WW2 best case scenario

hey guys, so i have been studying WW2 history and with years of research i have created the best case scenario for present day Europe if the Axis Powers won

Italy wouldn't be capable of holding onto that amount of territory.


>the roman empire

It's like you don't even history,bro

What is this thing with the flags of Ireland and Italy. I never learn. Is there an easy trick to memorize?

pls no

The italian one has tomato the Irish carrots

Why would the nezi germany ever give up the united kingdom and denmark to the muslims? In exchange for oil? Why?

>modern day italy
>roman empire
pick one burger
pro-tip: current "italians" have litle to nothing to do with romans

What the fuck hahah. It was the shade of the last color all along! I recalled the colors were in different order but this is much simpler, thanks.

Greece should be part of Italy or independent

Because of location it looks like a Romanian flag in the thumbnail.

is this bait

>if the Axis Powers won
It was never possible. Pic related was the height of Axis power.

Germans already had Greece and Denmark. They also had part of France that you are handing over to Italy. Germans were screwed once they attacked the Soviet Union. They should have attack to the east or the west but not both. They should have also let Italy fail in Africa .

that map is incorrect

Can you be more specific?


What's the problem?
Most of the blue/red is empty or medieval anyway.

If it was at it's height, Italy would be black and so would parts of Africa and more of Russia would be black.

Germany gave Nice and some French land to the Italians for their Gratitude for being their best allies after the war was won of course

Look at the date. It was the height of Axis power overall including Japan.

That's retarded. Why would the Germans hold and occupy Spain? Why would they want all that territory in Eastern Russia? That wasn't even their plan, their plan was to dismantle Russia

Also Brittany should be black

The problem is Britain and all her colonies, including Canada and Australia. The problem is the USA and client states. The problem is the Soviet Union and client states. The problem is that the Axis were doomed from the start.

>Greater Italy
>Balkano-Slavic subhumans in it
>Greece somehow isn't
What the hell, this is really plebian

>height of axis powers

i think not buddy

In terms of territory globally, it was.

that is true, but what i am demonstrating is the best case scenario for the Axis Powers.


> the height of the Axis happened after Leningrad and Midway


Brit here, what happened to us? No Double-D day landing where Germany climbs the cliffs of dover?

lmao you pussies haven't stepped foot outside of your borders in 500 years.

Albania is a majority-Muslim country

They couldn't win since most of the Nazi leadership were retards who squabbled amongst themselves.

>Should have taken Malta and Gibraltar rather than attack Crete.
> Should have knocked Britain out of the war before attacking the USSR, by assisting the Italians properly in North Africa and seizing Suez.

They could have done it. There was no reason to attack the Soviets when Britain was still a threat.

Germany lost the war on October 31, 1940 when they lost the battle of Britain. The rest of the war was just a waste of time.
Since the UK is an island country, they have always had a very strong navy, unlike Germany, which is far more land based. Even at the start of WWII, Germany's navy had no chance against the UK one, although Germany undoubtedly had superior land forces. However those land forces are useless if you cannot transport them across the English channel. the only way Germany could hope to do that without naval superiority is by establishing air dominance. When they lost the Battle of Britain, that proved that Germany could not establish and maintain air superiority against the UK and every actually land troops on their shores. So now it simply became a war of attrition, and one which Germany was doomed to lose. UK was getting supplied by the USA and all her colonies and grew stronger every year while Germany was supply blocked and lost more and more food, people and morale every year.
tldr Hitler fucked up hard and your picture could never happen


>height of axis power

1941-1942 was the height of axis power.

>pro-tip: current "italians" have litle to nothing to do with romans

This rumor is shitty and you should feel shitty. The amount of time I hear WE WAS VIKANGZ tier garbage from nordics and germanics pretending they were roman is silly.

your post isn't anything nobody already knows. although accurate, it's a high school teacher tier analysis.

and no one's stepped foot inside of them in that same amount of time. makes you think.

>Croatia under Italian control
Yeah, no.

>"Whatever happens, one shouldn't treat them as Italy is doing at present. The Croats are a proud people. They should be bound directly to the Fuehrer by an oath of loyalty. Like that, one could rely upon them absolutely." - Adolf Hitler

why the greater Mexico?

Annoys the fuck out of me when people say that the US saved the UK by selling them weapons.

That's kind of like saying Sainsbury's saved me from starvation by letting me buy food from them. Technically it's true but it's not altruistic.

idk, just an idea of mine. nazis ally with mexico promising them territory. abit like the zimmerman telegram of ww1 where Germany tries to goad mexico to reclaim territory off the US

and about Greater Colombia?

your map is absolute shit compared to mine

nigger that shit was free, so it was pretty altruistic. u had to pay it back eventually, but most of the equipment given to the brits was not even paid for on the spot, its was essentially free shit

you're just kinda irrelevant, that's all.

u don't even have a map u autist

well what is your analysis? in my opinion the pic in the OP could never have happened since UK could have kept fighting forever while Germany falling apart under her own weight as time went on. Even if Germany used perfect tactics and strategy they could never have won the war, just extended it a few years.

The USA was openly not neutral and bombed german ships

Based memorization trick.

I'm OP you fag

u mean gran colombia? just another idea, where the nazis promote the formation of gran colombia under fascist principles

>As early as 10 July 1941, Wehrmacht General Edmund Glaise von Horstenau reported the following to the German High Command, the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW):[citation needed]

Our troops have to be mute witnesses of such events; it does not reflect well on their otherwise high reputation ... I am frequently told that German occupation troops would finally have to intervene against Ustaše crimes. This may happen eventually. Right now, with the available forces, I could not ask for such action. Ad hoc intervention in individual cases could make the German Army look responsible for countless crimes which it could not prevent in the past.
—General Edmund Glaise von Horstenau, German military attaché in Zagreb

The Gestapo report to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, dated 17 February 1942, states that:[citation needed]

Increased activity of the bands is chiefly due to atrocities carried out by Ustaše units in Croatia against the Orthodox population. The Ustaše committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age, but especially against helpless old people, women and children. The number of the Orthodox that the Croats have massacred and sadistically tortured to death is about three hundred thousand.
—Gestapo report to Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, 17 February 1942
Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler is quoted characterizing the Independent State of Croatia as "ridiculous": "our beloved German settlements will be secured. I hope that the area south of Srem will be liberated by ... the Bosnian division ... so that we can at least restore partial order in this ridiculous (Croatian) state."[51]

You realise that Lend-Lease only happened after the US had taken all of Britain's gold reserves right?

Basically we said.
"Look Yanks, we gave you all our money but we still need tanks and ships to fight."

To which America said.
"Okay, that's fine. We'll give you this stuff and you can pay us back later since we already took all of your money.

So was Spain. What of it?

u map is literaly dog shit. its not even a map, its a poor quality meme. why are Denmark and britian black ffs. complete autism. then there is greece owned not by italy but ISIS. wtf is ISIS even doing on the map? also implying the germans would annex spain or france. complete cancer

>with years of research i have created the best case scenario for present day Europe if the Axis Powers won

Define V A N I T Y

>Italy holding all this territory
Hitler would've probably crushed Italia if he won the war because they're anything but reliable allies.

without such direct assistance from United States it is very unlikely Britain would have continued the war after the fall of France

it was only that unconditional support from Roosevelt that allowed the war to extent for 4 more years

i'm aware of that, but nevertheless it was free. u couldn't pay yet u received anyway. ww2 could have been quite different if the US neglected u give u weaponry and gear because u couldn't pay for it at the time

You can tell it's the height because they're not holding Normandy or southern Italy when they were before. They had just begun to peak.

>Unconditional support


The US milked the UK money reserves dry in the defence of freedom and then gave us a loan which we finally finished repaying in 2006. That isn't free! It is a loan.
I got a mortgage from my bank to buy my house after I used the rest of my money as a deposit. The bank did not give me the house for free. They expect to be paid back.

Back to my original point. I acknowledge US support was vital. Lots of people do not realise that this was a business transaction for the USA not an act of charity based on a moral decision.

>[citation needed]
>[citation needed]
>[citation needed]
>real document, dont question it goy :^)

>August 1944
>height of power

>this shit again
let me guess, the ancient romans were nordics, right? just like the ancient greeks, native americans, japanese, and whatever else is the spiciest meme race of the day.

>under cuck pastanigger or Germancuck
No, thank you
Maršala Tita is our man, niggercuck

>Maršala Tita is our man
Whose man, kraut?
You're not one of us. You gave that up the moment you betrayed your country for germanistan.

Also, tito is a criminal and a disgrace to the Croatian people.

The migration period obviously upset the demographics a bit in the regions under Roman control but the populations introduced while obviously large and militarised enough to overwhelm Roman garrisons weren't large enough to significantly alter the genetic makeup of those regions. The Balkans are thoroughly inbred but Spain/southern Italy thankfully removed the Mudslime spawn before genocide became uncool.

>Also, tito is a criminal and a disgrace to the Croatian people.
fuck your mother, fredi
He fought foreign influence and degeneracy for the Yugoslavian Race, while your cuck Ante fought with muslim loving cucks
No German, no Russian or American should have some saying in Southern Slavic land

The worst part of this map isn't that Denmark is muslim, it's that Denmark is fucking split so that Jutland is islamic while Funen and Zealand are germanic. Denmark has been unified for over a millenium, no shitty world war is going to split us.

Besides, if anything, Jutland has the more resistant population against the islamic invasion. It would make more sense to make Zealand black along with Scania, that's where the majority of the rapefugees welcome crowd and muds live, by virtue of it being the capital it's inevitably more left than the rest.

>No German, no Russian or American should have some saying in Southern Slavic land
So why are you still talking? You've obviously decided you don't want to be a part of this nation anymore.