Movies about retarded people?

Movies about retarded people?

Who's going to benefit from global warming? Is Trump actually this retarded or is this a false tweet?

The first man to call climate change "global warming" really fucked it all up.

13 Hours

Hahaha Clumpfh amirite reddut!?

Not even the most retarded thing he's done, desu.

Literal 5 year olds know not to stare directly at the sun during a partial eclipse.

>wanting an economic sinkhole for the sake of delaying a nonexistant doomsday

He is retarded. He literally said global warming is a conspiracy by the chinese, this is a publicly available tweet that is extremely easy to google yourself. Hilary called him out on this during a debate and he just plugged his ears and said "WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONNNGGGG"

I can't believe people didn't tear him a new one over such a blatant lie. He should have at least acknowledged the tweet, called it a mistake, and moved on

People who don't need sunscreen. 4D chess fighting white supremacy.

how so