How do we solve the heroine and fentanyl epidemic?
How do we solve the heroine and fentanyl epidemic?
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by starting meth
It solves itself
I knew prince was going to ruin this drug. Fucking normies
legalize it
let the kuffar feel why drugs are haram tbqh
Bomb Afghanistan
Junkies are human garbage.
I hope krokodil comes to America so that tons of IV drug users rot to death. Problem wouldn't be solved, but it would be a step in the right direction
krokodil itself isn't the issue, its people making it with acid and not removing the acid in the last step. Also, krokodil requires codeine as an ingredient, and its not over the counter in the us. If you are going to spout ignorant trash, at least read up on it first.
with education and massive, massive amounts of sodium ascorbate:
Please let all those you know who have opiate addictions know about this. They will be immensely grateful.
Legalise it.
build le wall
CIS male pig!
the VAST majority of addicts here in the States became addicts with the blessing and direction of their high priests of Caduceus, medical "doctors".
>How do we solve the heroine and fentanyl epidemic?
Execute drug dealers.
We wait until all the degenerates overdose.
Death penalty for any offenses.
Right wing death squads
Legalizing weed, making life better for those who think hardcore drugs is the only escape, getting wynne out.
Any of these things will do really
heroine only still exists because of 9/11. and yes, i mean that.
pic related: taliban got very close to completely getting rid of opiates due to them being against islam, and as soon as U.S. troops got into afghanistan, the production started skyrocketing again.
this has of course nothing to do with wall street laundering drug money. at all.
All the "red pills" on this board who don't understand why the full legalization of all drugs is important .
Nah let's just perpetuate a failed war on drugs that has cost so many lives
You probably drink alcohol too
thanks for contributing something useful
Sup Forums hasn't been libertarian since Ron Paul got rekt
Even better graph. Hey, but at least the good guys from America saved the brave mujahedeen.
wow that pistol is gay as fuck