America....the fate of the world is on your vote!

Other urls found in this thread: troop movement eastern europe&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&ei=6IHLV7X_AcLu8weLkprACA

well shit


We already know she will be elected using underhanded methods. World war three is a false flag to keep United States from rebelling against st corrupted politicians and restoring order to the world. Fucking jews ruin everything

If Infowars said it then it must be true

B-b-b-but I like Ruskis ;_;

Infowars playing videos of Hillary = Infowars saying it.

She said it live in her speech faggot


Looks like Christina Applegate, from the grainyness and her age I'd say Married With Children

She's a progressive liberal female though. She can't be the problem.

It's white men and their masculinity and their mean words that are going to kill us all.

I wonder how many Americans would actually be willing to go to war against Russia.

Unfortunately most of my countrymen are brainwashed into thinking Russia is the evil Boogeyman.

>Unfortunately most of my countrymen are brainwashed into thinking Russia is the evil Boogeyman.
You answered the question, soldiers and grunts don't really care but most don't want war with Russia.

I'm not convinced that she'll start a war. Gusto in speeches before an election is great and all but we should all know it means shit all in practice.

Do you know what the Libyans call her? They call her the Butcher.

>I wonder how many Americans would actually be willing to go to war against Russia.

They barely got half of one percent of the population to fight in Iraq. They'd be facing full blown mass desertion if she invades Iran or starts attacking Russia.

No self-respecting white person should fight for a government that hates them anyway.

hillary believes so much in conscription she is enforcing it for women also.

If they attack europe the will have to fight the alt right too

sorry to burst your bubble but your enemies would have advance knowledge of troop positions.

>She'd just be sending american men and women to a slaughter.

I'm getting deja vu

Didn't we have this exact same thread/replies/images a few months ago?

we will be the vanguard against you, you dumbasses.

Nothing will happen.

Americans will go full on civil war against the clinton government. The world is sick of wars.

>trying to save the lefties from committing suicide by fighting bullets n bombs with flowers and love.


Not at all the picture I wanted.

>lets kill him he is trying to save us..

hillary is a (((rothschild))) puppet ofc she would war Russia

(((rothschild))) have always profited off war

Cool we are due for another world war.

Politicians say a lot of things that never happen

Hillary also said she would make public any UFO info the government was hiding.

do you honestly think hillary would directly control military operations?

Everytime the jew is afraid ti cooks up a war to distract the goyim from killing it.

3 times now :^)
>she didn't have to for the two secretary of state terms, which like being first lady count towards presidential terms since its a head of state position.

>hillary going for her 5th term.

Yeah but with Russia? Really? Of all the place why would we want to start one with russia

And afterwards if you pointed it out, you'd either be called out on CNN as a conspiracy theorist or a Russian Agent.

Our jewish deep state is in a total panic right now.

Well does someone have a screen cap of a user prophesizing this. Right when news Russia will make direct deals with Iran without the petrodollar

really? I heard the clintons were really cozy with russia

>do you honestly think hillary is doing this alone?

Do you honestly think that any top generals that weren't totally loyal to her wouldn't be forced into retirement before any of this happens?

The documentary clinton's don't want you to see

Jews are desperate to finish us off.
Last thing we need is another world war of whites killing whites while our nations are flooded with 3rd worlders.


last thing we need, but looks like what we're going to get. Look for people like Bill Krystol packing his shit to move to Tel Aviv as the canary in the coal mine.

>"...maybe even some state election... systems..."
>"yes... Russia..."

She can't even lie, what the hell is her deal. What a joke.

No we're not. How dare you even think that that is a viable option.

It would turn into a wildly unpopular war in short order.

Think about this hypothetical war. What does it look like? Do we do something as monumentally stupid as invading Russia outright? Do we fight them street by street in some Russian occupied territory? Does Russia strike at the U.S. mainland?

Man, a war with Russia, winnable or not, can go to shit so quickly. And the reasons for it would be so abstract and far removed from the cares of everyday Americans. The war would become an unpopular war almost immediately, and if we have learned anything from our own history it's that we cannot win our own unpopular wars.

You actually believe this? Hold up a second.

Hillery's doing this shit to try to appeal to undecided right wingers. She's not a war monger by any stretch of the imagination, she just doesn't care about the truth.

>She wants to become President.

>She will stop at nothing to accomplish that goal.

>She will stop at nothing!

>Stop at nothing!


>Get it?

even if that means being queen of a radioactive wasteland.

kek, good point

>She's not a war monger by any stretch of the imagination

Are you an idiot? Did you just sleep through the whole Libya and Syria things?

Go away CTR.

>still peddling the blatantly and provably BS 'RUSSIA HACKED US(!)' narrative

>taking anything that a proven habitual liar says seriously

Hilary is a piece of shit, she'll lie about this just like she'll lie about anything else.

Women are the real victims of war, after all.

This dude sounds like thoughty2

I've heard her say this multiple times during debates. She's obviously still holding resentments about putin backing assad during her period as secretary of state.

Right wingers love Russia though.

>tfw your gonna get killed in a world war fighting the good guys
history, you repetitive bastard

Found tonight's fapping material. Thanks!

REEEEE, leave us alone stupid burgers.

Oh shit bro you just came from bearstein??

It's disturbing how quickly everyone forgot about the cold war and mutually assured destruction

did she just try to pin her own rigged voting booths on the russians?

nigga you what?

this is just a new low for leafs.

did you watch the video you just commented on? it was her saying she would go to war with russia. Or are you implying that it was infowars pretending to be hillary clinton?

Oh hell no, this bitch ain't getting the nuclear codes. I won't let this cunt near the white house russia bros.

You can always fight the bad guys on their own soil.

ot a war mongerer

>literally been involved in every fucking war we have had in the past twenty fucking years.

I hope those sheckles bring you comfort in the lower levels of hell.

>tfw medically disqualified from the military
How do I help on the Homefront preventing this shitty war?

How will Liberals defend a war?

rest in pieces mureka

That's an option too.
Either way it's gonna be bad times. We need Trump to win. Shame there are so many people who will never figure that out.

The same way they defend violence against their political opponents. They're just going to war to stop the evil bigoted racist sexist Literally Hitler russians, so it's ok.

If she wins she wont be able to go to war with russia because the president cant declare war, she would have to ask congress and they would tell her to fuck off.

Why didn't just listen to our government cybersecurity recommendations you stupid bitch!! You think we're going to war with every country that has access to a computer and the internet to make hacking attempts, WE DONT HAVE ANY FUCKING MONEY!!!

maybe all of those congressman commit suicide shooting themselves in the back of the head twice so hillary can put their own congressman in the congress :^)

#Killary is a murderous brain-damaged psychopath.
News at 11.

yeah go up to washington take down the warlord obama.

I'm a one man army!


>Trump wins both electoral and popular vote but Hillary uses the full force of Obama administration to investigate possible hacking claims

>""""Finds out""""" Russia hacked the voting system, conveniently with more forgeries showing Trump's connection to Russia

>Trump disqualified, mass protests in the US quickly subdued by new Clinton administration

>While all this is going on, false flag in Alaska with a """Russian"""" MiG bombing some American warship for getting to close to international waters

>Executive order to invade Siberia and militarize Alaskan maritime border

>Hundreds of thousands of soldiers dead on both sides, military said it's had enough and attempts coup of Hillary presidency

>She launches the fucking nukes at the military and Russia

>World ends

dude the liberals that went to fight joseph kony's "child soldiers" got absolutely fucking rekt by african kids.

>yes liberals went to africa to kill african kids but end up getting assblasted.

I would not be suprised to see Hillary go full stalin purge on the US

The gulags are gonna be weird. Since we'll all be there it'll just be Sup Forums but face to face.

>inb4 hillary "appears" at the debates but opts to be on the big screen and look down at Trump full orwell style.

Watch the video then delete your post

guys what if the clintons are already dead?

>and this is just old footage they filmed and its the party running the show and doing it all with CGI and Actors.

SOURCE? I want to read, learn, and laugh

the first debate won't even be a debate.

It's a one-hour questionnaire with each candidate answering one after another. One of the candidates goes first, 30 minutes later swap places with the other.

>Since we'll all be there it'll just be Sup Forums but face to face.

If it was going to get that bad a civil war would have broken out.

>tfw theres a chance to fight a second civil war and have the good guys win this time

>shes wearing those giant pantsuits now because she's animatronic

you don't remember the "STOP KONY" campaign?

>while clinton and Kony laughed all the way to the banks ?

There is evidence that HILLARY'S PEOPLE are the ones who hacked the DNC, for the purpose of upcoming election fraud.

Also: "U.N Election Observes to Increase Tenfold in 2016 On Hillary's Behalf"

They are clearly preparing for the most massive election rigging in American history.


After a while the USA sent in Special forces and the Army to look for the Americans...

>and said it was to get Kony but he is still out there in the Jungle :^)

I'd put my apples through her gate if you know what I mean

>the votes were tampered with in my favor!
>OMG the RUsSIanz guiz!!1!

you forgot the whole
>launch military operations into Russia, China and Iran, because of my fraud and lies.

Who else will protest if she threatens to go to war/goes to war? I make that promise to myself and will be ducking pissed if it happens


Canada plx go troop movement eastern europe&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&ei=6IHLV7X_AcLu8weLkprACA

this guy's voice cracks me up

I would be