Sup Forums, where do you stand on women's suffrage? At first glance, this is the kind of feel-good legislation that we should apparently all support, but it's hard to deny that the majority of women are lead by very turbulent emotional desires. It's impossible to deny that without women's votes, the likes of Bill Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, and now Hillary would have had no chance of taking the office of president and ramming this country further into the ground. What do you think?
Sup Forums, where do you stand on women's suffrage? At first glance...
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>allowing people who want to be dominated and controlled to vote
Huge mistake.
Aliens would bathe our planet in righteous fire if they found us, then saucer off to search for 'real' intelligent life
Women are biologically predisposed to think certain ways. Irrational emotion driven ways.
Giving them the right to vote was one of the worst decisions the US has ever made.
Voting used to be tied in with the collective self defense rights of a nation, and since women couldn't be fight in wars naturally they couldn't vote, also the general thought was that their opinions would be expressed through their (((husbands))) and other appointed figures.
Also Tocqueville said that in the future (now) both men and women would be raised to equal footing which would coincidentally degrade both sexes.
Just some neat shit I read
The funny thing is, the USA was never intended to be a democracy with universal suffrage. Property owners were allowed to vote due to their vested interest (but vote results weren't binding) and later on men who were eligible for the draft were allowed to vote due to the price of freedom. It is crazy how obsessed with democracy Americans are when their entire system was specifically designed to frustrate the "will of the people" if the educated betters didn't agree.
>1 post by this ID
Hahaha, I'm a Hillary voter, I just posted to get some screenshots from you shills. Looking forward to my fat check from CTR for this.
Thanks, Trumptards!
Eh. Women tended to vote conservative for about 50 years after it was passed.
Without the 22nd amenment we would probably be MORE socialist than we are today.
What suffrage?
And I agree, many women vote for emotional reasons and not political reasons.
Women are stupid vain whores that want to be pumped full of dick.
Like your mom.
have loads of women friends. they are idiots. all emotionally driven. cannot into logic only feels.
>random use of echoes
lurk more, newfag
It was the worst mistake the west ever made.
Well I hope you are at least fucking them.Thats what they are her for.
That only tracks posts in this thread you retard.
>Aliens would bathe our planet in righteous fire if they found us
That's a pretty bold claim. Is it impossible that the development of their civilization hit the same hurdles that we have? Or similar ones?
Women used to vote even more right-wing than men, and back in the day in France they were afraid of women's suffrage because women voted with the priests.
It's not women's suffrage that's the problem, it's modern women.
Oh no, whatever will we do without the single, overweight, middle-aged women vote.
If a bitch is involved,there will be trouble.Even if it's only in their mind. Belee dat.
lol, so wait, is CTR the most insidious, powerful, evil organization in the world, intent on destroying your orange ubermensch candidate or a weak, ineffectual group who caters only to single, overweight middle aged women?
No one believes CTR is powerful you idiot, they're just annoying as fuck when they shit up our board. They're like mosquitoes.
Congrats though, a bunch of ugly feminists are going to vote with their feelings and elect a literal criminal. Giving women the right to vote was a mistake.
Well, powerful or not, they've allowed me to quit my job and live a very comfy lifestyle! Between the CTR and welfare checks, I've got it made in the shade, hahah!
Giving women the right to vote was absolutely a mistake as they only vote for their own self-interests over the good of the nation. They either vote to give themselves more government benefits or to ban things they don't like.
Why don't you just shut your whore mouth?
>2 posts by this ID
I feel like the women back then could have probably convinced me they should be able to vote.
They look sensible, respectable, and none of them are holding sign about being a slut.
If women had never been given the vote, and our modern version of women were campaigning for it, I would be dead against it.
I hope whenever the time comes to rebuild society, we keep women in check next time around.
It was literally the crowning blunder of the 20th century. Everything else that went wrong last century is small potatoes compared to the mistake of suffrage. It lead directly to rapid and sustained expansion of government spending, welfare state policies and prohibition (alcohol first, then drugs). And today it's impossible to reverse.
jews should be sterilized.
At the 100th anniversary of giving women the right to vote, we should take the right away from them as WW3 breaks out form a year earlier.
they're doing a pretty decent job of sterilizing themselves. inbreeding tends to do that
probably the worst single thing to happen to the country except maybe the creation of the federal reserve
good idea back when women actually understood their role in society. now its just a bunch of whiny dikes.
sorry Sup Forums its just the truth.
lol, this owns. More posts, cucks. I'm loving this, and my paycheck keeps getting fatter.
>they only vote for their own self-interests over the good of the nation
Of course they do.
In prehistory, a man was dependent on the good of the tribal group larger than his own monkeysphere for success of his reproduction; obviously, an outside conqueror isn't going to give some of their own females to a new subject, but they very likely will take there's.
On the other hand, a female can reproduce successfully in either situation, and thus is unaffected by the good of the tribe.
It should be abolished. Universal suffrage = universal suffering.
Nope. One of the very first things they did was vote to ban alcohol because men enjoyed it too much.
g8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 xD ur super funny
Your goddamn right. Let's sit back and laugh as Europe burns. I think the US will be okay,well we got the most white ppl on Earth here,so maybe.
What Do You Guys Think threads are forbidden in the rules and are defamatory data mining.
Saged and hidden.
If you won't let women vote, then why would you let all men vote when many men cast their vote the same dumb way as women?
If you want to control voting results so you always get the result you want via demographic gerrymandering (for a lack of better tem) then why vote at all?
they have the same tight of self determination as we do. they are a part of the same country. however, when it turns to bat shit crazy feminism they should all be chained in the kitchen.
same reason people believe in god
Biggest mistake in the history of western civilisation.
Women got duped.
Their first step in attempting to transform themselves into men. Leading the majority of women to shittier, more stressful and less satisfying lives.
The more this continues the less happy the average woman will be
Men aren't all about muh vagina and feels. It's not rocket surgery.
They'd probably completely ignore us, unless they wanted our resources and shit. Then they'd just blast the surface with gamma and remotely mine whatever it was they wanted.
You don't pull over on the highway to attempt to communicate with ants, do you?
And if there was an anthill directly over buried gold, would you think twice about tearing the fucker up?
I agree a lot of dudes are spastics but to be fair men tend to intellectualise the world in a way that is more constructive & relevant in politics
It is the intellectual myopia of your average female that is political poison
it was a horrible mistake
and I will never forgive USA for exporting their feminism to us
Women should not vote. Any intelligent and responsible ones can be well represented through influence on their husbands, fathers, and brothers. The majority of childlike idiots should not vote.
Nicest way I ever seen bitches called retards. I'll drink a beer in your honor.
Correlation does not imply causation. What other events were going on in the US around those years.
Listen son,you are arguing with an autistic neckbeard virgin living in his moms basement. It's not real life.
>watching the ship sink is an equally hard situation to being on the sinking ship