

hahahahahaaha epic!!!!!!!! lmao niggernogger b.t.f.o....!!! hahahahah its lol the JWEWZ thast make agoolgdle 14/8888 q1!!!! we must tehr MASER RASE

buping epic therad because my fewlow /POLLACLS/ need's A good old " RED PIOLL!!!!" WWAke up amereca

helo,...? is it even ane1 wastn to make ammerica MARGA agianm? or is it just u ars all a reddit nwew males Cuckolded? hahahahahahahah i fuke uore wife. faget!

weel ist lokking like everone on Sup Forums poll is in suport of "shoria" law. "Sad!" i hope rhe TALABAN cute your ball's off in when in a WORLD WARD 3 because the globalits jew1

Can you please keep your autism to your self?

this is so sad, probably kill yourself

Something you'd like to explain, Jimmy?

> "all theses peopel are probaly INMIGRANTS"
thes is is why we need to built th ewaLL. BUILS IT . TEEN FEET HEIGHET!AAA


come on you must admit that guy is pretty hilarious

hey look what i fiond: it's a picture of the clinton foundation (on rhe right ) and you on the LEFT !! .

forgot pi c sorry. im on cell phone



> "$100,000,00 IN TO YOUR ACOUNT"

nice try rabbi . i correncted my Record you

why is bing so based?

Are you having some sort of seizure? Dial 911.

>using bing
Why tho?

>using jewgle

>using microsoft is better
fuck no son. Ixquick, disconnected, CuckCuckGo, etc etc
Literally hundreds of Sup Forums approved search engines