it.

Seriously, what the FUCK has happened to this board?

Are you all 17 y/os who came here for "funny pics of DA JOOS"? Or are you really that fucking stupid?


Glad Hitler invaded them

no but commie Poles are close

Auschwitz's death toll is said to be ~1,500,000, so you are distributing (and maybe actually believing in) another kind of propaganda.

>a real white jewel
>white jewel
Ya fucked up.

I live 20 km from that place. 20 years ago it was said to be 4 000 000.

So fuck you

I don't udnerstand it either.

Just give it time. That 'radical' right wing of Sup Forums will sooner or later bring these people around to the fair and rich tradition of truth telling and understanding of innate and natural hierarchy

So they were trimmers?

Sure, why not?

Hey, JIFD, so was it 4 mil or 1.5 mil?

that pic is beautiful

yeah OP, take good care of her because I do take great care of mine.


What's good Sup Forums?

I'm off to Krakow for a few days starting Monday and will be visiting Auschwitz.

I am incredibly skeptical of the deliberate liquidation of 666 gorillion.

I already plan to look at the door to the gas chamber, see the state of the chimney and ask where the rabbit breeding program was held. I also heard about how Pole construction workers put the zyklon holes in the chamber after the liberation and how there are apparently invoices for the work..

What other things should I look for that may not add up to the general narrative? What can I ask the tour guide which wont get me ostracized and Mossaded

Take a few pointers from this wonderful Estonian.
Should be keks.

Cite a credible source that backs up your claims.

Next thing i'm going to assume is that you'll post the fake "Red Cross" numbers that were later refuted by the Red Cross itself.

I could go on, holocaust denial is hilarious because none of your arguments can stand on their own two legs.


So was it 4 mil or 42 mil?

By the way, I for sure don't know what happened almost a century ago. I don't. And I don't want propaganda to make me believe that I do.

Dude, their OWN arguments can't stand on their OWN legs. See

>Died "HERE"

Where is the "here" they're referencing? There's zero context to this image.

If you want to dispute death numbers, go ahead and cite your bogus Red Cross image/numbers and i'm going to make you look like a fool right after you post it.

Waiting patiently.

I love this dude.

Look at those ovens. it really doesn't look like 1.5million skinny jews went through them. looks more like a pizza oven at the local Italian resturant

>a monument
>in fucking Auschwitz
>"where is the "here" they're referencing?

Don't know, probably the whole fucking southern Poland I guess?

So you are going out with a dullard?

Good to know, pole. You'd be slaughtered by the Nazis if they'd won. Remember that when you soil the name of your forefathers.

Aber mein Opa war ein Deutscher :^)

Is that where you get your mindless holocaust denial from?

Man you are fucking retarded, I can see why your girlfriend is attracted to you.

The image on the left gives no distinction of location. The image on the right is clear.

Now i'll ask again, do you want to post those bull shit Red Cross "statistics" on the death-count? Or do you not want me to embarrass you?

I'm just trying to figure out if you're a complete waste of my time or not, so go ahead and just openly claim you think the Red Cross numbers are real. I'm just itching to make you look more stupid than you already are.

Dead jews and pizza sound great right now.



Kek, just shut up, shill

If your ok with can you post a picture of them here plox?
Really interested my grand grandfather was in Latvian Legion.

They're at my old home, where my family lives. We all (including me) have german citizenship thanks to him.

But he used to tell me that war was real mess. But was proud to be part of the German Wehrmacht anyway

Looks like the little piss-ant doesn't want to try to challenge the numbers, so i'll just post the rebuttal to the argument I know he wants to use.

All attempts to prove that somehow significantly less Jews and other demographics died in the Holocaust have failed. Red Cross inquiries have turned out to be what we already know, all "statistics" and false data relating to somehow only a couple hundred-thousand being slaughtered, are patently false.

>b-b-b-but t-the Jews run the world!!!!!

Post pics

I see what you're trying to do here, Shlomo.

No gas chambers, remember that.

Oy vey

You are the shill, but you fail.

He won't because he is lying.

You do realize that when attempting to prove a multi-million discrepancy, usually people use more than just an image of a plaque that gives literally zero context to its location.

I could walk into some tiny village in Poland where a piece of wood says "100 Jews died here," and you would probably use that as "see! see! only 100 Jews died in the Holocaust!!"

Seriously, please break up with your girlfriend, or at least don't breed, this world doesn't need more blithering idiots like you.

Take her off the pedestal user. She's one of a million, not one in a million.

There are few things a woman despises more than being a mans mission.

Either JIDF, Hillarybots or just /po/lacks trolling.

What's the matter? Can't refute the fact the Red Cross has refuted the Holocaust denial death claims since they surfaced?

Better watch out, the spooky Zionist-Mossad agents will come sneak in your bedroom in the dead of night and kidnap you!


>the Red Cross numbers are real
Proof that they aren't real or GTFO?

Filthy kike detected :^)


Stormfags are fun to prod. This board is a zoo.

Czy mowisz po polsku?


Yeah kike, great posts, you really are "enlightened"

>1 post

You'd have to be really dumb to believe the holocaust exaggerations. Anyone who brings up facts is slandered as a Nazi (not that there's anything wrong with being a Nazi).

Where did 4 million Jews die? Where would that sign make sense? Your posts are literally kike-tier obfuscations.

Fuck off basketball muncher
Always thought IT was shit and Klaipeda is only good city you have cuz it was once kraut.
Or you are just buthurt russian sovok/vata. Drink yourself to death be a good goy.


See Or are you literally too lazy to even look, read, and comprehend.

Same here OP. She's catholic lebanese and I'm 100% mix of English Irish and Welsh. Going to race mix and not feel too bad about it

Fucking Milo and various name-drops of Sup Forums on mainstream media news =


normies everywhere

>literally just a letter that could've been written anywhere at any time with no context whatsoever.

Omg. They tossed 6 million Jews against trees and then used the wood from the trees in their pizza oven!

ya well too bad youre wrong idiot the holocaust happened, only the numbers are exaggerated

Pretty sure I have a foreskin desu

Let's get this thread started, shall we, Sup Forumsacks?

>I'm so edgy that I unironicly hate da Juden.

I didn't say it DID NOT happened, I just claim it was exaggerated as fuck, including fake gas chambers and stupid stories like who are now considered reality.

L2 read kraut

Czy mowisz po polsku albo nie?

Kek's will guys
This man gets it right

Math is actually a valid source. Go ahead and plug in whatever you believe the official numbers to be and show your work. Let's see how many Jews you can burn per day to meet the official body count.

As a skeptic, I'm willing to accept the numbers if you can show them, but as it stands, the deniers make a stronger case. Prove them wrong.

The reich was A E S T H E T I C as fuck.

Tak, a co

My gf just mentioned the Nazi Granny article thinks its becoming even more Bullshit

Pic related

You have to be literally retarded to deny the holocaust happened

>mfw gf was red pilled to begin with



>Man you are fucking retarded, I can see why your girlfriend is attracted to you.


>Now i'll ask again, do you want to post those bull shit Red Cross "statistics" on the death-count?

A straw man fallacy is when someone argues against something that nobody ever mentioned. This is a good example. "Hey they other stats you never mentioned are fake. Therefore I am right. haha"

Go back to Mexico.

to smutne



The real holocaust was against the Soviet peoples.

>tfw have gf
>told her joke (some silly shit about austrian artist A.Hitler, jews and Zyclon-B)
>she became really mad, said she has jewish roots
>next week we broke up

I fucking love all this kike shils(i smell jidf on you)
Who think that theyre shit is taken seriosly on fucking Sup Forums
Literally kill your self

Never doubt the frog.

Do they all just make shit up as they go?

"And then there was a cave guarded by a giant three headed dog with a never ending appetite for Jews. The dog alone feasted upon 300,000 Jews per day who desperately tried to escape past it."

Basically, yes. And nobody is going to tell them it sounds ridiculus, because everybody pity them for "muh holocaust".

Ding ding ding. My go to rebuttal whenever someone cries "muh 6 million".
>What about the 25 million?
>"Huh, 25 million Jews died???"
>No, 25 million Russians. Why don't we hear more about them? Or maybe the 13 million Chinese that died? Do they get any respect?
>"Uhhh... but Auschwitz! They didn't die in gas chambers and ovens! The holocaust was way worse!"
And that's where I typically facepalm.

>jewish roots

WTF hahahaha good riddance.

No wonder they think goy are so stupid.

how russian are you, zirga galva?