Pence says Trump will realease his tax returns. This has to be strategic trolling! I suspected that Trump was holding back on the returns to BTFO the media! Could it be happening. Did Trump bait the Dems to think their was a bomb shell! Or is Pence going roge?
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Pence said Trump will release the tax returns "after the audit," which means "indefinitely" or "never."
Pence releasing his own returns is dumb since it just puts the whole thing in the media - no one cares about Pence's (or Kaine's) personal finances, they aren't involved in shady finance shit like Trump and Clinton
Looks like Trump LIED AGAIN. He CAN release his tax returns during an audit. LOL when he thinks americans are this dumb to believe his dumb shit. #ImWithHer
American are dump n drump is not base but hilay is based
Wait... so (((Fox))) just click baited me!?
Bad idea.
Nothing wrong with his taxes, of course, but most people don't know how a billionaire's taxes work. The media will exploit that fact to take pressure off the clinton foundation in a mountain of false equivalencies.
Trump should never release his tax returns. The media will concern troll all the way to November about his effective tax rate and charitable donations. They did the exact same thing to Romney.
Yet Clinton already released hers. What's Trump hiding?
id like to see him release tax returns so that shills in MSM choke when he's worth like 10bil dollars
What the fuck is Trump thinking
Seriosly if he does it, he is a clinton plant
ALRIGHT Sup Forums
Who is cuter?
trump or Pence?
Vote now!
it's not illegal but it's also not advised.
releasing and then needing to revise as a result of an inconsistency discovered in audit is a nightmare to go through
pence releasing his but nothing new with trump
Non happening reminder.
Pence said Trump would release taxes after audit.
((( )))
>shady finance shit like Trump
hey rabbi, whatchu doin?
ayyy moldovabro don't you have 12% of your gdp to chase down
some (((bank in scotland))) has it senpai
nobody will do shit
>chase down
it goes to the town rapist lad
>I suspected that Trump was holding back on the returns to BTFO the media
It seems more likely he wants to control the media cycle and releasing the returns means months of retarded "journalists" misinterpreting them and writing endless articles about Russians.
Nobody gives a shit anyway, since Trump's scandals are minor by definition because he never had the opportunity to put national security at risk as a businessman. Releasing them is probably a bad idea no matter what. But Trump knows best, so if he does release them it must be another 8 dimensional divine.
>his tax returns
he probably paid little to no taxes due to good attorney and the MSM will spin this as evil
they'll also look into every charitable donation he made and destroy the reputation of any group he gave to
>Pence said he’d release his full returns next week and that Trump would release his following the completion of an IRS audit.
>"Donald Trump and I are both going to release our tax returns," Pence said. "I'll release mine in the next week, and Donald Trump will be releasing his tax returns at the completion of an audit."
So literally what Trump has BEEN saying? The only "new" information is that Pence is releasing his next week. Nice clickbait FOX.
>after the audit
wew lad
are you being willfully ignorant or do you not know about his nambla donations?
MFW when young pence looks like shane macmahon
CTR, just. . .fugging. . .stop.
Does this mean hill has to release her goldman sachs speeches?
This. Hillary should be in jail right now
Sadly, people haven't been paying attention. The debates will clear a lot of this up. The ones who vote for her on November 8th will be gassed.
I haven't really payed much attention to this tax return thing, why is it so important?
They can't stop.
They get paid to fug.
But their fugging makes us vote Trump even harder.
Don't they know their shilling is helping him?
>trump will release his tax returns the day of the debate
This will fuck Hillary's entire debate strategy up so hard she implodes. Cap this
So wait, liberals are angry that Trump won't let them look at his returns, even thought the IRS IS CAREFULLY INSPECTING THEM ALREADY?
If there was anything to find, the professionals pouring over them would have found it already... or one of the last 12 years they've audited him.
It's more important this time around for Trump because of his claim to "self-fund his way to the White House" and tax returns give a good look into how true that is or not. Just another thing to use as bait against him.
it in itself is not anything
but if trump had say
>not payed taxes because of shady loopholes
>just plain not paid taxes
>claimed something provably false
that could be big
not saying that there's anything there but that's why its a thing
Cheers, so have Hillary's tax forms been released? Is someone able to go through hers and check for shady dealings?
The dumbest of libers consider Trump more establishment than Hillary because he's rich, male, and rayciss. I imagine their "logic" is thinking Trump is rigging the system and bribing/controlling the IRS somehow.
114D chess
Let me know when she releases those speech transcripts
I have not seen them and would love to
however my bet is that anything good will be in the financials of the clinton foundation not in any of the families personal filings
>Pence said Trump will release the tax returns "after the audit," which means "indefinitely" or "never."
Depends on how fast the Obama administration is at doing their fucking job and finishing the audit.
He probably paid Clinton's medical bills
>Yet Clinton already released hers. What's Trump hiding?
He is being audited by the IRS on the advice of his lawyers he is waiting for the IRS to finished before releasing them.
>after the audit
And libfaggots cuck themselves again.
link to clintons records?
inb4 they get "leaked"
The American people are sick and tired of hearing about her damn transcripts.
Go for it bro