Did he redpilled himself by accident?
Did he redpilled himself by accident?
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read some of the post-movie interviews, it makes you wonder
He is an atheist. So he already choked the biggest of all red pills.
What's his name again?
Elijah Wood
Horry Plotter?
Daniel Radcliffe.
Ronlad weaselbee
no that's the goy from king of the rings
Oleiro cabeludo
Jewry Plotter and the Prisoners of Auschwitz
Harald "sendet die Neger zu ihren Schöpfer" Töpfer
What did he say?
wilfred santiago
Harry "A Jinx for the Chinks" Potter
He said you have to look at the situation from other perspectives and see how these white supremacists are watching their nations be overrun by foreigners while they can't find a job while the foreigners can so you have to empathize with their struggles even if you don't agree with their beliefs
no. he's clearly gay pilled as fuck. they always try to take a masculine role because of insecurity.
Harry "Final Solution" Potter
Pretty sure he endorsed Corbyn, so no.
I think it was an interview with E! News but I'm not entirely sure. I'll search for it but no promises.
Let's be real. The choices at the moment are Eurocrat Tories, Eurocrat Tories wearing Labour badges, and Corbyn.
He might be. Because he's 'Arry Po'er you know?
Naturally he wouldn't publicly endorse a right winger. Actors have to be very careful when it comes to making appearances politically.
Harry Pottler.
Dalph Lundgren
isn't that Harry Potter actor Jewish in real life?
>isn't that Harry Potter actor Jewish in real life?
There were plenty of Jewish Nazis.
Why you don't believe him when he said he saw it?
Also he repeated the 14 words while seig heiling the fuhrer.
Yes, he is.
Most of the goyim in this thread are too stupid to realize that because muh Harry Potter childhood.
Daniel "throw the kike on a spike" Radcliffe
so he throws himself?
>jewish nazi
Seems about right.
Ever heard of Bobby Fischer? He was the best chess player of all time. He was jewish but he was anti-semitic as fuck, he hated the jews.
The Jews who fought for Hitler: 'We did not help the Germans. We had a common enemy'
As Many As 150,000 Jews
Served In Hitler's Military
Jewish Soldiers in Hitler's Nazi Army
Category:Jewish Nazi collaborators
Estonia is 1st world kike.
Also, are you a real kike or just using a proxy? Why are you here?
off-shill shitpost time?
Estonia is in there you nigger. are you blind?
Estonia is 2nd world.
looks like even the so called 'red-pilled' need to take the actual red pill
yes there were plenty of jewish nazis
He is a HueHue so i didn't expect much,user.
Clearly we are classified as an advanced economy. Or are Spain, Italy, Poland, Hungary, etc 2nd world too?
The manliest of men such dick and get fucked in the ass.
You don't need to be mean. Since last month when I finished my PhD I started reading other things not-related to chemistry. So yeah, I have a long road ahead.
2nd world Artur ,
that chart might be too complicated for you.
no, he's a jew
Yea, and it tasteses good.
Well you have no point. You are just trolling now.
Estonia is classified as an advanced economy, ebtter than Poland. As good as Italy, Spain and many other 1st world countries. Just stop lad.
>Jewish Nazis
While there were 1 or 2 at high ranks close to Hitler (whom he later declared "honorary aryans") there were NOT "plenty"
Bendi dick cumbersome snatch.
Corbyn supported Brexit tho
Estonia: 0
Israel: 12
Is that because Estonia is a second world country?
Prove it.
>not reading the rest of the post faggot detected.
here read for once in your life.
Sorry I thought you was being one of those Ironic shitposters or something,user.
Finally, someone on Sup Forums using 1st 2nd and 3rd world properly
You're a Grand Wizard, Harry
>looks like even the so called 'red-pilled' need to take the actual red pill
one must not take half of the red pill, it's all or nothing.
>What is Lexit
He well split the leftist vote.
No It's because we are less than a million people that got their independence 25 years ago. What the fuck are you on about nigger.
It's because Nobel prizes are doled out by jews and swedes who are completely brainwashed and owned by jews.
>it's all or nothing.
I took the entire dose for years.
Now grope women properly and oppress African-Americans directly
Got a good laugh out of this.
The film is bollocks though. They keep reiterating that White nationalists are the real problem and Islamic terrorism isn't, I can't even remember the last time a White nationalist did anything newsworthy but apparently they are worse than the daily occurrence of Mohammedan terrorism.
Brit politics are full of passive aggressive pretending. Corbyn pretended to oppose Brexit while undermining the opposition. Theresa May pretended to oppose Brexit while secretly hoping it passed. Boris pretended to support Brexit while hoping it failed.
Estonia: $479
Israel: $1,283
Is that because Estonia is a poor 2nd world country?
wowza. ole Daniel better watch himself or his career's gonna get shohad.
Yep, one of the writers works for a Soros foundation.
Whether he's now redpilled or not, he will be Ben Garrisoned anyway.
it might be because estonia is not subsidized by the usa
JQ Bowling
Woah, sounds like he was being reasonable.
But I mean, hed probably be reasonable about the situation driving the refugees and immigrants too, and you guys lose your shit over that.
Harry Potter interesting to bad his drug problem burnt him up.
He'll get there. If you are a white man, we all get there eventually. One way or the other.
Israel would still have 99% of its own money without the US support.
Well if you really want to speak of terms that aren't used anymore then lets speak of them.
Israel is a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. (Or at least was when the terms were still used).
Also, being a shekel hoarding kike is not an argument.
you sound /triggered/ Artur :^)
Artur isn't an Estonian name lad. it was modified to sound more Estonian, though it is far from the original estonian names.
>First world
So this is the first and second world old war definitions where anyone in NATO was first and any communist country was second.
>implying the Nobel prize has any value
This. Gotta keep your head down while in hollywood.
what a truck load of taint smeared gusset grease... it's obvious... if it wasn't the jews, Obama did it... [sigh]
Jews and Jews mein freund.
Most Jews are not wealthy and in on all the stuff Sup Forums assumes they are in on. Its always been about class. The rich Jews in the West find Israel convenient because they send all the poor Schlomos out of harms way in case their machinations backfire again.
Who the fuck is this, and why do people keep posting it?
scientific nobel prizes are valuable.
perhaps you don't know how to distinguish them from thoaw peace ones.
He never said this
Well, great. Hopefully you stop fucking taking it soon and you deal with your problems by yourself.
he's british tho??
also, i'm pretty sure Sup Forums [/pol in particular] has given me AIDS of the soul... at the very least lowered my IQ even further down the sliding scale that is [or was], my [former?] intelligence... can feel the retard inside me, and he grows stronger every day... yes the retard inside me [no homo]... #retardinsideme
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Auschwitz.
Well you sure sound like one.
>are valuable
Why? The people who give them out aren't even real scientists? Awards are retarded.
It's shows that those who hand them out are cotemptible scum that don't care about the spirit in which Alfred Nobel donated the money.
if we survive the coming purges, world wars, plagues etc and any of you fuckwitts ever manages to breed there will come a time when you will have to explain to your grandchildren what exactly this place was and what you did here, what mighty brave deeds you claim as your victories and what epic battles you fought here... and besides the fact that they will speak chinese, and the internet will be a long lost, forgotten and long extinguished cultural memory, they will have no idea what any of this is or means... and frankly having been here for years now i don't think i have a clue either...
what have we done? what is this place? how did this ever come to pass? i weep for humanity
Are you in the wrong thread or are you just spamming this retarded shit in all the threads you can?
what about cuba, vietnam, burma?
i have no idea what you are talking about??? am just a moose speaking his mind... equal rights for moose kind you frekin' nazi... don't make me hoof you upside the head now boy...
moose dont play
i know where i am, i'm in /pol
and i know who i am...
do you know where you are? or who you are?
do you????