The EU killed her for nothing

The EU killed her for nothing

Oxfam have little posters about this cunt saying she did great things for charity

She did fuck all

She did get rekt, family. That's something.

the English race should be destroyed

Her death keeps the other stooges in line. They know they aren't safe and could be sacrificed at any time.

She was killed by a madman. EU, Cameron and the medias tried to make a political murder.

Disgusting even from an Anglo.

death to the traitors

literally who?

I hope you defaced that shit

what the hell is that thing on the bottom right ? looks like a hobbit fucked an orc, and that's what popped out

That includes you and Aussie land and like 1/5 of the whites in America too mate

>without a single bullet

Libshitter gets shot in her stupid fucking head and Brexit still goes through. Glorious.

bitch is in hell

>english race
>posts a chink/ayy lmao


That one is the most English looking, I see many girls like that

Even though their stores are manned by literal autists and cripples it wasn't possible to do such a thing without consequence

Let them have their stupid tiny posters of this irrelevant dead cancer

i don't believe it, where are all the emma watson looking whores ?

They exist, they're just massively outnumbered by monsters



And this is funny af, m8.


Those are all alien infiltrators, my tea-drinking friend.


They killed her because she had been protecting the muslim child-rape gangs in her constituency. Avoiding the scandal while blackmailing voters.

Even better: Her constituent voted to Leave


Is this why the U.K. gets voted ugliest people in the world every year?

Is that why they crave the black and Arab cock so much in hopes of breeding out the ugly in them.