I just can't take america serious. Its like a parody of a country.
I just can't take america serious. Its like a parody of a country
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>says the turk
The Turk has a point, though, Pajeet.
are you literally shaking right now?
>lives in Germany, a country that is literally an interracial porno
>America is a parody
we're all parody countries at this point
the last thing we need to do is splinter off and fall into their divide & conquer trickery, user
Barry, the NATO freeloaders are getting squirrely again.
I know, it's a parody that Germany can lose two world wars than willingly give up their national identity in favor of Turkey's.
Fuck yourself kraut. Your country will be dead or irrelevant in 50 years.
you are in the same boat Jewmany
God I miss when this was just banter.
buuuut austria has always been a parody of itself...
Kek, nobody cares what Germany thinks anymore. I'd post from a proxy if I were you.
REEEE delete this.
And they Dont even know why
>1 post by this ID
Ich auch. Ich bin ein stolzer Deutsche, mit vielem Stolz in meinem starken Land.
The lion does not care what the sheep thinks,faggot.
Kek. Nicht traurig sein, mein Kaiser.
Whatever you say poo in loo.
Germans are so fucking retarded i swear...
Ill translate what this fuckin sourkraut just spouted out of his refugee cum filled mouth
"im in denile that my country is quickly becoming a part of islamic caliphate, and in order to hide my insecurties and lack of pride for my nation and people, i directly transcribe that anger out on fellow white nation that has and always will be superior to mine on an anonymous fuckin message board."
fuckin germs...
You are just jelly about not having an established right wing.
>inb4 60%
>inb4 >white
I live in ohio and i can go outside and see all white people...can you say the same about your shithole of a country?
France has no US military base on its soil
I forgot france was the size of earth
you cannot locate france on a map nor you own country
I just can't take Germany serious. It's like a parody of the Ottoman Empire.
Send Führer, please? Just one more time?
Bsaically they look look dow to ignore its own shitnes
Maybe Führer will be elected in october. Then maybe reverse-Anschluss. Then maybe making Deutschland groß again.
Too many maymays to be overly enthusiastic yet, I'm afraid.
>he still believes ALL americans are retarded
while it is true the majority are, I am not apart of that majority, so it would be unfair to proclaim that i dont possess the cognitive ability to locate your shithole country on a map.
at least post a decent sized burger
Fuck off, Mohammad
This country butt fucked your country twice.
>this entire board has devolved into a bunch of young white men calling each other brown with barely any politics involved
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
I'm eating a burger right not.
By removing flags, but (((they))) would never do that at this point.
This is pretty much like voting rights for women. The Dschinn is out of its lamp and won't go back.
burgers are tasty you dumb turk. Just because you've been recently "enriched" and believe beef is haram or some gay shit doesn't mean any of us give two shits about you
coming up next on Man V Food
I agree OP
>Highest murder rate out of every civilised county
>(In the UK at least) shows the most braindead obviously fake tv programs in existence like Auction garages, lizard lick towing
>One third of Americans think that the world was made in 6 days, and is 6000 years oild
>80 percent of people are circumsised
>One of very few civilised countries to still have death penalty
>People ACTUALLY debate whether you should get vaccines for your children
I can't locate Uzbekistan either. They have the same relevancy as you, vassal.
I'm willing to be you've never even been to America and most of your knowledge about us comes from shows that literally parody America
Explain a few of my points then, in the UK America is a meme country.
Fuck off Muhammad
The murder ratess are due to more blacks, white murder rates mirror western Europe.
>implying if you are murdered by a raging nigger it doesn't count
So how many medals did your countries win again? How many guns do you own? How much land do you have?
There was a recent court case that where there was a concession that there was a correlation between vaccine/autism. It was publicised and regardless of the actual truth, people are groomed to talk about what media talks about. So yes, debates happen. >93% of America is vaccinated, so obviously the discussion is mostly positive. It's okay to talk about the things doctors inject into people bonger
>murr'can eats a 3 lb burger with a cannon legally strapped to his leg
>kraut flogs himself because his wife and taxes have disappointed mohammed
They mostly kill each other.
Americans may be fat, but everyone else just eats so much jelly.
Isn't that Isreal?
>Be german
>Live in state conquered by America
>Gets conquered by muslimes
>The Germinstan still can't take america serious
top kek my memo friendo
You should be careful kraut, internet is haram
Isallah shalom
Im with you on this German brother
>I just can't take america serious
You better take us seriously. We're as serious as a heart attack
The fat basturd eating that burger looks like this cow that ate people.
>says the """""german"""""
I just can't take Germany serious. It's like a parody of a country.
>than willingly give up their national identity in favor of Turkey's.
Germany has 3 million turks. USA has 40 million niggers, HAHAHAHHAHA
>stuffing your face with food
its kinda sad really, this is the first time in history people can devour so much food on so consistant basis
before it used to be a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE that you ate everything that was edible because food was scarce
now it just makes sad people
>can you say the same about your shithole of a country?
Of course he can.
>what is percentage
Your most white state has the same demographics as germany (90% native)
And i'm not even counting european immigration. If we count european immigration germany is easily 95% white
>pay twice the oecd average for healthcare and yet obtain average results
>60% white
>The murder ratess are due to more blacks, white murder rates mirror western Europe.
>HURR DURR if we take out our minorities everything is alright
Niggers are still americans. And if we took our violent minorities our stats would go down too
It also happens to be the most powerful country on the planet.
It is a very unique country, sure. Without a very long history. Without an organic history like the European nations.
It's an experiment of a country, the likes of which has not been seen anywhere else (I guess Australia and Canada and NZ are similar though). Looks like it paid off though.
Maybe you should focus on strengthening your own country mang. You can start by voting AfD. Pretty much the only way to save your country at this point
Don't fuck it up this time. If Trump is elected, my fellow brainwashed goys will be riding too high (and probably fighting BLM daily) to worry about you guys getting a little lebensraum and removing undesirables.
No. Only white males of good moral standing are Americans. Everyone else is illegally pretending.