I am an indian-American voting for Trump, ask me anything
Indian-american voting for trump
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How does it feel to be a self hating uncle thom who hates non-whites?
Feather or Poo kind of Indian?
>MFW this is literally the only thing liberals can say to non-whites that support Trump
Stay mad, friend.
did you actually expect unironic questions when you started this?
Why are you here making life worse for the rest of us?
Native American or poo in loo Indian?
Siberians can't be Native to America.
1 post
Answer the question faggot op
>immigrate to the US with almost nothing
>work hard and live the American dream
Stay jealous, Cletus.
do you poo 50% in the toilet and 50% in the designated shitting streets?
>go to h1-b feeder school
>have to cheat pass
>get hired so you can do "work" that takes longer to fix than to make
Your 80 IQ is showing.
lol look at this white faggot
I liked your movie OP
What are your thought about Bill Whittle?
When was the last time you saw him?
I can smell the curry from here.
you will never be white, pajeet.
You know Hilary is claiming she received a concussion and lost her memory how did this concussion happen take a look.
There be a lot of indian support to Trump m9
I'm from Montana, not so much Indians.
But why do they smell like they don't bathe or wear deodorant?
You're an indian living in america, m8
not that I have any real problem with indians as far as minorities go long as they're not muslim
When will you become an American, and not a -American? It's current year, what are you, some racist?
the Indians i know are trump supporters
How's it feel to lose your visa?
How's it feel to be a retard?