Can we have a hype thread for The Orville? It's airing tonight on FOX at 8/7c

Can we have a hype thread for The Orville? It's airing tonight on FOX at 8/7c.

Will it be good?

Critics are calling it "Out of this world!"

>watching a 21 minute network tv show once a week

i'll pass

it's 42 minutes!

but Rick&Morty, The Strain and Fear the Walking Dead are running

The shills paid to promote Discovery are all in the Star Trek thread, ruining it continuously so that Discovery will be acceptable here. I say we talk about true Star Trek here! And The Orville!

still can't believe fox killed king of the hill for this fag's failed attempt at nigger comedy

Delayed to 1105pm in my market. I'm a Nielsen home but fuck that I have work tomorrow. Downloading and watching on my computer.

If it's any consolation STD is going to fail too. Klingons as Drumpf supporters isn't going to work and nobody wants enterprise 2.

Is there anyway for people across the pond to watch it? Anyone streaming it or do I have to wait torrent?