>movies that SJW's will never understand
Movies that SJW's will never understand
I absolutly LOVED the book, but the movie really was missing something.
But they do, they made Dink into a nigger.
They should have killed the two kids Ender beats up, shit canned the love angle with Petra, and completely redone the ending. Other than that I really liked it and the novels.
I didn't get it. Was it actually a simulation or was it real? Was the ending supposed to be up for interpretation kind of like Inception?
Really? I got a big ashkenazi wiff from the film. Pedophilia. Indoctrination. Coercing children to do activities that the lazy adults could have done... etc.
The movie sucked and I would have knocked out the little jew's teeth if he bad mouthed me in the end.
I didn't get it. Was this post actually ironic or was it serious? Was the post supposed to be up for interpretation kind of like Sup Forums is/isn't satire?
I'm being serious. I hated the movie because the men used kids to fight their war. That was so disgusting.
The book, and by extension the film, was a Mormon work.