rlly mkes u tink...
Rlly mkes u tink
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I'm all for freedom of expression but I really do think that all political cartoonists and the people who take them seriously should be rounded up and shot. Really just the lowest form of political discourse.
>black people are too stupid to know whats best for them
Really? Last I checked they really liked killing one another.
Trying to get blacks to vote republican is a very realistic goal, but it is a far cry from our actual interests as a community.
Forget about blacks. Focus on ourselves.
It's a shame because they used to be pretty good.
woah is this what it feels like to think?
That's not even funny.
wew tht rly moistened my synapses
Is this a really old form of BUILD WALL?
Underrated. If an Aussie posted it he would have 10 replies.
Really makes you think.
Why is Sup Forums prodemocrat now?
NZ slingin' the bantz
Only temporary. We've been invaded by SJW. Not for the first time either. Just keep handing out the red pills and try not to laugh too hard as these poor fools slowly realize the truth.
based Australia
That one's actually true.
Black guys voting for Hillary are the real cucks.
Nice one Best Austria.
Lol this is the same pic that was tweeted by that muslim cunt who was in the olympics recently. Really gets those brain cells workin'.
>democrats are the REAL racists!
I just want cucks and civic nationalists to take the redpill
That's a good bit of polemic, but it's not even close to true.
The majority of whites in America today descend from immigrants who came after the Civil War, when slavery had already been abolished.
Right, you deserve this, Aussie. Keeping the bantz to a quality we can respect.
The message has to change before any significant amount of black people would accept it.
Right now it just boils down to
>HEY MA, these people be sayin if we hand over all the thousands in housing/food/medical subsidies that they'll give us some good paying low skill jobs, they ""promise"" those will come later, maybe
Now you are just making too much sense.
>Democrats are the REAL racists
who drew that shit ? drumpf ? lmao
where's the black guy that put him in chains in the first place?
The problem with this one is the huge majority of white people have no connection to slavery anywhere in their ancestry.
The bulk of white America were skilled tradesmen, miners and family farmers (who couldn't afford slaves).
This is also a big part of why the south lost the civil war.
OP's post, though, really makes you think.
Here's another one that really makes me think.
race war now
This actually makes me want to become a Democrat though.
If Republicans think helping people of color who are in need is pandering to get votes, why don't they fucking do it?
Seriously, they need those votes badly. And it would be a far cry from the most craven pandering they've engaged in -- look at how they fellate Jesus, for fuck's sake.
Conservatives are just butthurt that literally no part of their policy agenda helps poor people, who are disproportionately black. So in this ONE context, helping people becomes racist.
That's the charitable interpretation. The less charitable alternative is that Republicans just can't conceive of a non-political reason to do anything, especially something that benefits poor/black people.
>people of color
Kill yourself redditor.
>If Republicans think helping people of color who are in need is pandering to get votes, why don't they fucking do it?
Republicans don't think of minorities as votes. They think of Americans and pander to the whole, instead of saying different meaningless things to multiple minorities like the Democrats.
>Conservatives are just butthurt that literally no part of their policy agenda helps poor people, who are disproportionately black. So in this ONE context, helping people becomes racist.
You are an idiot if you think any liberal ideologies that are being pushed have actually helped any minority. Consider that and then look at Trumps tax plan.
I can tell from all of this you have no self thought of politics other than what you have read from facebook or headline corrupt news. Take a night off from smoking weed with all your burnt out friends who all live with their parents talking about how great your going to make your future.
This argument is so stupid it could only come from a nigger.
In order for Republicans to capture the nigger vote under the current nigger mentality, they'd have to essentially become Democrats. What would be the point of that?
Stupid coon.
American cartoonists were never good. Their "cartoons" are WORDS WORDS WORDS. They know no such thing as subtlety and need to fucking spell everything out for their borderline retarded audience.
Pic related must be the worst example
>The steel rails are literally labeled steel rails, because God forbid people think they're just steel beams because that'd TOTALLY change the meaning of the cartoon
>It's the personification of America using the Phillipines as a literal stepping stone? Too subtle for you? How about we literally spell that out?
This is why Americans can't do comedy: they don't understand subtletly, refinement or timing.
Compare this French cartoon. Could you imagine what it'd look like if it was an American cartoon?
>The pie doesn't only have "China" written on it, but is literally shaped like China
>Every single slice has the name of a Chinese trade port on it: Hong Kong, Macau, Port Arthur etc.
>Every country present has a really noticable nametag
>There are speech bubbles saying such things as "China's trade will be mine!", "Don't touch Hong Kong!", "ROUNDEYES OUT REEEE" etc.
>There's a subtitle that reads, in bold letters "THE POWERS OF EUROPE DIVIDE CHINA"
The difference between a French cartoon and an American cartoon is like the difference between a psychological thriller and an obnoxious live action children's film.
>Republicans don't think of minorities as votes.
Thanks for the best fucking laugh I've had all night.
Fuck off, asshole.
We need the niggers to understand it, too, don't we?
fucking straya bantz
There's that appeal to the lowest common denominator again.
Black leftist here.
Ask me anything.
How many crackas did you pop on the hood?
clearly new Zealand
I ate a whole half-tin of Pringles last week.
Why did mods remove my comment that prisons rehabilitate black prisoners to believe they are placed behind bars because of Republicans and their racism and Democrats are their saviors?
Why did mods remove my comment stating that the only reason why Democrats are releasing criminals and throwing away voter id laws is so they can keep their slaves in check?
Republicans literally have to go back in time 156 years just to make a retarded analogy tying the Democratic party to racism ....meanwhile anyone could find countless examples of Trump supporters being racist in realtime
8:30 at night and that's the first smile I've cracked all day. Nice.
>Poo Peeland
Literally a non country
holy shit australia noice
The funny part is that black southerners are really socially conservative, religious, and keyed in to neoliberal economics. Republicans could shave a chunk off the black vote any time they wanted, but they don't respect them enough to even try.
This desu.
Ben garrison ones are particularly bad for this
>156 years just to make a retarded analogy tying the Democratic party to racism
To be fair, they really were the Party of the KKK for a long time. Even David Duke ran for them up to the 80s.
Also Trump isn't even a Republican. He's an independent who dislikes most of the GOP establishment and refused to endorse Paul Ryan and John McCain for the longest, and could've just as well run for the Democrats if he wanted to.
Yeah, this was true in the fucking 1870s, when white former-slave-owning families still enjoyed the wealth of empires they had built with slavery
These days blacks and whites have had equal treatment under the law since the fucking 60s. So how the flying fuck has a working class white person of today benefitted from slavery, huh? What "privilege" do they have?
>Defeated in all races
>Last race has him losing to a black guy
Granted, the Democrats aren't really great in regards to (any) race, but conservatives are too caught up in identity politics to suss out why.
White liberal here!
keep up the good fight my nigga! Don't forget white people hate you and you should rape their women as retribution for slavery. Thanks!
straya bringing the banter
>Everyone mistaking New Zealand for Australia
NZ's flag has keckin' red stars, while AUS has white stars.
>Granted, the Democrats aren't really great in regards to (any) race, but conservatives are too caught up in identity politics to suss out why.
The last 8 years of Obama leadership are why all this bullshit around identity politics started up.
It's the liberals who pushed it so hard, and only galvanized the conservatives in response. They absolutely love stirring them up or votes. See the "War on Women" narrative, "everything is racist", etc.
Are you really implying European media has less sexuality than America? Damn Jan you need to lay off the reefer and get back to carving wooden shoes
Literally a criminal's cum.
>The last 8 years of Obama leadership are why all this bullshit around identity politics started up.
Honestly, this shit started decades ago. The Civil Rights Act probably made it a big league deal. Obama didn't really do anything, outside of inspire racists to be more racist (birther movement, Obama's religion, etc.), and get the people who thought electing a black president meant "post racial society" to feel double triggered whenever blatant racism popped up.
>It's the liberals who pushed it so hard, and only galvanized the conservatives in response.
Losing the presidency and driving the whole nation to the right for decades wasn't part of LBJ's master plan. Dems may play up Idpol now, but Republicans just go along with them. Even Trump does. Elites lack the political imagination to attempt anything else.
>Obama didn't really do anything
Not just him, but the liberals who felt they could do whatever they want after he was elected, especially a second time. They got too cocky after it. Coupled with the new outreach and popularity of the internet and it's what led to the tensions that made it possible for someone like Trump to get more votes than any other Republican in history in the primaries.
>Losing the presidency and driving the whole nation to the right
I never got this meme. Do you mean just economically?
Socially, both parties have shifted left massively. Just 4 years ago, Hillary was still against gay marriage. Now Republicans are about to embrace it. 20 years ago, Bill Clinton made various speeches against illegal immigration that sound a lot like what Trump is talking about. Now the Democrats are calling Trump literally Hitler for wanting essentially very similar things.
>Not just him, but the liberals who felt they could do whatever they want after he was elected, especially a second time. They got too cocky after it.
How so?
>I never got this meme. Do you mean just economically?
Economics is the biggest factor, and the social gains are really really recent. Gay rights, for example, weren't fully embraced by Obama until he ran for president, and Hillary until she started her 2016 campaign.
>Now the Democrats are calling Trump literally Hitler for wanting essentially very similar things.
I super agree with this, which is why I hate this election so god damn much. Democratic Party Liberals and Establishment Republicans hate Trump because he does all the same shit they do, without the veneer of respectability or politeness.
Has anyone noticed how often libs use the same euphemisms and metaphors over and over again like it's some kind of secret language? and then they ridicule people for not being able to translate, like what they did to Trump about the "Nuclear Triad"