Is this true?
Do you "act", Sup Forums?
Is this true?
Do you "act", Sup Forums?
>Malcolm X is the best example of a good Muslim they can think of
Top fucking kek.
By "good" they mean "from USA", right?
>malcolm x is a good guy
jeez was expecting ali or something
I guess Obama is an okay muslim
Wow, Sup Forums truly BTFO.
You view of reality does reflect in your actions and there are bad christians and virtuous pagans.
>Malcom X is their go-to example of a good muslim
>malcom x
>not a globalist shill
>he thinks Malcom X wouldn't have praised Osama as literally Jesus
>no violent jews
>peaceful Jews
u wot
Also who are the Catholics mentioned
Martin Luther King Jr. was a cheat and communist infiltrator. He's complete scum and a great representation of the civil rights movement because of it. SAD!
>Malcolm X
This really made me think.
>bill gates
from a point of view anakin
>live without religion
Wew lad
Fucking consequentialists, Kant kill them all.
>peaceful Jews
>its a bunch of terrorists
hahaha good one, kek'd
die in a grease fire op. There is no such thing as a good mudslime, by western standards. And I mean by western values, not western women.
Olga of Kiev did nothing wrong.
Hitler was Catholic.
The examples used are really bad, but I agree with the general sentiment
I don't hate someone because they're black or white, I hate them because they're a fucking douchebag
this image is really inconsistent
there's only one good guy on there
>your beliefs don't make you good, your actions do
since stating that somebody can believe something different from you but still do good in your eyes implies that you believe in subjective morality, how do you define good without going against somebody's beliefs?
No, Religion is always retarded.
You know who else were good people? The Pharisees:
9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’
13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
Loyal to her dead husband, her young son, and her people. The woman was a fucking saint.
>peaceful Jews
>violent protestants
>Malcolm X
lol. NOI nogs haven't even heard of the Quran. They just know Islam is practiced in Africa.
>Bill Gates is ethical
was this made to be ironic?
arent those like the same thing? Im not sure, seems like it tho.
Kek that nigger malcom x got humiliated by the nation islam and abandoned it.
>bill gates is ethical
>no mention of the third Abrahamic religion
I'm tired of this meme shit being said by every second normie or "I'm into politics" redditor.
Firstly, Hitler wasn't a fucking Christian. Even if he was, nothing he did was in the name of God or Christianity (whether or not hitler was good or bad is up to you).
This also assumes that Martin Luther King was a good person, which he possibly was, but what he did had devastating effects on Afro-Americans and turned them into ghetto niggers we see today.
And Malcolm X was a complete fucking retard and would probably not even be considered a Muslim by actual Muslims anyways.
And in regards to Gates & Stalin... Same shit there, that is also dumb as fuck, what is the person who made this trying to say, that morality isn't important and that it all boils down to genetics that determine a good or bad person?
Also neither Stalin & Gates do anything in the name of muh atheism.
>Hitler wasn't a fucking Christian
But Hitler was a socialist, feminist, manlet vegetarian art school drop out, so there's that.