They could've easily cut like 5-8 episodes of this shit.
S3 is mostly trash.
They could've easily cut like 5-8 episodes of this shit.
S3 is mostly trash.
What are you, down syndrome?
I think Dougie story would have made a pretty great movie but instead it got caught in this shit show. sad hoestly.
8 episodes at least. Expand ep 8 out into more episodes
Only redditor Lynch dick suckers will disagree
They love sucking his cock on r/twinpeaks
anyone who criticizes him just slightly gets downvoted to oblivion
/tpg/ is the same. Someone says he didn't like a certain aspect of te season and everyone replies with "HAHAHAHA L Y N C H E D xdd"
I'm trying to make it through season 2 but it's rough. I'm only on like episode 7, does it get better soon?
It's not as toxic as on reddit. A lot of people tend to be reasonable on /tpg/. Reddit is full blown jerking each other off cancer. Anyone who criticizes something=downvoted to oblivion, anyone disagrees with some circle jerk theory=downvoted to oblivion, etc; "OMG LYNCH IS A GENIUS! HERE'S MY THEORY..." it's full cringe fest over there.
Jesus that's one of the best episodes.
Season 2 up to episode 9-10 is fantastic. Then the last few episodes are great. It's 10-19 that are shit.