Movies that SJW's will never understand

>movies that SJW's will never understand

I absolutly LOVED the book, but the movie really was missing something.

But they do, they made Dink into a nigger.

They should have killed the two kids Ender beats up, shit canned the love angle with Petra, and completely redone the ending. Other than that I really liked it and the novels.


I didn't get it. Was it actually a simulation or was it real? Was the ending supposed to be up for interpretation kind of like Inception?

Really? I got a big ashkenazi wiff from the film. Pedophilia. Indoctrination. Coercing children to do activities that the lazy adults could have done... etc.

The movie sucked and I would have knocked out the little jew's teeth if he bad mouthed me in the end.

I didn't get it. Was this post actually ironic or was it serious? Was the post supposed to be up for interpretation kind of like Sup Forums is/isn't satire?

I'm being serious. I hated the movie because the men used kids to fight their war. That was so disgusting.

The book, and by extension the film, was a Mormon work.

The scene in the book where Ender's team has to fight two teams simulataneously was the biggest redpill for me because it showed how the conditions in life are never fair.

The kids did die.

Im trying to remember how they handle that.. dont they have bean not enter the room until the other team is about to win and then shoot one of them so its a draw?

That's kinda how you're supposed to feel

In the book, idk about the movie, Ender's final "training mission" is a projection of a real battle happening outside the Alien homeworld. It looks like a simulation but his commands are relayed to the actual ships. So he doesn't know hes getting real people killed but he is

>This is not a game

>"Ender's Game"

Fucking hacks

The tagline spoils the final twist. The absolute madmen


you're joking right? the kid was full on SJW and would've tried to talk the aliens down instead of destroying them, he even saved one egg so the aliens could survive and fuck mankind again in the future

Except the aliens were actually peaceful and stopped attacking humans the second they realized that they were sentient.

not a risk I'm willing to take, even less if you account for all the other species/civilizations that they could end up destroying before realizing that were sentient too

Nope, they won. They lost all but five of their members who were hidden at the bottom of the zone.

Absolutely anything

>the kid was full on SJW and would've tried to talk the aliens down instead of destroying them

>preventing genocide and interplanetary is SJW

shut up

Explain. I know the author is a mormon but what themes etc are you talking about


The pacing was too fast. I just don't think the book was good for making a movie into.

Hollywood just keeps getting weirder.

the movie as far as I remember don't keep it a secret from the audience that Ender's simulated battles are actually real.

Also, open to interpretation? Are you dense?

>Judging a movie solely on content and not on how effective the storytelling and characterization elements are (maybe along with other visual and audio elements)
That would be like if I hated a movie solely because it was too violent, or solely because I thought it had too much vulgar language/behavior in it. It's not about the content itself, but how the elements that are put into a movie are executed.

the only good bug is a dead bug

I love the opening scene. Good tension through unpredictability (at first until the metaphorical ticking time bomb under the floor boards is revealed, then it's a focused tension), power play, and subtext in dialogue. There's some repetition of that formula in a few other scenes in the movie too (restaurant and basement bar scenes).

watch this with 3 chick and they keep asking why didnt he stay quiet and do his time

clearly a pleb filter

They messed up the kid interactions

Wasn't there a multiculti element in the books regardless?

Women dont know about HONOUR.



There was a lot of internal dialogue in the book. They also needed more back story about his brother and sister relationship. Also Ford was a mistake.