The most favorable of any possible scenarios for this election still has you Trumpkins losing. I can't wait to soak up the delicious tears this November.
How does it feel to support such an obvious loser?
The most favorable of any possible scenarios for this election still has you Trumpkins losing. I can't wait to soak up the delicious tears this November.
How does it feel to support such an obvious loser?
>inb4 "trump will win PA/VA
keep dreaming and deluding yourselves
lol he's within 1 in VA
Remember how the polls correctly predicted Hillary's landslide victory against Bernie in Michigan? Oh wait
Michigan and Wisconsin are in play
I heard Oregon would be flipped this year. Does anyone have polls from that state?
Let me guess, you're quoting from Long Room
Sanders won michigan by running a great gotv operation, strategically opening campaign offices in sanders/sanders-leaning areas and getting the turnout to crank up all the way
Guess which orange presidential candidate has basically no campaign staff and no gotv operation two months before election day
Are you out of your mind? The only thing in Oregon that matters is Portland, one of the most liberal cities on earth.
Michigan is controlled by union democrats. Not a chance.
Internal polls have Trump winning shit like Oregon, MI and NH.
Could happen if Jill and Gary split the vote and Repub. turnout is massive.
>Le Oregon isn't a swing state maymay
One poll shows him +2
>not a chance
Oh shit
Here comes dat boy
Johnson and Stein will steal a lot of votes
For the record - and I want you faggots to remember this now - I've been with Hillary since Webb dropped out. I wanted her to win and when Trump won I became confident that she would.
Here we are. And she will. And you will all look so foolish. You'll probably start making psychotic arguments that the election was rigged ("look at this fuzzy picture of a guy near the polls! He's not a pollworker or secretservice he's a hillary operative! That little bag/box thing next to him is clearly a hacking device! The media's all in on it! The polls were rigged to make Clinton look more successful so people would jump on the bandwagon and Trump would lose! It was rigged!!! Thanks for correcting the record faggot! 80 cents has been deposited to your paypal account)
Remember this moment user. Remember what I told you just now.
Sure, but the relative percentages have stayed consistent across practically every single poll with johnson/stein included. They take equally from both sides.
I can't fucking take it.
>California and NY remain hard blue forever
>Texas flirting with the possibility of going blue or opening up into a new battleground state
I'm finished.
Trump is ahead in NH +15 points
get out shill
>Internal polls have Trump winning shit like Oregon, MI and NH.
Trump down by 3-4%.Polls oversample Dems Margin is over 3 %. Stein and Johnson split votes.
>quoting breitbart
my sides, i cant even take it
What is adjusted supposed to mean?
Also, nice consecutive 30s
The types of liberals in Portland (IE: not minorities, but white cucks) will NOT vote hillary like minorities will. No doubt about it.
Polls oversample dems because they make up a larger portion of the population. Learn2Statistics bro
Okay this is now a kek thread.
Praise kek for good luck
kek is king
>Michigan is controlled by union democrats. Not a chance.
i know.. my dad is in one of them. Guess who they are voting for this year? hint: he's orange
>I'm not a shill
You're aren't fooling anyway friend
Like I said, enjoy living in your fantasy delusional world where facts no longer exist.
Undersample independents faggot. They make up 40% of the population. the other 60% is split between the Republicans and Demcrats
You might as well flip michigan after today
Insideranon, so take them with a grain of salt. It's possible, Oregon is buzzing with Trumpfags in the ground, guess Portland SJWs pushed the dildo too far and this is the retaliation from non-pozzed Oregonians.
This, so Repub turnout MUST be very high if he wants to win.
what operating system do you use?
Trump had the largest republican voter turnout ever.
Pretty sure his base is galvanized.
faggot read my earlier post. independents make 40% of the populous
>Insideranon, so take them with a grain of salt. It's possible, Oregon is buzzing with Trumpfags in the ground, guess Portland SJWs pushed the dildo too far and this is the retaliation from non-pozzed Oregonians.
i don't deny it, i just like getting inside scoop as much as possible.
OR was very, very close in 2000.
Lubuntu 16.10, it's just Ubuntu without all the proprietary BS
Pretty much it comes down to turnout if the polls narrow close enough and in my opinion the GOP have the advantage if that happens.
they oversample dems relative to republicans with that taken into account already. they also undersample ind's in a major way and they're mostly leaning trump
He had that WITH the fact the republican base is split
Bingo! You got it!
>random screenshot of dubious "weighting"
What even is this? Trumptard logic in action, I see.
Uhh... thats FiveThirtyEight... which is not trump at all.
>MN not solid blue
>WI solid blue
>PA, NH, VA all solid blue
Recent polls had him down 3 in WI, anything could happen.
>Quoting a twitter account for poll numbers
Please, keep it coming. I'm dying. This shit is my daily pick-me-up of entertainment.
The polls should be accurate, no matter the weighting. Any random sample set greater than 30 should be relatively accurate. They just poll people in the hundreds faggot.
democrat turnout will be abysmal.
Nice micro penis you got there
Same people who had a large weighting with Clinton winning in NH. Please just stop. They haven't updated Schlomos Silvers website with the poll.
>shows picture of (((RealClearPolitics))) polls
>is responded with FiveThirtyEight polls, a mainly liberal source
>y-you fucking retard!!
Every single time.
Well here's the latest map from FiveThiryEight, so yeah keep spreading your lies Trumpster :)
>Ipsos polling right at the bottom
Nice damage control cuck
She is also losing .2 nationally a day on RCP. Is losing iowa and every swing state is within 6 points. The FBI blowback has even been accounted for.
She needs to do well in the debates or she is cooked
let us not forget that the dems this cycle, are about as low-energy as shillary herself, while the reps had record turnouts with trump
>I hate Drumpf Retards so I'm going to act smart and show polls that only I like haha that would surely demoralize them
see: >a mainly liberal source
What, are you expecting Nate Silver to give Trump a 100% chance of winning? Nate Silver's been bitching since June 2015 about how 'Trump will drop out!', 'Trump would never win the nomination!', 'Trump will never win the General Election!'
>went up 8% for trump in 3 days
Rut ro
>I'm a delusional racist who's entire sense of self worth is tied to trump winning, so I live in a fantasy world where up is down and black is white.
Same here in Wisconsin. My dad, uncle and grandfather, all of which are lifelong union members and democrats are all voting for Trump.
I will have to ask my dad what the consensus around the Hall is but I'd be willing to bet the vote is skewed 3rd party and trump.
The Unions are starting to reallize the democrats are fucking them over worse than the republicans are.
CTR shills on suicide watch, their meds prescription expire in November and what awaits them is some dark cell in the brand new asylums of the God-Emperor, how will they even recover?
Trump is going to win michigan, and oregon. go correct the record elsewhere
It means you adjust for the fact that niggers don't actually vote.
>Dems make up 30% of the population
>Sample them at 45%
PAfag here
Trump will win.
Delete this post immediately. That was the worst joker I've ever seen. Who the fuck thought of turning joker into a wigger
>so I live in a fantasy world where up is down and black is white.
>a liberal uironically says this
CTR or genuinely braindead but really what is the difference.
Ctr is in full shill mode holy shit lol
It must be really painful to the soul to live an existence filled with so much hatred. I think deep inside you must know this, but you're too afraid to give up on the hatred because it has come to define you. You see people going about their lives happily and it just eats away at you on the inside, so you call them "degenerate" and it makes you feel superior.
But really you're just a sad, lost little child who feels bitter towards a world that has rejected them. I'm sorry, I really am.
Eh, Leto Joker was alright, but we didn't get to see much of him. It was a nice departure from the regular crazed lunatic clown we usually see, however.
>securing borders = racist
>exercising caution accepting immigrants from high risk countries = racist
>wanting to make the country a better and safer place to be = racist
>exercising and protecting our constitutional rights = racist
>t. cucked CTR liberal
trump is winning with at least 350 votes - remember this post in november
Lel ctr tries to understand us. Fucking shills go away
No two ways about it, he has to win Ohio, Flordia, and Pennsylvania
How can you be an insider user from a Mexico IP?
exercising caution accepting immigrants from high risk countries = racist
>wanting to make the country a better and safer place to be = racist
>exercising and protecting our constitutional rights = racist
>t. cucked CTR liberal
Nah, at it's face a lot of these things sound like really good ideas. The problem is the dangerous level of rhetoric that trump has brought us to. Americans, like you and I, are literally at each others throats over complete nonsense. Drumming up hatred for immigrants does absolutely nothing constructive for our country. Parading out some anecdotal evidence of "dangerous illegals" from a population of millions is just absurd, divisive, fear mongering that ignores the ACTUAL problems our country faces.
I never said I was the insideranon.
> what is projection?
If you say so Mr armchair psychology.
>oversampling dems meme
Love it. Keep working them Romney memes. "Unskew" the polls, and "bigass crowds" and "he doesn't need the black vote" and "he'll get the independent voters" and finally "he'll destroy him in the debates"
Love watching history repeat itself.
I'm honestly curious. Do you even know any Mexicans? It seems to me the only people who hate immigrants are the ones from the midwest and southern states that don't even have a sizable population of them.
Well we aren't seeing the proper demographics of people. Should be 40% independent.
We get it, you're an idiot. Let the grown ups talk.
CTR shill go home. I'm done with your antics.
What makes you say that?
Honestly whats wrong with calling out suspect polls?
I won't stop until you admit your fucking white privilege, dirty cis white scum. WHITE PRIVILEGE
Ah, gotcha
Americans are at each others throats because of the media baiting everything
>It's racist, he's racist
>That's sexist, this promotes hate
>We live in a country that literally hates women, just hates us
>11 million+ illegal immigrants out of 320 million, and 600000 more every year
this isn't a problem to liberals apparently
>Americans, like you and I, are literally at each others throats over complete nonsense. Drumming up hatred for immigrants does absolutely nothing constructive for our country.
It's about shattering the Overton window of comfortable liberal fairy tales and social shaming of uncucked viewpoints.
And yet with all of that independent oversampling, it never seemed to affect the ability of people that analyze polls to accurately determine where the American public is at.
This same shitty excuse was used the last election, and the people analyzing this election aren't random basement dwelling fags. They adjust for this babby tier bullshit. It's just excuses all day with you people.