>mfw I heard THINGS CAN ONLY GET BETTER on the radio in the car yesterday
Easton Jones
Adam Morgan
Juan Reed
Hudson Adams
Nth for glorious Scotland eternal.
Went up Schiehallion today. It was glorious and a feel you little beady bed-wetters will never understand: heritage, tradition, honour, pride.
How does it feel to have your race destroyed by the two greatest Scottish politicians of all time - Blair and Brown. Only then to be saved by Cameron (a Scot!).
Truly a pathetic little brown race. Thanks for your women who so willingly throw themselves at my big Scottish cock whenever I'm down winning business over my weak anglo "competitors".
Pussy boys/. We own you.
You ought to be paying us more for having the privilege of our rule.
We're stronger, cleverer, faster, more traditional. Blonder, lighter-skinned, and have lighter eyes.
Whenever I'm in your shithole I'm a God among little brown haired brown eyed beta cunts who literally cower in my presence upon seeing me and hearing my accent.
Grayson Hernandez
That pic always cracks me up.
Parker Wilson
Lucas Baker
that one was made 5 minutes later, obviously it's the shill thread
Nathaniel Hughes
>The threadsplitting shills are back
Camden Foster
Ian was a cuck. Niggers were equal to Whites In Rhodesia. South Africa > Cuckdesia
Logan Reyes
>Mention literally anything >Boring predictable divide and conquer rhetoric from the Russia shill
Give it a rest
Adrian Butler
They played it during Ed Balls' intro during Strictly
Lucas Russell
>Still paying him any mind
David Cruz
>2 brit/pol/ threads >No one posting in any >Occasional "THE OTHER OP IS A SHILL
This is why we cant have nice things
Carson Gomez
Why should I respect some egalitarian cuck who championed meritocracy, when there are boys who fought for racial supremacy in South Africa?