>see nigger strolling, hearing nigga music. think to myself "what a degenerate
>see religious jews collect shekels at doorsteps, thinking to myself "damn kikes"
>see girl at the street doing girl things thinking to myself, "damn she probably sucked 40 dicks and now looking for beta provider"
>see old lady down the street, thinking to myself "fucking boomer, why did you ruin it for us"


nice dubs

There's only one way to reverse the red pill, user.

You must relinquish all your belongings and travel the world, wandering for the rest of your life.

It snowed a little bit here a week ago. Usually at this time of the year we'd have 6 inches of snow, and we have none! =O I You all know the Powerpuff Girls, right? Well replace them with MALE anime characters! Haha. Okay. L will be Bubbles, Neji will be Blossom, and Sesshomaru will be Buttercup. XD II You're watching anime on your computer. Then all of a sudden... BAM. One of the anime characters throws a rock in your face! >:D What do you do? *Takes the rock and chucks it back at them* Die You Rock-Thrower! Die! III Describe the anime Naruto in 3 words. Cool, Funny, Violent (a little) IV It's 'Punch an anime charcter in the face' day! [Whoo! ^^] Who would you puch? Kikyo and Choji. *Bam, Bam, Bam* V Who's your favourite Prince or Princess? Idk. =O BONUS~! How many doors do you have in your house? O.o I know, SO random. We have like so many rooms. >.< 11 doors not counting, closets, basement, and attic. It's hard to count them when you're not seeing them all. Okay since other survey makers have like 'Random fact of the day' I'm gonna have a WORD OF THE DAY! Thats a good idea! =D Okay so today's words is MACABRE. It means "of, pertaining to, dealing with, or representing death, esp. its grimmer or uglier aspect." Cool! Big words! XD

send me your money and you'll feel better

>implying that isnt the purest redpill

what is this

ok op now what you need to do is go watch Legend of the galactic heroes

Congratulations. Pattern recognition has revealed to you the harsh realities of life.

You chased the white rabbit, and now you're here.

You can't return, it never goes away, you will always notice these things.

I was already racist before it was cool.

The worst is when you're on a date and mention the swastika and they freak out lol. Happened to me a few weekends ago.

Worry not, friend, it always hurts at first

Israel needs to recognize that race-mixing with Sub-Saharans is the future.


Even Kek wills it.

No we didn't, everyone is born with pattern recognition.

It is better to be red-pilled and able to blend in with normies. Clearly you are a giant sperg that takes too much influence from this place.

Think 1984 pal, when Winston had to keep his facial expressions/demeanor in check around other party members & people. Act that way IRL. It's not what you say that matters.. it is your body language that sells you out, must come from within.

You know, this is why a Jewish world order can never work in the long term. Jews are some of the worst creators and promoters of degeneracy. If they think that "oh, let us stop now with the porn and stuff since we rule the world" will work, then they will be in for a surprise.

There's no reversing red pills; enjoy the ride and lie to normies like only your blood allows to.

pol is satire :^)

That image is sure to trigger the joos. Meme, my children! Meme like the wind!

Why are there so many Israelibros here at Sup Forums?

>see old lady down the street, thinking to myself "fucking boomer, why did you ruin it for us

That's not the redpill, user. Don't blame the herd. Blame the Jew shepherd.

that (((((((((BARBRA STREISAND)))))))) ugly kike face is triggering me

You can't.
The ride never ends.

Wrong pic

Off yourself

is that a fucking Bajoran earring that guy has?

Sup Forums caused you to stop lying to yourself user. Nothing more.

You know Sup Forums is right merchant. and no its irreversable.


What did ID mean by this?

what cartoon is this? it seems nice


>i cant see a mixed couple without being grossed
>when im around blacks, I dont relax
>i sometimes check whos in the bust and hope there wont be any minorities
>i immediatly hate anyone who dress like a hipster or hippy

Good. Now to begin with phase two.

There is literally nothing wrong with homosexuality OP. People are only homophobic because they are blue pilled.

Take the red pill OP. Women are degenerate.

lol they need to give the CTR shills hazard pay for coming here.

I feel you.
I can't seem to stop telling all my countrymen to steppe off their high horse.

Kill yourself

You've been here posting that all day long nigger. Give it a rest with your faggotry.

>A fucking kike that is racist

Is this supposed to come out as a surprise? Your people practically invented racism

Jesus Christ stop trying to be "one of us" and take responsibility for your own fucking actions, you are your own goddamn person who made your own decisions own up to it and don't blame us for "changing" who you are, weak people like you make this place a fucking echo-chamber.

Hating hippies is called normal behavior. They're fucking degenerate scum.

>I can't seem to stop telling all my countrymen to steppe off their high horse.

Is that some kind of Mongol heritage joke?

>He didn't realized Sup Forums is satire.


Racism is a natural instinct meant to make us acknowledge that their are differences between groups of people. Natural tribalism.

Modern ''liberals'' hate this instinct and instead try indoctrinate us into soft-brained morons telling us we're all the same and we should never speak openly of such issues.

Why wish to be wilfully ignorant of such a natural thing?

>admitting you lost the game
You're only encouraging people to keep being fucked up on here. 85% of this place is just trolls, and if you admit that they're fucking with you,then you're gonna have problems
>im a troll

pile of crap
>check flag
you born to be racist




>see blonde girls pass by
>they pull out their iphones
>start playing the rhythmic jew

>walk near black person
>don't relax

>go to kosher bar at cafeteria
>cautious as I take some chicken
>evil jew sudden intercepts
>got sweet potato fries
>got jewwed once again

>eavesdrop on a convo before two women
>"why do men care about virginity, its not real"
>"yeah" said the other
>think to myself: "whores"

I've come to accept it

Its good that you are now a racist.

That's the ultimate redpill.

ALL non-Whites are racist, therefore we must become racist to understand out enemy.

Also, facts and statistics back up our racism, so there's no reason to feel bad about it.

WTF ive never read that pasta before... I've been here 3 years. Am I still a newfag?

I feel like intentionally trying to fit in is the weakest, most beta thing a guy can do though. I see this suggested a lot "just fake it" but it's like why must you conform? if the majority of society is wrong, and lets face it, they irrefutably are, then how can you live with yourself by pretending you're wrong too just to avoid social hardships?

I think it's better to pursue like-minded people in real life and associate with them and tell the rest to go fuck themselves. Obviously there are some people that sort of fit in between, so there's some wiggle room here, but the ones that are too far gone are just a waste of time and pretending to be like them is demeaning.

>I've been here 3 years. Am I still a newfag?

You're not even a newfag. You're just cancer.

>how can you live with yourself by pretending you're wrong too just to avoid social hardships?

You're pretty new, too. You see, Sup Forums has become the Jew. It's the only way to fight back on this one. So you hide your powerlevel, accumulate wealth and power, and spread righteousness where you can. Eventually when you can make big changes to society, you do, whether it be by memery or in depth research or entering politics.

>to beat the Jew you have to be the Jew

Aren't we just replacing one Jew with another Jew? Why can't we live in a world without Jewing?

Goooood, let the darkness flow through you!

I started browsing in 8th grade and I'm a junior in college now.

Where the fuck has my life gone

You think that's bad? I do the same thing with european phenotypes and phrenology. Literally anyone I look at I make some kind of racial / bad goy biological judgment, it's torture.

I honestly noticed most of these things before Sup Forums. But Sup Forums only increases the evidence that supports my opinions and gives me a place to vent. Sup Forums also posts even more of it and some really irritating examples which only pisses me off even more. Browsing Sup Forums is a bit like being a masochist.

>Friend gets an asian girlfriend
>"accidentally" call her dragon lady

Hiding out power level will make us all expert manipulators.

mfw Sup Forums becomes KGB for nationalist socialism....

Well son,just consider yourself a motorcycle without the whole touring package.It gets better.

Nah we're the good guys don't think about it too much.

How many blacks are in Israel? Besides none of your observations are inherently wrong.

Take a break, bro. Join a dating site and go get laid. Fuck her up the ass. And then move on.

If you can't do it for you, do it for the rest of us.

Your whinny shit is boring.

>look at flag
wew lad, pick one already. shit thread. saged

Faking it only means you don't go out and sperg everything all the time. When you fake it you can drop redpills as jokes and people will laugh then think, if you just go around sperging nobody is going to care what you have to say.

>Nah we're the good guys don't think about it too much.

But that's what the progressive Jews think. You're right, it's probably best not to think about it that much.

Everything is just so subversive and kosher nowadays.

hahaha oh wow. Only on Sup Forums would you see mental gymnastics like this.

A lot, Sudanese refugee ls especially. Since Europe opened the Floodgates to migrants now, Israel deports them to Northern Africa to sneak into gibsmedat countries. No lie.

This. We're a satirical, multicultural, board of peace. Don't ever take what you read here seriously.

>religious jews
Nice try kike.

Why does he only have one leg?

Ignorance is bliss, truly, but I am not jealous of the filthy casuals that live their lives in ignorance. Sup Forums has not made me racist in the context of 'look- more niggers, hurr durr', but only solidified societal issues that I was already aware of. I already knew niggers in general are a problem, but I was not aware of the manipulative jew and of their evil ways. I have Sup Forums to thank for that.

Like this guy says, there are patterns that one can observe in a society and once you become aware of them, you will never unsee them. Lastly, I have attached a juicy picture for you to help you on your way. As someone who is in STEM, I have researched the sources and they check out.

>I feel like intentionally trying to fit in is the weakest, most beta thing a guy can do though
It is, but at the same time constantly fighting in public is a fucking pain in the ass. I got a summons yesterday for public mischief for a complaint my kike neighbour made 3 weeks ago (I had a BBQ we shot some guns, blew shit up and got drunk as fuck, this nieghbour is a km down the road BTW). I asked the cop if not having any fun now the norm, he took a look at my doggies blanket and told me I should throw it out, and then ran an entire background/warrant search etc and proceeded to lecture me on the current year. Even living in the middle of nowhere doesn't keep you safe anymore

I started browsing when I was 14 yeas old, I'm 26 now.

Where the fuck has my life gone

>oh, let us stop now with the porn and stuff since we rule the world" will work, then they will be in for a surprise
Especially since so many shekels can gained from their hedonistic promoting endeavours and their is nothing jews love more than shekels

Damn apparently i'm an old fag. Guess it's time to kill myself.

(Now i'm a senior in college)

>>i immediatly hate anyone who dress like a hipster or hippy
i did this before i was redpilled

Legend of the Gay-Lactating Homosexuals

It follows the tale of two star crossed lovers and their battle against homo-lust and political ideologies.