ITT: We pretend Donald Trump is the new President of the USA
ITT: We pretend Donald Trump is the new President of the USA
So, when are you taking down 21th amendment?
Sup Forums will be empty because we all volunteered to help build the wall.
After he destroys the 4th and 14th
> the only people still visiting Sup Forums are leafposters and aussies
This sounds pretty terrible, wtf, I hate Trump now. I am now a Cruz missile.
Executive order 66: gas the likes race war now!
why pretend when it's gonna happen anyway
Obama and Hillary share a cell in Gitmo
>Sup Forums volunteers to build wall
Nigger, Mexico is gonna build the wall with the slave labor of Mexicans. We gonna sit back and enjoy.
>tfw you have to go back
Mexico will pay, but we'll use superior American labor.
>he doesn't want to build the wall with a bunch of Sup Forumsacks
>he doesn't want to throw spare bricks at spics trying to cross while we're building it
The anglosphere treaty after Brexit and Trump has made us stronger, safer and more prosperous than we ever could have imagined.
We space elevator now
I can't believe CNN is going to actually show the live execution of Hillary Clinton! Don Lemon looks like he's about to dry and Anderson Cooper looks like he hasn't had a good night's sleep in weeks.
On a side note, I'm so glad my paychecks don't get cut down due to excessive Welfare tax. I was able to finally buy a house!
>Now that Hillary is locked up I can pursue lolitas and molest our granddaughter
Is this guy going to make something about TPP?
>Sup Forums
>going outside
hee hee hoo hoo
Noone takes the media seriously, see you QT Mark Halprin.
Don't you worry.
Dahnald should be worried cause I'm after those delegates.
>"What? China is nuking the west coast? Mexico invading the south? British troops are landing on the east coast to reclaim the Empire?"
ever since they put that nigger labor camp outside my town there has been a lot of ash floating in the air in the afternoon. what's up with that?