The absolute madwoman!!!!!
Stupid Trumpf BTFO!!!!!
The absolute madwoman!!!!!
Stupid Trumpf BTFO!!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
meanwhile Trump is RIGHT, again....
>mfw drumpf supporters
>our planet is freezing
Global warming is the greatest threat to human civilization.
no it isnt. global cooling is.
thanks for correcting my record.
>where are the emails Hillary
not according to most credible scientists
Trump is just ahead of his time. In a billion years this would sound true
>vaccines aren't the number 1 cause
you're a fucking retard beyond comprehension.
that the sun is going into an inactive period is simply fucking fact. Zharkova in the second pic is a global-warming scaremongerer herself, and even she admitted the facts here. the suns activity is in cycles. when we hit a minimum point, temperatures will drop. Maunder Minimum was an example of that.
please, get out of your echochamber you fucking shill.
again, you're coming to a conclusion different than most credible scientists. that's an undeniable fact.
Global warming doesn't effect humanity at all, preventative measures are a huge waste of money.
I care more about air quality, which sucks. Can't even fucking breathe in some cities, its like these corporate faggots never read the Lorax
(((credible scientists)))
Like Bill Nye and Niel Tyson Chicken, right?
>Lemme just shill for Crowder for a sec
This is a good video tho:
There was a period of about three hundred years in Europe during the middle ages where the climate was so warm that vintners could grow grapes in England. This is true. Look it up.
>Global warming is a scam. Don't buy into it!
>GTFO you paid lackie! We're on to your bullshit!
My ancestors were hardcore.
No wonder i can sit around nude during winter.
Wearing a bright red socialist tee shirt with Che Guevara on it, like some hippie faggot from the sixties.
are you on drugs? This is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever heard, even by Sup Forums standards. Wake up.. we are fucked if we don't solve the global warming crisis asap!
Who the fuck do you think has satellites that measures solar activity? WHO THE FUCK PUBLISHES THIS DATA YOU RETARD?
and incase these sources are too complicated for a small brain such as yours, here are some popular scientific articles about it
The Modern Maximum ended 2007. We're going into a minimum now, and literally 100% (I really do mean 100%, not your bullshit "most credible scientists") of scientists working with this agree.
you are beyond saving, your intelligence is on par with a fucking chimpanzee
shut the fuck up you uneducated illiterate mongrel
>1 post
when will this faggotry end. kill the cucked mods, take the site. BAN THESE FUCKING ASSHOLES. did moot2 take a handout from the foundation itself ? FFS
This is his shirt I think he used to sell it.
if this is Molly please calm down, stop screaming at Sup Forums please.
jesus christ. fucking canada
>tiny .png
my bad
do i know you
ah, anothe rperosnal attack. i cant wait until my competition is old enough that i can pull out their old myspace posts on them ;) wont that be fun
fuck off clinton. i supported you. now i cannot fucking stand you. go trump. smear that slag
You can put on an anti-cold sweater but you can't put on an anti-hot sweater
>jesus christ
hello my Lord and Savior, save me pls
I fucking hope this is the case. I like cold weather.
Can you imagine? The shitskins freeze to death. We may have forgotten Winterchan, but Winterchan has not forgotten us it seems.
If your Molly you gave me your phone number months ago.
why do people fucking care about global warming?
let's assume that climate change folks can predict what the planet is doing with no actual data on what a planet should be doing right now and that climate change is real.
we should be trying to leave our planet, we should be attempting to colonize the stars. why is our focus on saving the planet and not on making it redundant?
oh right. because muslims are fucking barbarian savages who have this overbearing religion that they need to abide by and nobody wants to be stuck in space with muslims or fucking ghetto blacks.
liberal, black and muslim culture is objectively holding humanity back from reaching our full potential as space pirates. we should exterminate them and build a spaceship.
Fortunately, it is self correcting. As the temp increases and the disasters mount, and the crops fail, the people will die, and the carbon output will diminish. As the carbon sequestering organisms take over, the planet will find a new equilibrium without us.
Makes absolutely no difference whatsoever if someone or something is around to tell the story.
It's not determinism, that's just a story too.
It just is.
and it's all good....
FBI Data Dump Shows Clinton is Criminal and Clueless
Hillary is either dishonest or dumb—there is no third choice
George Carlin was a liberal cuck but his bit on global warming and the environment pretty much sums it up.
The earth can get rid of us if it wants to. We are having almost a nonexistent impact on the global climate.
well, i dont know if its by coincidence or whatever, but while my name is molly i have not given out my phone number to an american.
>this is your average trumplerina
Almost as many people hate her as they do Trump, almost...
o kek, fucking canadafags getting played like tards
pussy soros couldnt give insight on how to wipe your own ass
>oh deep wisdom of mutilated dicks, tell me, god of all autism and judaism, how to run my country?
Good one man
> (OP)
I didn't vote for him ;-;
praise be Winter-chan
I always hear about scientists, but never hear who they are.
Also the fact all the records are only hundreds to thousands of years old.
>seriously regarding anyone who allowed troodoo to be their leader
Yay the Paris agreement that barely any countries will follow.
I cant even accept that any politicians really believe in global warming/rapid climate change. if they really believed in it, and they really believed in its urgent correction, they'd be willing to invade shitholes that dont tow the line.
Otherwise some western countries will put forth some measures while the rest of the world just makes the "problem" worse.
she just killed her campaign
This post is a fucking roller coaster.
>seriously regarding anyone who allowed their country to be 60% white
Her numbers have expanded in this election cycle alone! How do we stop it? I feel like I will die from an aneurism any second now.
no, travelling through space invading planets of savages and replacing the local population with half-breeds is a roller coaster, my comment just makes sense.
what, you want our fantastical space conquest to be in the name of allah? get the fuck out of here. humanity will prevail.
why did you two stop talking when i laid out considerable proof that you're flat out wrong? too spineless to admit it?
Both are shit so it doesn't matter, 4 years of a lamer duck than Obama and Carter Combined x10
Thank you that just lifted my spirits I love the cold
those with Neanderthal DNA will be fine everyone else go home
because you're repeating yourself. the only thing I could say, which I've already said, is that most credible scientists disagree with you. anyone can post a link or a graph of a study that comes to any conclusion they want. that's how models work, you can change one variable and end up with the conclusion you want. but in the realm of scientists they've mostly gravitated towards global warming being a threat after peer review and the whole nine yards.
Did Trump actually curse in a public tweet?
it's probably from before his campaign started. he did it a lot in the past
oh jesus this retardation has reached levels i never thought were possible
do you honestly think that the findings from NASA and literally a dozen other institutes around the world are not peer reviewed? I gave you a fuck ton of sources backing what I said up. If providing evidence and sources is "repeating myself" then I dont know what the fuck you want.
You clearly havent read any studies yourself, nor are you well-versed in scientific methods.
I agree. Threatening war with Russia to cover up your own crimes such a do nothing position for a known warmonger.
The climate on Earth is still better than the climate in her fucking diapers.
>75% white
>Not even because of black slaves
>"haha look at that stupid 60% white country"
sure José
sorry for ruining your delusions
>You clearly havent read any studies yourself, nor are you well-versed in scientific methods.
I'm going to take a picture of this post and hang it on my wall. it's the perfect example of not being able to pick up a mirror and examine yourself.
>CTR is reduced to making up tweets
Fuck off, Molly.
wow cozy days ahead boys.
how will nignogs even compete
leave and only come back when you're able to say anything more concrete than "most scientists". you know, actually being able to carry out a discussion on science without regurgitating what your precious hillary said
i cant see how that disproves anything. fact of the matter is still that white children are now >50% in USA.
Could humanity really survive an ice age?
we wouldnt be here if we hadnt done so before and that was without electrical heating and modern clothing
>fact of the matter is still that white children are now >50% in USA.
>t. cucked swedish
Oh wow! It's a shame that whites are actually at 72.4 of the population and it's mathematically impossible for any other race to catch up to whites in 6 years!
The same globalist kikes have been funding both sides of the fake "climate debate". This was the end goal. Now, US sovereignty has been undermined by an "executive agreement". Only Trump can save us
>mathematically impossible for any other race to catch up to whites in 6 years!
Cue FEMA deathcamps and department of Homeland security putting those 1.6 billion rounds they bought for domestic use into action.
it would be so nice if an american could actually surprise me and be intelligent for once
Drumpf and Shillary are both psychotic, cracked out cunts. Nobody should be supporting either of them
>yfw Trump's tweet was retweeted 3x more than hers
One of those psychotic cunts will be your next president, so you may as well pick the one saying the right things.
Who cares about the next 200 when you can't even guarantee the next 50.
Good luck affording green technologies when very bodies so poor and misearble they raid the local national park for fire wood.
Some user posted the other day that these scientists are almost 100% american. And the majority of these scientists are from California. And the majority of these scientists are Jewish.
I don't think it's a coincidence.
>implying blacks can bounce up from 12.6% to over 40% or so in 10 years
>implying asians can bounce up from 4.8% to 15% or so in 10 years
>implying native americans and native alaskans can bounce up from 0.9 to 6% or so in 10 years
>implying native hawaiians and other pacific islanders can bounce up from 0.2% to 4% or so in 10 years
>implying two or more raced people can bounce up from 2.9% to 4.5% or so in 10 years
>implying hispanics and latino americans can bounce up from 16.3% to 25% or so in 10 years
>whites will still be the majority unless a white genocide occurs
Literally the exact next tweet. I bet the y dine together.
Evaluating The Integrity Of Official Climate Records
(Global warming hoax debunked thoroughly by respected scientist)
This video is well worth a watch if anyone is interested in redpilling themselves on the utter lies and bullshit coming from the global warming camp
Let these liberal faggots believe the lies.
Meanwhile the cooling that we will be experiencing will START in 2018. The Mayan calendar indicated the start of the new Cycle. December 21, 2012 was the beginning of the new cycle towards global cooling.
are you being dense deliberately?
None of your green text mentioned hispanics which are the main primary reason why in the 0-4 age bracket US is under 50% already.
is that all you people are about? "Believe", and when belief is challenged appeal to authority? When it comes to ((((global warming)))) why is nothing being done except asking me to believe?
Fuck you and your new age 'original sin' religion, scum
José you dont even fucking understand what the word majority means what the fuck is the point of debating with you? largest group =/= majority
jesus its like talking to a child
this has literally nothing to do with the mayan calendar this is respected stellar science carried out by respected scientists from NASA and ESA shut the fuck up
>implying hispanics and latino americans can bounce up from 16.3% to 25% or so in 10 years
>None of your green text mentioned hispanics
ohh fugg tfw full aspergers
I'll give you that first one due to me going full retard,
but am i right in thinking your argument is just that the statistics don't seem plausible?
Other user posted studies and you just gave your opinion...
José you dont even fucking understand what the word majority means what the fuck is the point of debating with you? largest group =/= majority
>what the word majority means what the fuck is the point of debating with you? largest group =/= majority
>largest group =/= majority
What kind of logic is this? Majority literally means the largest of something, hence in this case, race. Whites are the majority, or 'largest group' in the United States. Perhaps you don't know that largest group literally means majority, Molly. Bait harder next time, will ya, you cucked Swede?
he means majority is 50% +1.
He makes sense.
fucking hell. american degeneracy really has gone far when you dont even know your own native tongue
majority means more than half
Hey there, pretty lady
Sure you can.
fyi molly is a female name