Ok guys, so me and a couple of friends decided the time to suck on the tits of the state is soon coming to an end and we feel tempted to start our own business, thing is, we live in troubled times and I believe we can profit off this.
The idea is to start a small neighbourhood watch, we are a group of 9-7 people, depending on how many will actually have the balls to pick a gun and patrol the streets. So I come here to ask for advice on what to expect, advice in tactics, logistics, guns, street knowledge, possible run ins with cops, anything you can provide really, i'll give out a few details.
> guns are outlawed in Brazil, but we intend on carrying anyways
> militias are also outlawed
> a few patrolling militias have been popping up made up by retired officers, they are seemingly ignored by the local police
> these local militas are very appreciated by the people, they will walk you to the bus station, scout you to near locations any night, very resourceful people
> we have access to a couple pistols and 2 cars, that's all we got for starters
> very few of us know self defense techniques
> I'm in just for the money and the death wish, it's literally what I always wanted to do with my life
> we are all grad students, most of us are going to be lawyiers
> we intend on killing just on last resort, and to prevent further shoot outs, we'll have an informal contract with the local people to stay indoors whenever violence occurs, a truck comes and we dispose of the body, I'll extract teeth and finger/toes after the accident happens, until then someone will take my place
> the watch starts at midnight and ends at 7 in the morning
I already did a bit of the math and the profit can be immense, it's absolutely worth it, it's a dirty vigilante style job but we don't care, we are all long date childhood friends and trust each other with our lives, so what would you suggest as being the first steps?
Help us bring death squads to reality
How to build a private militia
You'll get way better answers than the retards on here
Officer of a armoured cavalary platoon. Will answer your questions in a while
What if the cops come for your guns? You did say guns were outlawed in Brazil, so you and your buddies could get arrested for totting around firearms. Hopefully, it doesn't come to that but the risk is still there
>I come here to ask for advice on what to expect
Expect to be gunned down by police and end up on LiveLeak
caralho mano, qual o nível de autismo extremo que tu tem
God bless and good luck you Brazilbros
May freedom and big booty Latinas come to you all.
First step. Simbology. Make it clear who you are. And no edgy shit.
Second, use body cameras. Keep evidence while lawfuly doing business.
Third, inform local autorities.
However ignore those if the weapons are not registered. It is good to keep a clean outlook even if you are not.
You need to recruit and secure local support.
>guns are outlawed in Brazil
Didn't they have a vote about this then decided to take your guns anyway?
>friends in high places
Why would you want to build a private militia when you could just straight up build a private security company and handle it there? Bring up the local economy a tad and essentially replace local cops.
Oh who am I kidding. BRs can't organize on this level.
get someone from BOPE and get advice from him, not from anonymous nerds in the internet
thats my advie
Can I join? posso falar portugueis, english y español. Don´t mind killing or doing butcher stuff. Not christian. Also, I look like a damn viking.
> How should I deal with druggies/thugs? Intimidation or brute force? Should I buy equipment from other private security companies in a way to improve relations?
> if they get us it's end game, we lost, onto jail with us
Thanks bro, I envy your 2d amendment
It's not lawful at all, we have close to no police force, that's why we're doing this
We can after we have money from doing it behind the curtains
Funny you ask, I imagine how many people would like to join after we're organized and having a stable income, if anything goes right I'll post again
Overall our problems are related to equipment, training, and what to do if anything comes to violence, and how to control the people if they panic, and how to make a good start, give a good impression
First you join the FBI
MARC ANIMAL MACYOUNG is your friend, find and read any book by him.
Most fighting is the already-decided pay-off of proper preparation, and MacYoung will teach you how to prepare.
Do not form a formal group with uniforms and hierarchy. Do not allow government infiltration. Instead, become an informal community of high preparedness. Each individual has weapons, food, water, first aid, keeps himself trained and ready, and meets frequently with the group. But they are not a spooky Nazi militia with scary patches. They are a spontaneous gathering of friends mutually concerned about neighborhood safety.
This will turn into a shakedown racket so fast it'll make your head spin
Is there anything in the entire Spanish-and-Portuguese-speaking world that is not a shakedown?
Good for you OP, you crazy motherfucker. It's a retarded idea anywhere else but from what I gather your country is a lawless shithole so you go bring justice to it. God speed Amigo.
We were thinking about uniforms only after great profits and when our company can actually hire honest people, until then we have no choice but work as criminals ourselves, but the people would side with us nonetheless, I'll find this book you're talking about, i'm already reading urban guerrilla techniques, we have a long way before us, I'm really really worried about first aid and communications, we'll patrol streets that are close to one another in case we need reinforcement, the idea is to never act alone, but to hold the thug in his place until everyone else arrives, we also want to put stickers on the protected houses, yellow is for regular surveillance and red for physical removal of the individual
We are white, southern brazil sends it's regards
We haven't got much of a choice, it's easy money but we're willing to take up the risk
My point about corruption was, look, this is not a real objection because there can be no reasonable expectation of not doing that, not "those people are bad."
Get into first aid. The red cross makes textbooks for first aid certification. In fact if possible you want first aid certification to be a criterion for the group. Find and read the book "where there is no doctor."
MacYoung is gold because, while he is a street-taught master fighter, he spends an enormous amount of time on what leads up to the fight. He talks a lot about psychology and how to avoid the fight (or recognize that it is inevitable). Basically, bad people fight because they think that they have to, they decide that they are cornered.
This is sound advice, in fact, the less trouble we get into the better, we don't want any druglord to get pissed and start to fuck up the neighbourhood because he killed his dealer, there are so many things we will probably only discover once we set foot in the streets
>We can after we have money from doing it behind the curtains
Well better use that money to hire foreign consultants and officers to train your militia if you're gonna be serious about this. Be aware that this'll grab the attention of local and foreign intelligence services so be aware as to not hire people that come with strings attached.
Also be as by-the-book about this as possible. Militias are bound to have internal power struggles so make sure to hire locals who have chips invested in the game.
Also start reading.
There's a lot of ways this can go tits up real hard real fast but if you're committed, I guess I can't really stop you from my armchair.