before Sup Forums: a badass lone wolf with a cool jacket
after Sup Forums: an autistic guy who gets cucked by a kebab-burner
what are some other things Sup Forums ruined?
before Sup Forums: a badass lone wolf with a cool jacket
after Sup Forums: an autistic guy who gets cucked by a kebab-burner
what are some other things Sup Forums ruined?
Your mother's cunt
Your mother's toilet
I found out on Sup Forums that a woman who has had previous partners will store those men's DNA inside their vagina so that when you have a woman with that child, part of the DNA is not yours
so yes, partner count DOES matter
>The german talking about who is cucked by kebab
fpbp noice mate
kek, what horseshit
>To test the age old theory of telegony, the researchers manipulated male flies
>no the researchers are not yet sure whether this phenomenon exists in any other species
gr8 science m8
if it where at least any sort of mammal.
I don't enjoy KMFDM as much any more.
I feel a little sad when I'm on Sup Forums sometimes, but I think it has hardened me a little too.
The west is probably going to shit, but i) there is nothing I can do about it and ii) I will be prepared for it when it happens.
It has helped me accept myself and my culture more. It's OK to be patriotic. I am confident in my values and that's all I really need.
This is now a /positivepol/ thread
this is the stupidest thing I've read all week
You're right about that second part though
I read it. So where does it say DNA from former sexual partners influences the child in any way
Literally who?
I imagine it would be fairly easy to do with mice
Sup Forums ruined transhumanism and animals rights.
Might want to read it again. I thought Germans were supposed to be smart.
Living in Maryland
Ryan Gosling in "Drive".
Great answer, pal.
I already gave you the link. Now you want me to baby you and hold your hand through it. Read it again if you didn't understand it.
a qt trap who got laid all the time. everyone loved me but my family who thought i was a degenerate
a dyel loser with no experience in being a real man. can't talk to girls. always trying too hard to earn the respect of my peers but I just come off as an asshole. family still thinks i'm a degenerate so i feel extremely alone
i deserve it i guess
it only mentioned sexual intercourse once and didn't specify. And yeah I have trouble understanding it because its scientific english language. But I dont see any proof for the point
There is also diminishing returns for oxytocin for each new sexual partner a woman has. This is why women who have had like 20+ partners become like disconnected robots. This makes forming a bond with them more difficult. Bad for long term relationships.
My little pony
>a show about sexy candy colored horses that do random friendship shit.
>Feminist propaganda about how womyn are born to lead and males (most villains are male) are evil, but it still has sexy horses so whatever.
Sidenote: there are also some subtle things like griffons being the Jew species and yaks being muslims.
>6 posts by this ID
I saw this movie in theaters and I couldn't stop laughing.
yes that's what I said you're right about the 2nd part. the lingering DNA thing is retarded outside flies though
Before Sup Forums
>globalism is the only way to achieve type one! We're just a few years before JJ's start trek is real!
After Sup Forums
Before Sup Forums: Inspiring movie of a black man overcoming racism and disability to accomplish his goals
After Sup Forums: Hollywood kike propaganda about how awful whitey was
hit the gym pussy
Or do you wish to remain martyfied?
>tanned german intellectual
this is a garbage synopsis. there are more female antagonists than male ones.
You're not seeing it clearly. It's not what the show is about, but the grown men who watch it. Doesn't matter why: it only matters that they watch it AT ALL.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. First step to being a man.
Being a man is about leaving your comfort zone to build a life for yourself. Took me a long time to realize this and even longer to apply it to my life but once you do you'll be fulfilled and happy. What goals do you have in life bro?
he didn't get cucked. he stepped in and saved a decadent white woman and her spawn from the consequences of an incompetent brown man left with the duty of being a father. he killed two jews who murdered his mentor and then immediately fucked off out of town.
I posted a government domain study in here that has nothing to do with flies. Read it retard
I want to be an entrepreneur and raise good kids with a loving wife. i also want to own acreage
any non-cuck would have GTFO at the sight of the shitskin baby, or any baby for that matter. But he involved himself further even after the father returned from prison. Plus his mentor only died because he stepped in IIRC
Before Sup Forums: watch show, enjoy posting about it on Sup Forums with fellow viewers
After Sup Forums: Desperately want to live in Steven's world as there are canonically no muslims or jews there
You go on /biz/? Most anons there are morons but sometimes some good threads pop up about small business and finance.
Sounds like a solid plan to me, what are you doing to make it happen?
Ryan Gosling has to be at least half German so it fits
I've never been but I'll probably check it out in the future. right now i'm working on an industry project in college for experience. it's just a web database but we're learning project management strategies and proper industry tools. I was pretty excited to work on it because my team has no more experience than I do, and I thought I could assert myself as leader by taking on the client communication tasks and getting everyone to focus on parts of the project. but instead I think people just find me annoying and one of the college staff running the course said I was acting abrasively. really hit me in the ego so i've been feeling down
whole film is an allegory of the white man fixing the fallout of a woman and a minority left in charge of their own destiny, left to be exploited by the influence of a foreign menace. the driver had no interest in committing and raising the child.
I can't fucking enjoy any form of media other than music because there are jew names plastered everywhere and I see all this kike propaganda I wouldn't have even noticed before
Is it weird that I've been here for years and never hated Jews? Never even disliked them.
That was, until I watched Louie Theroux's documentary on the ultra-zionists. Shit made me so fucking angry and I don't even care for the Palestinians.
>I was acting abrasively. really hit me in the ego so i've been feeling down
Don't let it get you down, listen to it and take it as advice and adjust yourself accordingly. Man up, you'll learn to appreciate honesty like that one day because it's the only way you'd know you were fucking up. If they didn't say anything, like 99% of people, you'd continue it.
Let the Ego go to, that's shit is nothing but a hurdle. Ego's are like k-mart versions of confidence, they will only get you so far. Just got to trust yourself and rely on yourself. Being a male is a gift, you just gotta learn to tap into it and use it. Start working out, it helps with the confidence.
Music is mind control; hippie music, pop music and rock n' roll was created as a psy-op by the CIA(founded by purged Russian trot jews after WW2) back in the day.
Remember, everything is vibrations.
Dude... That study was in flies and it has yet to be proven the same in humans.
Idiots like you make me ashamed to come here. I can tell you did no research on your own and are just parroting other's posts or infographics.
Thank you burgerfriend. I appreciate your input
are you projecting kraut?
I want /mlp/ to leave
Itself, after it became more popular.
before /pol I heard that MLP was actually pretty cool. after a night of jacking off my testosterone must have been at an all time low, so I turned on the first episode of MLP friendship is magic and watched the entire first episode, then I walked to the bathroom and took a shower, looked at myself long and hard in the mirror and just started laughing and laughing for like 10 minutes. Never watched the show again, can't believe I even made it through the episode, there is seriously something funny in the water
post pics fgt
>He actually believes that he's just some cuck
>He couldn't follow the allegory for modern day Germany in the sub text
Debate me faggot
This. Not only that, but the only this, but jews pull the strings behind every bad decision in the movie, it even critiques the Hollywood atmosphere as being degenerate and naturally corrupting.
Read the thread you fucking newfag
holy shit now I have an excuse to rewatch this movie with this in mind, I kind of doubt this was intentional but I will have to watch for more clues