Why can Japan make a great Godzilla movie and Hollywood can't?
Why can Japan make a great Godzilla movie and Hollywood can't?
Do Japanese people actually talk like they are anime characters with motivational speeches
Because Hollywood knows that the name Godzilla will draw crowds of people. So they'll pick a generic plot out of a hat and put Godzilla in it and call it a day.
Japan has only made 10~ legitimately good-amazing Godzilla films, don't get carried away. Also,
Because the Japanese got nuked, twice. Drawing on cultural experience.
ShinG was an exception, almost all Japanese Godzilla movies are campy shlock
this, the vast majority of the films after the early 70s suck
Shin Godzilla was good because it was heavily based on the Fukushima disaster and it also drew upon the firebombing of Tokyo for some parts
American directors don't know how to be influenced by stuff like that
rank em
>American directors
Gareth Edwards is British and Roland Emmerich is German though