What happen in Vietnam?

What happen in Vietnam?

Why couldn't we win?

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>Why couldn't we win?

Anti-war sentiment at-home.

Military-wise, the US was winning. The Tet Offensive, for example, was a critical strike to the Communists -- they even admit as much.

>What happen in Vietnam?
War after gold deposits.

>Why couldn't we win?
Because you fucked up.

Because the entire might of the US Armed forces is no match for a few untrained rice farmers with Communist made rifles.

We did win.
Then the north invaded again and we decided against vietnam 2

Vietnam couldn't take the banter so they actually started trying.

We killed a million gooks.Sounds like winning to me.

Guerrilla warfare >>> Entire U.S.forces

And Hippies, a lot of them.

>Anti-war sentiment at-home.
thats why you will gonna keep losing wars.

based yuri fucked you so hard over you didn't notice, but you will once you see your transgender soldiers getting mowed down by real men.

M-16 is a piece of shit

We held a a armistice in 1973 but the Democratic Congress backstabbed south Vietnam by not honoring the us agreement during the Paris peace accords even after Gerald Ford pretty much begged Congress to honor the agreement

You weren't there, man.

They should have nuked those gooks

Germans killed millions of slavs, by that logic Adolf won WWII.

USA thought it was fighting the Cold War.
NVA and the South thought they were fighting a civil war and a war of independence.
Hence they fought to the last man.

Also Soviets invaded academia and young people to demoralize them to war and to disrupt American life


It's really hard to fight a conventional war against Guerrillas who don't really have any sort of obvious central structure. Especially with an Army designed to fight conventional wars.

We literally did win. USA and North Vietnam signed peace treaty ending the war and then USA was no longer involved in the conflict. What happened after is a separate event.


Saying USA lost Vietnam is like saying France lost World War I because they got occupied by Germany 20 years later.

every thread

You surrendered at commies letting Vietman went full red.

U r a cuck m8

Media and Liberal pressure. Literally the only reason.

Otherwise we could have just carpet-bombed the whole goddamn forrest and decimated that fucking jungle. Instead, Vietnam was the first heavily televised war and people saw for the first time what war was actually like and decided to turn against our own troops because war wasn't "nice" or "pleasant".

Anti-war sentiment was pushed heavily by the media and the war effort got fucked over.

Chaos cults did their work and there was no inquisition to stop them. That's why the US lost Vietnam and that's why the world is as it is now.

truth is US army is the biggest joke on the planet


>What happened after is a separate event.
Made me kek hard
Oh God, you're fucking delusional.


>Why couldn't we win?
We won dumbass. The shirt I'm wearing says "Made in Vietnam". I don't think communists would be selling shirts to US distributors. Sorry to burst your bubble.

USA did not surrender. Peace treaty guaranteed South Vietnam independence, in other words, North Vietnam surrendered. There was no US army in South Vietnam to surrender by that point.

>Conventional military trying to defeat a gorilla opponent.
Same thing that happened in Afghanistan. The war will never end. Same shit would happen in US if they tried to take our rifles.

Hippies played a part, but it all came down to Nixon imitating Kissinger's natural kikeish Trickery.

Dems should never be in charge during wartime. They're always either pussies or underhanded warmongering bastards.

People don't like murder. Shocker.

Mexibro, stop it's no use, these poor mart sharters have been brainwashed since childhood to think they won every war and were the good guys

i dont even know why we were there to begin with

We didn't capture and hold swaths of land. We gauged success on body count and amount of enemy killed rather than territory secured from communist infiltration

Withdraw and surrender is the same faggotry

>We won the ground war.
>We lost the geo-political war.

Proove me wrong.

Learn English and read history, Roblado.

The US weren't allowed to conquer north Vietnam to the Chinese border because the cucks in Washington thought China would launch a counter-invasion like they did in Korea, and they weren't willing to fight a big war, instead preferring to fight a war of attrition that let commies in your media, education and government propagandise against you.

And even after winning the war of attrition, the commies back home spat in the eye of everyone who fought and died there by refusing to back the south Vietnamese government against another communist invasion, despite saying they would.

So basically the US was cucked by its own communist government, it just didn't bother hiding it like it had in World War 2.

1963 called they want there memes back

God damn chinks breed like rabbits

We left after winning the war. There wasn't any more fighting to do; North Vietnam conceded American victory.

>that awkward moment when you have no counterargument to reply and you start to do damage control



We deserved to lose, desu

>Dems should never be in charge during wartime. They're always either pussies or underhanded warmongering bastards.
Hey shitbird....Ever hear what Harry Truman did to 2 Japanese cities? He was a dem. The only pres to ever order the use of the A-bomb. A democrat. Also, he wasn't a Republiturd queer like so many of them are.

All you have to do is look up the definition of both words to see they are very different, you dumb fucking spic

>Standard american ignorance.

The war officially on paper the North signed a peace treaty dividing the country similar to Korea.

What happened afterwards however was the Watergate scandal. Then a democrat was elected. And when the North re-started the war (because they aren't pussies like Best Korea) the New government didn't do shit and the south Vietnamese were left alone and got pummeled to the ground.

Military victory
Long term strategic loss
Reason: Liberals, hippies, anti-war sentiment, mainly caused by the war being televised and normies not being used to seeing death.

I'm worried
Is this level of delusion normal in all Americans.

Even wikipedia say it, YOU LOST.

Retarded commie spy, go fuck yourself.

You should know, Santa Ana

Most of the country was anti Vietnam so we just said fuck it and left.

Dolchstoßlegende. An unpopular war fought for an ideal and against an ideology rather than a concrete reason that people can wrap their head around that never lost a major battle but lost the political and cultural war. To make matters worse, government reports were stating one thing and the media was stating another. As you look back on it while sources grow, the government was more correct about what was happening in Vietnam than the media, but Americans didn't care. They trusted Cronkite over McNamara and that was all that mattered.

Because it was a war than never could truly be won...much like the middle east.
You're fighting against a non-uniformed enemy who has something to lose while propping up an incompetent, corrupt government.

While the US is objectively kicking its ass, people get tired of having loved ones die in a senseless war on the other side of the world.

Actually wikipedia says we won.


>I'm a commie spy for saying the communist state failed


>we got better k:d ratio so we've won amirite guys? america fuck yeah xdddd

Viet Kong had determination. They were much weaker but they kept rising after being struck down until they prevailed. A true heroic victory if u ask me.

Hol up, Seamus. The Chinese and the Vietnamese hate each other pretty bad. They shot a lot of ammo at each other after the US pulled out.

>Long term strategic loss
Translation: U.S. lost

It's so hard to understand?
NO matter how much terrain you won, if at the end the objective isn't achieved and you withdraw, it's just a defeat.

We sold the land to you

>The Tet Offensive, for example, was a critical strike to the Communists -- they even admit as much.
Strategically wise maybe. But from a political point of view, the Tet offensive was a success.

"War is the continuation of politics by other means." ~Clausewitz

We could never have won Vietnam because the South Vietnamese government was corrupt as fuck and never had the support of its people. Even when tried to shake up the government with a coup, the new leadership turned out to be even more corrupt than the previous one.

No matter how many battles we won or how many NVA/VC we killed or how long we stayed, the moment the last US soldier left Vietnamese soil, South Vietnam was doomed.

The rear tragedy of it though was that all of the generals knew this, but none of them was brave enough to tell LBJ or McNamara the truth.

>>that awkward moment when you have no counterargument to reply and you start to do damage control
I'm sorry my comment caused you to think up some "damage control" on your part

Actually, after 1968 there was no Viet Cong. It was just an arm of the NVA because the VC lost their ass during Tet. To say the Viet Cong won anything is extremely disingenous.

>Actually wikipedia says we won.

>Result: North Vietnamese victory

Mate, you're scaring me.
This level of self-delusion isn't possible.

Please tell me you're joking.

Chesseburger-eating capitalists got btfo by based Ho Chi Minh

>Why couldn't we win?
because it wasn't a war it was a "conflict". if congress would have made a formal declaration of war we would have fucking annihilated that entire country.

>that awkward moment a spic with shit ball education tries to educate americans on something they know a lot about

Go outside and get shot by the cartel, beaner

>Fought an unconventional war conventionally

>US Army was organized and trained to fight big armored wars in Europe. They didnt teach asymmetric jungle warfare at West Point.

>Left winging faggots at home

>Young men no longer wanting to do national service(fair call)

>Media being allowed to film and broadcast from the front lines willy nilly. Military had no PR trained officers to deal with it. As as a result they would interview grunts on the ground and get real legit opinions.

How does it feel to be objectively wrong?

No condition for victory.

Why did we lose in Afghanistan?

You're one to talk holy shit

So you're saying if there had been CNN and the BBC television in 1933, Hitler would have never started WW2.

>Young men no longer wanting to do national service
This part isn't actually true. Out of 2.7 million total troops in Vietnam, roughly 675,000 were drafted. The rest volunteered. The idea that Vietnam was a draftees war is a myth.

>Americans are so delusional they think they won th Vietnam war

You did win, you killed 20 times the amount of people.

Inb4 "Muh gorrilla warefare hur durr proves the 2nd amendment right! 10 farmers stopped the whole U.S military with no casualities durrr"

Cus uk is shit at fighting

Here's a few reasons.
>Still using WW2 and Korean War tactics of technology = assured victory. (Technology doesn't mean shit in a guerrilla war)
>Forcing the relocation of Villages as to disrupt Viet Cong resources. This failed utterly and made villagers pro-VC.
>Using artillery strikes to clear landing zones for helicopters, giving up the LZ's location and ruining the element of surprise.
>Not finding an efficient way to clear the tunnels en masse.
>Taking out Ngo Dinh Diem, anyway he deserved it for being such a massive Crusader LARPing gook faggot.
>Pulling out and allowing South Vietnam to get overrun just because some hippy faggot weed smokers said war is bad and stuff.

Sure, Manuel, we will take a communist internet encyclopaedia's word for it.

>French are so delusional they think they won WWI

But the US won via peace treaty.

The lost the "second" war and therefore in the long run by not participating.

What you implied is that the USSR "Lost" WW2 in the end because of 1991

our plan wasn't 'kill em all' so the armed forces were forced to hold back + public opinion on the war was really limiting what they could do as well
firebombing cambodia did wonders to help stop supply routes from north vietnam but was so bad in the eyes of the public that the US had to pull out

The Paris Peace accords totally stopped the commies, right :') ?

>vietnam helicopter scene
>you know what starts playing

No seriously, are you joking?

Nothing of that says you won. Please tell me the part when it says "U.S. VICTORY".

underrated post

>This is what they all want in the end

Time to fix a broken bright haired cutie

we won in vietnam and lost to the real communists here at home. the soviet union didn't collapse, it's handlers just packed up and moved here.

They literally did, it says it right there in the image.

>a site run by communist jews
>a good source for information about conflicts involving communists

Woah... so this is the power of mexican intellectualism

Bullshit, Yatzery......Santa Ana was dressed like a woman fleeing his humiliating defeat at San Jacinto when the dumbass Mexican prisoners nearby saw him and started shouting "El Presidente!...El Presidente!!" And the Texans immediately spotted him despite the fact he had a mustache like all Mexican women. Captured he puked up the agreement to surrender with Sam Houston and ws declared a "State Dumbass" by the Texicans

>our plan wasn't 'kill em all'
Yes it was. What the fuck are you talking about?
Our goal was to kill so many North Vietnamese that they would run out of troops and surrender.

But that happened after we were gone. In the Paris Peace Accords we negotiated a ceasefire. We left, and the North broke the ceasefire. How is that our fault?

Stopped them for two years when political situations arose in which the NVA could mount a full-scale offensive against South Vietnam without reprisal. A far better out come than Dien Bien "We lost 10% of troops in Vietnam in a single battle and got our ass handed to us over all because we're surrender monkey frogs" Phu.


>Why couldn't we win?
United Nations

Conscript army. Recon by force aka spray and pray. Idiot troops.

Idiots at home.

Enemy better motivated.

Ak47 better than m16.

>Conscript army
No. See That shit is a myth.

>But that happened after we were gone
Commies took control of Vietnam, which was exactly what you was supposed to prevent.

This war (the American war) is treated the same as the Indochina war in Vietnam.

We think the French fuckep us up just much as Americans/

My grandpa was in vietnam with the legion, he always said that it was like really hell, not the war but the country itself.
You get bitten all the time by insects and get sick verry easy there, try to motivate a soldier to fight for this land, especially with gooders in your neck.

We DID prevent that, retard. That was the entire point of the Paris Peace Accords

What happened after our involvement ended has literally nothing to do with us

Vietnam wasn't fought to win. Self-imposed limitations prevented it.

what's the clear cut difference between a north vietnamese and a south vietnamese