Can anyone tell me how this will ever be a safe mode of transportation?

can anyone tell me how this will ever be a safe mode of transportation?

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whoever is designing that thing blows ass... wow

It won't be, but if it's as least as safe as regular driving then that doesn't matter.

The world will be a much safer place when we can Hillary people at the push of a button and call it a bug.

computers drive better than people

It won't make as many errors as a human driver. It will be a very efficient driver. You could possibly have cabs that run themselves.

The main fear really is if they put tracking devices in all of them, can have you pulled over with a press of a button, or someone can hack your car and drive you off a cliff. This is assuming that people won't put up a fight if someone wants this shit in their cars, but who do I know? I'm just someone with a little more faith in society, and also doesn't dismiss a brilliant idea so easily like this. I'd love to see self driving cars. I'm driving straight most of the time anyways. I'm like a fucking train who thinks he has freedom of movement.. do you have any idea how restricting a road really is?

Looks like a drop bear and is probably nearly as dangerous

>time to pay somebody to get strapped into an uncontrollable deathbox
>welp, the statistics say this is my best bet
>h-here we go!

>uncontrollable deathbox

Some companies are allowing the steering wheels to remain. States are going to probably want an option to manually control it. There are definitely going to be emergency options to prevent this.

Just because you're a retard doesn't mean the people creating these things are.

Automated cars have been I'm more crashes than I have.

if speed limits drop to 35 mph even on interstates it would be safe even in the event of a crash

Nah, they're retards.

The same people who were making these things and designing moon rovers were taken by surprise when they started going on about automatic cars and I pointed out that the software would obviously have to monetize the value of life in order to make the best decisions. They just couldn't get their heads around the concept. And now this very topic, years later, is in fact a still-unanswered question. It's at the basis of healthcare, even.

Don't put too much faith in these people.

what your brain does while driving a computer does 1000x faster. Plus it has more sensor taking in more data about the surroundings and STILL does it faster than you.

How? When all humans are not allowed to drive, then it will be safe. Traffic regulated by a computer, lowest chance of collisions happening. Unfortunately a monopoly would be the safest(one company in control of all the traffic) but... I doubt that will happen. So companies will have to work together so their traffic flows together

This piece of garbage is the most unsafe car I've ever seen.

A small crash would kill the driver(people at the front seats) instantly.

Did this retards fall for the Smart meme ?

Put a driverless car in fog or snow and see how it handles while blind.

>Southeast California to southwest Arizona 3 day trip
>Upgrade to premium and your trip will be just 8 hours


>le robots can't replace me meme

The first ones will suck. Shortly after that, they will suck distinctly less than the average human.

I think what we should do is have the driverless car and the woman texting and reading a book in her SUV try to navigate the same snowy parking lot.

We can place bets, drink beer, eat popcorn, etc. It'll be better than the superb owl.

>car still costs 50k and has rare expensive parts
>insurance is even higher

Its like a self driving cuck shed

I hope not t: /o/

Clearly corporate interests have never steered me wrong on the internet, I should definitely rely on them to physically transport me where I want

Via the magic of "progress" right? That you largely ignore the development of?

it'll only be safe at very low speeds. 30mph or less. 40 on a highway.

But that's just fine with SJWs

See the second half of this video.

>Automated cars have been I'm more crashes than I have.

You're comparing your track record with the entire total of every automated car out there? Uh, why?

My track record is better than all truckers combined. Well, no shit.

>P-people can just hack it!
People can cut your brakes. Automated cars are no more dangerous.

>if it's as least as safe as regular driving
It won't be, though.

Driving on the roads as they are now is a human interaction task comparable to holding a natural language conversation.

If you fix everything (all the roads, all the traffic rules, pedestrian behavior, etc.) so driverless cars can work without a human-level intelligence, you wouldn't need all of this advanced artifical intelligence stuff, which is never going to work properly anyway. It's not supposed to work, though, it's supposed to get the foot in the door, to pressure regulators to force through all the changes (and public spending) necessary to make driverless cars work, but still only allow companies with billion-dollar software budgets to participate.

That's not even getting into software security, malicious uses, and surveillance implications.

>People can cut your brakes

>People can cut your brakes. Automated cars are no more dangerous.
Tell me about one automated car that will definitely not be networked or have routine post-purchase software updates.

People can cut your brakes if they have physical access to your car. Simple physical inspection of the car will show that the brakes are cut. A car with its brakes cut will, in most cases, be involved in only a minor accident because the driver will notice immediately as they start using the car, while still at low speed.

Self-driving cars are car-sized, car-shaped robots. They only perform the desired function if their software says so. If these become common, we are one malicious update from Maximum Overdrive.

man what the fuck is with the self driving faggy car thread? theres like 6 a day now

What are you on about? they already outperform humans in several areas, esp in economics/planning/budgeting and going strong towards precision fabrication which humans cant do.

The only things robots still suck at is spatial awareness and high speed movement with precision, and "human intution" but those can be fixed fairly soon.

I'm glad I grew up and learned to drive before the media brainwashed all the kids to think this shit is a good thing.

This thing will get you, like, zero bitches.

Out of nowhere a few days ago the traffic light went out and they reverted to red/yellow blinking. What the fuck is going on? They're not supposed to do that at a major intersection except possibly late at night, but not in that intersection.

People didn't know what the traffic signals actually meant, but they were very furtive in how they hurled their vehicals around, treating it as a de facto four way stop.

Not very good, but entirely workable. Took for fucking ever though. Glad nobody had to clean up some robot car that got in the way.

It won't. But Elon Musk has made plenty of money telling people that it will eventually.

Reddit actually believes this.

The Jews are promising to pay back some day far in the future?

When were they not?

Driving is just another part of their freedom that they can't wait to surrender.

>cut your brakes
Like you wouldn't notice this the moment you started you car.

You must think it doesn't. Why?

Why would you notice it? A light on your dashboard?

Or would you not know how to pump your brakes due to lack of manifold vacuum?

i like it, as someone who had his license suspended last month for driving while drunk and testing with a BAC of 0.14, i like this idea

that way i can enjoy a bud while my computer car takes me places

fuck you for judging me, alchohol helps me calm down,

self-driving cars are good for drunk drivers with suspended licenses, who agrees?

no joke, i nearly hit a kid on a bike when i got arrested, too

it's the same of upgrade like ICE engine cars were to horse carriages. Please, if you are conspiratard who is afraid someone will hack the cab and drop him off the cliff kys now.

ITT pakis that are scared of losing their jobs to automation

i think the only place that people should drive their cars is race tracks under a tight set of rules for competition


It kills stupid people in car crashes.

The concern isn't over accidents, its about the car sacrificing its own driver or google crashing your car into a wall for wrongthink.

Safer than...

It will be much easier for "some people" to die in (((accidents))) when cars are (((self driving))).
Better watch your mouths now goys.

>uncontrollable deathbox

laughed quite good

the solution to car accidents is to only use electric golf carts ... never again will anybody die

its simply too slow to have a catastrophe

cars go way too fast and can kill people walking down the street or biking

they should have never gotten this far out of hand

I'd rather not be expedited to FEMA camps when the government decides it's time
>next destination: Walmart
>thank you google you are my greatest ally :XDDDD
>died camp


it wont be safe. it will be legal to shoot owners for having somehting so ugly and letting it loose on the road

>tfw elevators full of 3rd worlders and their parents
>oh so sorry
>oh I'm so sorry
what the fuck which button do you want I'll push the elevator button for you
>oh so sorry
the fuckig elevator is going the wrong way
maybe if I bring it all the way down to the first floor they'll all get off
>who pushed the first floor button
>can I hold the door open for you?
>this is where I meant to get off!
>thank you!
>where is this elevator going?
>let's push the buttons.

i need a self-driving car to get to job interviews

i got drunk and my employer fired me

fuck them, fuck your welding shit

i get drunk because it made me stressed out

fuck you, you hate beer

nah fuck you

i'll keep driving my 1976 Ford Pinto, manual trans

fuck yall

It will work and you are stupid to think otherwise.

Can't wait for the day manned cars are taxed 4x more then driverless.

Once implemented there will be a ban over self driving cars requiring a special license to own.

the calculator was an amazing thing in terms of calculation the day it was incepted

that tools make higher precision than shaky hands is well known, if we had to do everything with bare hands we'd be in the stone age

Black people understand now that they can turn a white person's car into a trap in several ways. BLM has aggressively expanded its charming habit of deliberately stopping traffic. Autonomous cars will never do what whites who survive attacks or make it through BLM lines must, which is to prioritize one human life over another. Autonomous cars are deathtraps because of ghettos.

Never have I wanted a monster truck more than now

they were discussing this on Stern the other day actually, had an expert in there on computers, he said that it's alarming, in a storm or icy roads, will the car stop rolling to save the human life inside, or crash into a tree to kill the driver, same with pileups,

driverless cars are not thinking AI, they run purely on algorithms and code, they don't "think" they run algorithms to predict what the outcome will be, and given that driving is unpredictable (Defensive Driving classes say this) it's really not safe to put 100% trust in driverless cars,

there will always be a wheel or pedals that fold up or come out to over-ride if need be

exactly this
the golf cart is also powered by a little bit of electricity that can be charged with a solar cell: No more global warming!