They really know how to make a near tie look like a huge lead.
You could fly a jumbo jet through that gap
That title basically descibes Op's asshole.
>a near tie
swing state polls are what matter more and trump is losing by a larger margin in most swing states
Funny isn't it how every time trump starts beating Clinton she gets a mysterious lead.
Trump gets 200,000+ people at his rallys and hillary can hardly get over a hundred at some. Doesn't quite add up, especially the huge boost after the joke that was the DNC.
>you are only allowed to vote if you go to rallies
Are you retarded?
You never heard of President Mitt Romney, President Bernie Sanders or President Ron Paul?
so why would liberals come out in great numbers at the polling then - to get a "I voted" clip?
Today's RCP poll has Trump at +3
These are the polls after they have been unskewed
If you have over 100,000-200,000+ people coming to see TRUMP and hillary can only muster a few hundred or a few thousand that should tell you something. if her constituents don't care as much as the Trump people they may not care as much to vote either, unless they bus all the minorities to the polls.
>Today's RCP poll
is exactly what you're looking at, I just screencapped it.
>Today's RCP poll has Trump at +3
how do we cure this kind of right wing retard autism?
looking forwards the 2016 edition
I don't understand how that is related to my post at all
What is the point of going to a really? It doesn't do anything. Voting does. A lot of people come out to vote just because they feel they have to (muh democracy and shit). Thinking that rallies will reflect these peoples votes is quite silly. Trump is a celebrity now obviously people want to see him perform live
I don't believe in any polls where Trump isn't winning by at least 10%.
>trying this hard in a right wing mongolian cartoon forum
leaf pls, your autism is king here
this is standard data presentation you faggot
of all the things to criticize the (((polls))) about this isn't one of them
also kill yourself for being retarded
>I don't understand how that is related to my post at all
I was agreeing with you that rally size is a retarded predictor of who is going to win the presidential election.
General polls are terrible for projecting the race, Hillary is doing well in swing states.
4% is still a rather significant margin.
Shy republican effect accounted for I'd say Hillary has a moderate lead, but not a commanding one.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I only post on a Cambodian carpet weaving discussion board.
How come every time trump has hit tied with clinton. Clinton goes up and trump goes down and then repeat?
Look deeper into how they get that number.
Look at all the polls that they're not adding. Rasmussen has been removed and it has Trump +1.
Somehow, they turned Reuter's Trump +1 itno Clinton +2.
Etc. Etc. Etc. It's not 4 points ahead. It's tied, by now.
The aforementioned "Trump +1"
Oh OK I thought you were trying to compare Trump to Obama
For the same reason DHS will be taking over the elections here.
the head to head polls look almost identical to the 4-way polls now.
Who mentioned 4-way polls?
>Funny isn't it how every time trump starts beating Clinton she gets a mysterious lead.
Up is down. Left is right.
T R U M P F A G S just get excited for a daddy figure and nut all over themselves
Nope. Ohio, Nevada are narrow Clinton leads. Iowa, Trump hastill an edge. Florida tied. Only in Pennsylvania is she legit ahead more than 5%, which is a problem for Trump because winning it would probably knock her out.
Romney was always losing in the polls
Clinton up by 3.8
Clinton up by 2.3
Trump up by .08
Clinton up by 2.7
Clinton up by 6.0.
So I was wrong about their margins being larger but he's still losing in most. You were wrong about being tied in Florida though.