ISIS names Pope Francis as its ultimate enemy

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has named Pope Francis as its number one enemy and has criticized the Catholic Church leader for pursuing "dialogue with moderate Islam.

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Pope Francis hasn't done a single thing to help The West.

ISIS going after the pope won't do anything but increase the world's opinion of them.

They should probably stick to being generally disagreeable assholes.

not even his enemies respect his submission

this pope is 0/10 never again

Good. This is create much sympathy among leftist Europeans and will cause the destruction of Rome without harming one Muslim.

its fake. its meant to make the pope look good to thsoe that oppose isis.

but the pope says you have to let more muslims in and italy said they are not allowed to turn somalis away

Sup Forums will side with ISIS now

kek, good luck ISIS.
May the stronger faith win.

If you fags truly believe in the free market, then you should also believe in the free market of the faiths, where any faith has a chance to succeed. You just need to find one with the right doctrines, and in the case of Islam, you have a quality blend. A blend such tat the religion can spread explosively. wow!

>ISIS will rid us of this kike traitor
wtf I like ISIS now

im gonna go with ISIS on this one

Of course.
ISIS has always been greatest ally of the Sup Forums

>Hate kikkes
>Hate the pope
Godspeed ISIS

Not Israel?

Toppest of KIKES

>catholic church threatened by ISIS
>huge shock

It's like you guys arent even trying anymore

GO ISIS GO!!! Kill that traitor faggot!!!

If isis manages to kill the pope and hold a isis flag next to his body then they'll fullfill actuall end times prophecy.

lots of muslims and jews pretending to be Christians on Sup Forums

I hope they will behead this fucker.

This, ISIS should be praising the pope.

This Popes gotta go.

Why would ISIS attack their own hospital?


I've seen them do this to animals, but to see this... it's fake, right?

Nah that's what happens when you're a Christian woman in Iraq.

Or London

godspeed brave hadjikikes

thats fake just so everyone knows

It's all fake right wing propaganda

no shit, blood wouldn't gush out like that, it looks like colored water

But the cuckpope wants to give ISIS handjobs and a free ride to Europe...

Why hate cuckpope?

Here we go. Bibi gon Bibi.

Fuck me. Sorry. Didn't mean to put photo aha


Nice source

Deus Vult, Pope?

>more quality posting from canada

They are killing her the way halal animals should be slaughtered.

He's been kissing the wrong coloured feet.

seems like they realize his message of gay hippie crap is undercutting their recruitment methods. you'd think you'd be happy he's singlehandedly defeating isis.

Good....let them fucking kill him. I fucking hate this pope.

>ISIS tries to assassinate Francis
>the Swiss Guard BFTO the jihadis

New crusade when? Catholic-Orthodox reunification when?

Wtf I love ISIS now.

t. Catholic


good, I hope they kill that traitor

I also consider this pope an enemy to Christians and Catholics. I don't want anything bad to happen to him, but he needs to step down.

>Francis as pope
>Any of that happening

Literally the Obama of Christendom

>The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has named Pope Francis as its...
He's a fucking commie, who give a fuck

>the catholic church is confirmed to be the anti-christ
>catholic church is destroying the west by promoting cuckdom and mass immigration etc.
>ISIS want to kill the head of the anti-christ

As an actual Christian, does this mean ISIS is the good guys now? What if all of these 'terror attacks' in the west recently ARE false flags? What if all the ISIS videos are fake and not really of ISIS, just western propaganda made in hollywood?

Catholics are a greater enemy to the west and God than ISIS are.


They want to kill jews, faggots, liberals, feminists, and heretical pope's, why is Sup Forums not pro ISIS/Islam?

ISIS needs to fucking attack Poland, Brazil or Argentina so the pope starts giving a fuck about them.

If you kill your enemies, then they win. So victory for Christianity may soon be at hand? DEUS VULT.

good the pope is a false pop if this was the lower middle ages wars would have broken out to kill this faggot

checkd, agreed

>killing pope francis
Allahspeed ISIS-chan! I love you ISIS-chan!

No one cares. Francis has the best army serving him.

The more this war goes on, the more I start wondering that same thing.

ISIS got this one right. This Pope is a walking shit sculpture.

>Get BTFO by Russia
>Pope Francis as its ultimate enemy

Perfect narrative here, Russia BTFO out of ISIS, they retaliate by attacking France and America.

So logical.

ISIS is like sjws, they'll feel out every target possible. The ones that fight back and wreck their shit they leave alone and instead go after those that are weak.

Why do Americans even bother hiding this shit anymore?

Ok, but why?

he weakens the church from the inside and goes out of his way to make infiltrating the europe easy

from the strategic standpoint it makes no sense to target him

No, this helps the pope and they want to help him.

Now he can use this as a excuse to say that ISIS =/= islam again

So can he turn the other ''cheek'' now?

What a Suprise. But than again, no one cares about this degenerate.

if this pope dies ratzinger will return, right?

>In his books "Engaging the Powers" and "The Powers That Be," Wink argues that Jesus rejected two common ways of responding to injustice: violent resistance and passive acceptance. Instead, Jesus advocated a "third way," an assertive but non-violent form of protest.

>The key to understanding Wink's argument is rigorous attention to the social customs of the Jewish homeland in the first century and what these sayings would have meant in that context.

>To illustrate with the saying about turning the other cheek: it specifies that the person has been struck on the right cheek. How can you be struck on the right cheek? As Wink emphasizes, you have to act this out in order to get the point: you can be struck on the right cheek only by an overhand blow with the left hand, or with a backhand blow from the right hand. (Try it).

>But in that world, people did not use the left hand to strike people. It was reserved for "unseemly" uses. Thus, being struck on the right cheek meant that one had been backhanded with the right hand. Given the social customs of the day, a backhand blow was the way a superior hit an inferior, whereas one fought social equals with fists".

White catholic here. Yet again, thank you isis.
I wonder how far isis will take this. If they end up killing the bankers and saving the world wouldn't it be ironic.

and this is when you realise merkel was playing 9D Monopoly all along

If ISIS allahus the pope we either get a full blown holy crusade or the vatican cucks out & apologizes for the pope struggling against his killers.


>i base my judgements on what is real blood or not on movies

the current pope is a nob. might as well kill him.

Maybe its a ruse?

They are.

He'd probably kiss their feet and invite them to Germany if they actually talked to him.