What is the most effective way of combating homophobia in America? Some of our greatest leaders and inventors have been gay yet violence and bullying still plagues our youth!
sexuality is a human construct; men are naturally attracted to women and women attracted to men for many biological and scientific reasons, one of the primary reasons why humanity has survived and evolved this long is that sex is pleasurable and that heterosexual intercourse creates babies, but men and women can still choose to seek homosexual intercourse for pleasure; with how much people are having casual sex for pleasure (((or with how much it's pushed that you seek casual sex))), it's not unreasonable to think they'd seek the pleasure of casual sex but with the same sex.
quote from a translated book
>"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."
stubborn 'homosexuals' aren't wise; they're going to end up wanting children eventually but they can't have a child with their partner because that's biologically impossible, they'd have to adopt; then you're getting into people having children that they don't want to raise and putting them up for adoption in the first place which is irresponsible and also degenerate.
>homophobia in America
This hasn't exist for 30 years
You say the following; "Put shoes on other feet". Also "apples". That's it. And pic related
>Some of our greatest leaders and inventors have been gay
Alan Turing
Surrogate. Xq28 gene. Fucking cavemen I swear. All men are a bit gay. Hence sports. Everybody knows this. You all bitch ALL DAY about women and LOVE you a foreskin thread. Phobes love poo and gay porn.
Hence the furiousness of this board
Just be discreet. Nobody wants to see flaming faggots prancing around.
Nobody wants stanktits. But we cut off our cocks and kill eachother for them
prosecuted in 1952. you have anything more recent? I'm not seeing proof of bullying in America today. Quite the opposite, actually. Bullying the "bullies", so-to-speak
also that was in the UK.....
I'm a gay guy who dislikes most of the lgtbbtqq29 movement. So I can't imagine how hard it must be for heteros.
The homo friends I have I met through normal interactions (work, friend of a friend, etc.) and are normal people. The ones who define themselves by muh gayness are always the limp wristed attention whoring aids dumpsters
All leaders of north america suck dick. Putin's a pedo. Somebody post the 3 amigos pics. Fags. Closeted though
is this your dream?
the snake spoke to eve, and eve tempted adam.
I don't care if you love to slurp down gallons of cum,just keep it private and don't tell me that I should just accept you sucking dicks out in the open at the mall.
Uncle Tom liar. You might as well say rainbows aren't a sign of Covenant
>you have anything more recent?
Listen. Then do the actions I requested and nothing else
Fallen angels only go after women. Right wing bans their headscarves. Sodomy is not penisbum. Do you have a point or do you think I don't know already about your irrelevant points?
No you care. You can cut off your cock or fuck right off. Pick one
He's bullied more for being a colossal ass-hat than for being a homo.
No. A studied plant who gets popular by clamdiggers' favourite taboos, mistranslations, hypocrisies, sins, fall of men, and obsessions
I still think kids are bullied in school for being gay. I know I was and I don't think its just gotten magically better because gay marriage got approved.
Kill the gays, can't hate what isn't there.
Oh I didn't realize I was talking to an Autiistic cocksucker.Enjoy your AIDS faggot.
You're right. Dicks are always requested of us by them on their terms. They have tits plastered EVERYWHERE. But we can't do shit. Got it
There's speculation that Anderson Cooper was cut off from the Vanderbilt fortune for being gay.
That said, he's rolling in CIA money at this point so it doesn't matter much. He fucking lives in a landmark.
Don't miss what you never had. We came AFTER your apple munching, negroid. Kill us and confirm your anal prolapse for Lucifer
Enjoy your zika, super gonorrhea, 700 women fucking charlie sheen hiv man who doubtedly fucked maybe one tranny. And this guy for eating too much stab wounds filled with beer. Only blacks because so rapey and closeted have these problems
Making gays less degenerate, but I guess it will be hard to convince men to not have casual easy sex.
It's weird though, your type seem to make up the minority of gays. I've only met about eight gay guys, and only one was a chill guy, the rest were colossal attention seeking faggots. Maybe my sample size is too small, idk
Who the fuck is afraid of gays?
By actually doing something about it and not baiting Sup Forums
Offer them marriage and adoption + surrogacy. Make sure to portray gays in the media as married and with kids and it will help. Do not encourage bullying of those who are simply attracted to men, only those who force their identities on others, like trannies.
What is the most effective way of combating homosexuality in America?
Ignoring them
Watch Cinderella. The glass slipper is Christ. Don't mistake kindness for weakness. Meekness and humility go together with courage and bravery but is more rare than anything
Guess what, you also get bullied for being ugly, poor, autistic, or just plain weird and different.
Somehow I don't see ugly people creating interest groups fighting againt uglyphobia, and how people should be more tolerant of ugliness
Here's an advice, next time you want to complain about gays being discriminated, suck a dick instead
Get rid of gays
And you can have a fucken vagina. The fuck have vaginas ever done for anybody
Get rid of the logs in your eyes
The cartoon or live action Cinderella?
The problem is that society in general doesn't value discipline and self restrain anymore, Sup Forums is an exception and even then you see people talking about hookups here.
The one from 1950. I'm glad you asked. I really like analysing that movie. If i ever had to be tortured into arousing a woman it'd be her. Gimme a sec to write down my thoughts
Why are you making even less sense than the habitual canadian poster ?
Fuck bud it was like ten words. Average of three letters per word. I fucking hate this tactic. Way too overused. And fuck my analysis. Just fucking watch the movie. Im leaving the thread now
But I wish as a gay kid I had seen openly gay married couples and actual realistic portrayals of being gay. I could have used role models.
Why dont you fagtivists focus on some of the 76 countries where faggotry is illegal? Americans really don't give a fuck about your sexual orientation and wish you'd just shut up about it. I mean I fucking see the picture of you and your boyfriend on your desk and I can connect the fucking dots, you don't have have to come over and tell me that your gay 12 times per day jesus fuck.
> I still think kids are bullied in school for being gay.
But bullying gays is a good thing. We really shouldn't acommodate mental problems.
The most effective way of combating homophobia is not to have homosexuality in the country.
>What is the most effective way of combating homophobia in America?
killing all the gays
if they are not alive nobody can be homofobe
What does it accomplish?
As long as it doesn't involve me and somebody else's dick,I'm good with that.
Be gay and fuck off we don't want to hear about it, what's so fucking hard to understand?
Shut yer fucking trap and suck cock all you want in private and keep it private.
Just kill all fags
No fags = no hate towards them.
Problem solvd
>What is the most effective way of combating homophobia in America?
Exterminating all faggots would also eliminate homophobia
Yes me too but that's not what the MSM wants because it doesn't suit their agendas, no virtuous role or morals fit.
It makes them act as normal people when nearby others.
Its genetic. Women will still keep having gay kids if you kill us or not.
Wow! OP's post made me really think.
lets fight homophobia with music!
At least one person commented on the song.
This is now a gay friendly music thread.
> Its genetic.
Kill all fags and abort those on the womb. Just like we should do with mentally illness.
You're fucken abnormal and Putin is a pedo. What is the difference between species and kinds? It's a curse only when you rape. Women. Angels. Men. Goats. Or whores. That's when it becomes unnatural. Who socialises animals? The good is preferable to any intimate relationship and if you think being covered in pussyslime makes you not a cuck then think again
Mental illness comes from the black sun. From your MOTHER FUCKING APPLEYNESS
Fuck this queer thread.This thread is now about waffles.Post delicious waffles.
the post
but really though, attributing personal opinion to the whims of a collection of atoms is about the dumbest thing. religios are the fucking worst, not because they believe in magic, but because they think that christianity isnt a jewish scheme. nigger, there is no difference between islam or christianity they both come from sand niggers and the jews
Lol good one. All of your posts have been
Sup Forums is not the place to be asking this m8
It's one gigantic echo chamber
You are as incorrect as was he
I swear, liberals see modern America like this is still the 1800s or some shit.
Yeah. But white righties are enticing in many ways and they drop clues. All the world is a stage my friend
>because i say so
the post
Hire swedish teachers on all levels
Isn't that all what the right wants? Being impossible to please oldbag Pharisees?
wrong board fag go back to /lgbt /
Fags are ok until they push their agenda(like lgbt parades) on NORMAL people
Homosexuality still and always will be mental dysfunction with whitch people can normaly function just dont indoctrinate people without it and we will be fine
I'm not getting into that. Ive posted as much, 100 times. It's a long process. Who am I your secretary? Just be contrarian with ALL things, secular. I'm pro gay and pro Christian because that is rare. Overall? Be contrarian and The Nose loses
Wahhh parades.
Nobody makes you go to them.
I don't care if you wanna be a boring breeder I want to stop kids from being bullied from being gay.
statist pol's ideal women
They're all calling their fellow JIDF workmen to go to the rippers after this shift anyways
wow you really said nothing of substance thanks for the reply that was very informative
Your ramblings make no fucking sense. Kill yourself faggot.
Also rape is as natural as it gets, since that's the reason for why males are bigger and stronger than females.
Homosexual revisionist history, what a good little Jew you've proven yourself to be OP. Next you're going to tell me they aren't HIV vectors or pedophiles either.
"Homosexuality" did not exist in any real, meaningful way until the 20th century. Nice try though, but you'd have an easier time selling this BS on Reddit.
>fear of gays
We don't fear you, we just don't like you because of the lifestyle you live and the fact that you are trying to indoctrinate our young kids into accepting your faggot cock.
Why can't you leave me alone and study your own talking points? In one sentence? (Way more than you deserve; and I care not your rules). You say Christianity is a Jewish tool. When in reality Jew is a brand new word. It means a certain thing. Nobody realises this. Then they lie and do all sorts of abominations. And real Christians or people with brains and not shills, actually know that Christianity was there to see if they would accept Him. They didn't. Now comes Revelations. He was of the real ones. Was said to come. We fell because of trees. He came (Elohim) Immaculately to die on another tree to shed His blood for our sins. So you convolute about 10 different things to make lies and excuses. Christ was a Judean. The only real Jews there are. The Synagogue of Satan is not Judean or even of any tribes. They plopped their fat asses down and went against Deuteronomy. Christ CANCELS OUT all this. If you don't see this then fuck off and read books not JIDF manuals. I will take bait only on this topic. We're sick of your sicknesses
Homosexuals need to stop acting like faggy retards.
Pick one retard
Alexander the Great was bi. Please try and kill fags especially after you piss us off. We had good armies here because we're leftist. Grasping at straws. Put a man in a corner for basics like penisrules and watch him claw off your face
Kys. Fucking kys. All eunuchs leave we need more pedophile presidents. There's even a Thebes guy in here. Sodom didn't work with the lies in the dictionaries and mistranslations. Might as well talk Odin and other minutiƦ. Soooo many gays call themselves descendants of Thebes. Plato's lies? Ignore those. These threads always descend into pure pedestrian plebeian pedantic polemics
those are some great opinions and anecdote but until you actually back up your literal insanity with logic or evidence i dont care. you are wrong. jew isnt a "new" word, the concept has been around as a social identity for thousands of years or are you going to ignore and naysay historical account
otherwise literally nothing in your post makes any sense to anyone other than you since youre discussing concepts and ideas that arent actually accurate or factually based
>Wahhhhh hes being mean to me. All i wanna do is insert my dick in his anus.wahhhhh
The woman looks like a trap
Gays can either stay in the closet or get in the oven
Long live AIDS
I think you fear being gay yourself. I don't give two fucks if your kids are gay or not.
Jew was never written down until 1800s. Period. Fuck your concepts. You're nuts. Not me. As are all these little women
No you hide it and beg in shadows. Then rape even the flowers
u got Skype or something?
>Nobody makes you go to them
The last time there was fag pare in riga it was literally outside my window
my kids saw that shit and barf
>I don't care if you wanna be a boring breeder
Its not just because i want to have beutiful nuclear family its also because it is natural to reproduce with male and female we humans still are mammal animals just the most inteligent and sex is not a "social construct" it is gender rolls
> I want to stop kids from being bullied from being gay.
Sure go make some pathetic "safe spaces" it doesn't concern me that fags are not liked
>literally mentally retarded
okay sorry to bother you then
Abloo bloo