Open Borders Now

Open Borders Now


Does opening the borders mean I get a free Mexican loli?


But what would that do for honest, hard working LEGAL Americans user?

>that pic
98% of mexicans are brown and smelly.

lol fuck off cuck

But I can pick the cute ones right?

Anybody have Ben Garrison's rebuttal?

You can house all the immigrants you want in your house.

In the very house you live in. Same with any politician. In fact for every refugee they want to bring in thier state they have to house one on thier dime.

kek. That image

post sauce


lol nah

It's Adry or Audry or however the fuck you spell it

She's a classic dude come on

>Open Borders Now
Cartoonist Darrin Bell.
Black and Jewish.
really makes you think.

>Trump would deport this...

>black and jewish

and nothing of quality would be lost.


No, he wouldn't. They already are in Mexico. I recognize the building. The only good thing in those conventions are the japanese food and the tabletop games.

To think, one day you'll power someones car and it'll be poorer for the experience of it.

it's not like they can't pay for their own housing. they're coming here to work after all.
