Wait... what...?
Wait... what...?
Other urls found in this thread:
>media singlehandedly trying to force everyone's opinion into a single narrative of good vs evil
>t-the government's bad!
The absolute state of jewish people
Makes sense, Orwell was a leftist after all.
Is 1984 kino?
That's such a massive lack of self-awareness that I don't even know what to say to that.
Everyone thinks 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 are about people they disagree with.
No more kino than Drive
>Screen 1984 to protest Trump
>Able to do so in the first place
Kind of, its complicated
never watched the film adaptation, is it any good?
Not complicated at all. He was a democratic socialist and a public member of several leftist groups.
He was a leftist.
He just wasn't a totalitarian or hardcore communist.
Isn't 1984 based on a dystopian communist government where wrongthink is punished?
And written by a socialist.
some of those groups he ended up fighting against
if Orwell saw the state of modern society and what the left has warped itself into he would be a hardcore "gas niggers and kikes" fascist
It has nothing to do with communism. It's all about facism.
where were these protests when obama was in office pushing through 1984 legislation
Bear in mind, you're dealing with Am*risharts whose idea of leftism is
>If we broke up the big banks tomorrow, would that end racism? Would that end sexism? Would that end discrimination against the LGBT community?
KInd of yet. Interestingly Farenheit could arguably be either a socialist authoritarian or fascist authoritarian future destopian society. Either way the liberals will look at it as fascistareincharge.
*if he was a 20 something 4channer
Can redit please fuck off
nah at any point in his life
Decent thread until the anti-semite and racist posters decided to pollute it for some inexplicable reason. Can't they read the rules? Or is it that they think they're above the law?
I'd love to see 1984 in a theater someday soon.
>leftist totalitarian socialists use a book/movie warning against absolute leftist totalitarian socialism to protest a democratically elected constitutionally limited president of a liberal republic with the strongest protections of personal liberty and rule of law in the entire world
Well I hope they plan on increasing the chocolate ration.
8 (EIGHT) {4+4} YEARS
Where did the fucking time go?
Not so fast, Donald.
Fuck me...this is ironic as hell! Its so ironic, its condensing my blood!
>It's for the good
Emphasis on "wait."
>Decent thread until the anti-semite and racist posters
Wait? Are you talking about the progressives or white supremacists itt?
theyre so deep in the doublespeak theyve duped themselves
They'll all end up like Jim Carrey at the end.
Empty minded creatures skittering around and screeching at daylight.
I'm talking about the posters who explicitly used ethno-religious and racial slurs in this thread. Feel free to scan through the thread and identify their politics if you like.
Hmmmm, really conjures within the mind's eye a specific internet logogram denoting an action worthy of deep consideration
1,984 screenings of what?
>They've increased the Chocolate ration from .5 grams to .43 grams, everybody!
They couldn't afford it.
they really have their movie analogies fucked up
the last president was the one who got caught spying on everyone
hi there kike nigger. Go back to your subreddit.
shit, I bet you really scared him off! snowflake trigger participation trophy millennial etc etc
you haven't gone back.
This honestly was shaping up to be a decent thread until the anti-semite and racist posters arrived. Oh well.
fuck em.
why do you think you're welcome to post here? you stick out like a sore thumb
go back to tumblr or neogaf or whatever snowflake circlejerk you came from, disgusting left wing drone. she lost why havent you killed yourself yet faggot cuck
go back kike nigger faggot
It's 2017, if you aren't a racist and anti-semite you're living with your head in the sand.
Oh the fucking irony. Have lefties no sense of self awareness?
t. jew
you still haven't gone back. You aren't welcome here. You are the minority.
>Eight fucking months
>Has succeeded in pocketing a shit load of money for himself and the other jews he hired at best
leftists are not welcome on Sup Forums
thanks for the (you)s cock knockers
you do understand it its because of you that the thread derails right? you stupid reddit fucks need to learn how the internet works
Sigh. Another promising thread disrupted by foul-mouthed anti-semites and racists.
that seems a bit harsh, whatever happened to the open marketplace of ideas?
>I want only pretending to be retarded
according to who? I didnt know you owned Sup Forums.
nah I'm gonna stay ty
according to the uses of this website. Leftists can go to Sup Forums if you'd like. There is a nice nigger mod over there that will protect you.
Kek, 1984 can much more easily be applied to liberals.
Ignorance is Truth = Fake News
Love is Hate = Antifa
Big Brother = Your every word and deed being closely watched on social media or via people immediately getting their phones out to videotape you in case of any signs of wrongthink
No, it's clearly about a a future where the world is ruled by Stalinist governments.
>everyone who disagrees with me is either retarded or pretending to be retarded
so not only a safe space seeking pussy, but a narcissist as well
good job!
wow it's almost like both extremes are completely retarded
that being said if anyone thinks trump is far right they're just fucking idiots
how does it feel being the literal living nightmare of Orwell and Huxley combined?
fortunately modern leftists are universally intellectually subnormal so you aren't able to affect us in any big way.
you still haven't gone back leftist faggot
Well I say they are more than welcome. Keep this place from becoming a bigger echochamber of retardation than it has become.
Perhap if you at it retrospectively at Fahrenheit it is a communistical society very similar to what the progressives want. It would be a sjw wet dream.
Treating everyone equally no matter how oppressive it can become.
Please define fascism for us. I gotta hear this.
I know this is old, but you'd think it would have been more relevant to Obama than Trump. Since it was Obama that was arming groups across the world and spying on everyone. Pretty sad to see how passive liberals are when it comes to their own.
This board is a lot of things but t has never been an echo chamber
>Everyone who doesnt agree with me is a leftist.
I never said I was a leftist. But I'm not a stormfront faggot who fucks himself in the ass with swastikas while listening to hitler speeches at night either.
Us isnt you.
you still haven't stopped crying bitch
he fought against nazi's in spain
Orwell was a hardcore socialist but hated the totalitarian and fascist aspects of soviet marxist-leninism
That doesn't concern me, I consider myself a leftist but I'm not a braindead moron and I try to be coherent
not all leftists are yanks or come from unbelievably cucked countries
I'm I ask a simple question and I'm apparently a living nightmare of some sort? Does the concept of a measured response mean absolutely nothing to you?
is 1984 the only distopia americans know? why not have readings of brave new world, almost as popular and way more relevant.
It's quickly becoming one.
>what the left has warped itself into
The crawling abomination that spawned SJW culture shouldn't be called left.
It is an inherent deformity of the bored, spineless upper class.
as for "gas the niggers and kikes" meme, no, he wouldn't in a million years swallow superstition like that.
>Why can't typewriters still have a spot in stores next to the laptops?
Leftist policies were completely and utterly BTFO in the 20th century; the only reason they haven't gone the way of flat Earth theories is because (((they))) keep them alive to create conflict to keep us distracted.
You don't understand.
did these people even read the book?
>not being allowed to discriminate against minorities is LITERALLY ruining my life!!
you are a leftist if you unironically believe stormfront ever had any influence on Sup Forums in its entire history. thanks for outing yourself comrade
you are a braindead moron if you are a leftist.
why do you want to let communists who are against liberty and will force you to starve in gulags have a place to speak in the West? they must be forcibly removed Pinochet style
why bother fucking yourself smarmy with your semantics on definitions. modern leftists are sjws.
Orwell would likely violently react to what is happening with the subversive left in our time.
Can I get a link to a comprehensive "BTFO-ing" of
all leftist policies?
it's actually a satire on post-war england
the Ministry of Information was a real thing, user. unfortunately i think science fiction has a tendency to blind us to the real propaganda and control mechanisms we're immersed in by projecting a hyperbolic allegory into the future. as long as it's never the future yet, and as long as the evil of our governments never gets to impossibly cartoonish sci-fi levels and instead remains insidious and cryptic, people stay blind to it.
PS Trump is definitely acting as a heel to cast light and systematically deconstruct the presidency. He WANTS shit like this to happen. People watching 1984 while actively trying to make connections with IRL authoritarianism is kinda best-case for anyone who cares about government.
wow what a dumb centrist amirite
>you are a leftist if you unironically believe stormfront ever had any influence on Sup Forums in its entire history. thanks for outing yourself comrade
>modern leftists are sjws
nice generalisation there bucko
>did these people even read the book?
It was written by a fucking white male, what do you think?
I wonder (((who))) has been pushing this agenda with this specific image for more than 4 fucking years now.
>go to first post
oh, surprise surprise