Why ISIS don't have an air force? Without it they have no chance of winning a war.
Why ISIS don't have an air force? Without it they have no chance of winning a war
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they don't have an air force because as soon as anything takes off in their airspace it gets annihilated
literally this
this is why no country can beat USA in war
except vietnam
True. Technically vietnam won.
Vietnam had an Airforce quite a few aces as well.
>Terrorist organization being able to have a fleet of air craft
>Nobody questioning where they got said fleet of aircraft from
Their main purpose is to destabilize the middle east.
Air force is not needed for that.
Modern American military is much stronger than it was back then. I don't even think our soldiers knew how to fight guerrilla soldiers hiding in the jungle that could be shooting from anywhere, not to mention the amount of traps and the vast network of tunnels under Vietnam where the guerrillas operated.
because too tempting to 9/11
The only way to win that type of war is to exterminate the local population. The U.S said fuck it and pulled out, they certainly weren't beat.
I saw a documentary showing that US airforce now have a bomb that destroys tunels.
How hard is it to build a simple plane? Just a basic one like those used in ww I
>what is guerrilla warfare
they don't even need to fight a war they can just impregnate all western first world women
the future is bright
Now that I think of it it strikes me as weird that I never heard of them at least trying to operate planes or helicopters. For example if you know where to look (hint: google) you can get your hands on a real MiG-21 manual.
>See American license plates on most of there trucks.
>See brand new Toyota's, iphones, American AT weapons.
>Hollywood quality cameras.
"lol your just a conspiracy theorist"
I think they had some at the beginning after they first captured Mosul. I remember seeing something about that on Wikipedia
They do. It's the Israeli Air Force.
I'm sure they seized some fighter aircraft early on, but had no fucking idea how to fly them or had a reason to use them beyond flying it into something.
>yfw you see ISIS on a bombing run
Where are you going to get the parts for that? Any part you use for that could be used for something else, like those home-made armored cars. And even if you do make some shitty bi-plane, now what? What's going to stop whoever you're flying over from turning you into swiss cheese with their Toyota-mounted auto-cannon?
They have no pilots i think. There are other means to win wars.
You could make suicide gliders. Idk
They know nobody's going to attack them while they're fighting Assad because the world is stupid.
We should randomly steamroll ISIS and leave Iraq in the hands of another secular dictator
Fucking lol, we are based
Becausw they have no trained pilots, because they don't know how to properly arm the aircraft and integrate the weapons, because they don't know how to put the ten+ hours of maintenance in for every flight hour, they don't have the logistics to support the maintenance, they don't have the fuel, and they'd get blown out of the sky by american fighters or russian SAMs.
yeah it sucks all the air out of them or something. Bush helped invent it
WWI style planes would be next to worthless. If they were smart they'd try to get their hand on RC planes, for very obvious reasons.
ISIS could do it the more I think about it
>acquire rockets, strap to camel
>grab goat, bring Ahmed and Fahood along with you
>fuck goat's brains out, jizz all in anus
>put ied with a phone in goat anus
>use 2 inch mooslim cock to shove like ramrod in asshole
>reach the USA in 5 minutes, superior Arab oil
>grab nokia phone, drop from camel hump
>goat lands in middle of Fort Knox
>Sgt Smith walks over, picks up phone
>"Hmm, one missed call from Hugh Jass...."
>phone rings, it's Hugh
>Sgt answers phone
>goat anus explodes into mushroom cloud of mushroom cloud of cum and blood
>cumcloud so huge it surrounds the entire North American continent
>white women everywhere instantly impregnated with superior muslim sperm
>entire US population becomes worshippers of Islam
>US has huge army already, religious affiliations become massively loyal to Sharia Law
>overthrow US govt., stone fags in the streets
>Make Hillary the great mother of the land, becomes country's most popular woman, think of her as the queen ant
>only the finest Muslim cock will suffice for queen shillary
>due to religious devotion, entire country fasts from getting paychecks for an entire year
>US becomes world's richest country
>buy all the military assets from around the world
>most technologically advanced nation
>world's largest army
>US forces invade every country at once, win every skirmish, only casualties suffered are suicide bombers in search of 72 virgins
>US military invades all countries simultaneously
>mfw ISIS conquers the world
I believe they do train pilots but not for an airforce. Their ultimate goal is likely many 9/11 like attacks. ISIS knows 9/11 shook the world and replicating more of those attacks would be much more devastating than having an airforce that would instantly be blown out of the sky by surrounding countries.
If you are listening I know an easy way to disrupt air power.
Get a microwave (lots of them) and rig them to work with the door open. Put them on the ground outside so they face up into the air. The microwaves will create a signal for anyone that is looking. Factor in thousands of microwaves and it can really fuck up their radars.
Note: they can target these signals. Put them in places you don't care if it gets blown up.
A Russian taught me this.
what the fuck did I just read
not that hard, but you need actual engineers and not just "techies"
also you could probably shoot them down with a Mosin
watta man face! rest of this is good to go.
better than the Chinese air force
>implying Isis isn't a proxy
I just have to...
Does anyone understand the difference between a tactical win and a strategic win?
It's possible for an enemy to lose every tactical engagement, ie a battle, and still win a war.
ISIS has no chance in symmetric warfare, against any modern military. They know this, that's why they stick to their methods that works best for them, which is controlling the people.
Iraq in the Gulf war was the last symmetric war and Saddam got his shit pushed in.
>enemy UAV inbound
They stole some aircraft, they got airstriked.
i kekd
well, you go build a plane from scratch and tell me how that works out. Also Isis is just mindless soldiers, not aeronautical engineers.
>It's possible for an enemy to lose every tactical engagement, ie a battle, and still win a war.
>You can kill ten of my men for every one we kill of yours. But even at those odds, you will lose and I will win.
-Ho Chi Minh (on the Vietnam war with France)
Also Stargate Atlantis. Wraith lost basically every battle with the ancients, but won by out breeding and hit and run.
Off the shelf.
People building their own planes out of scratch isn't something unheard of. And it's not like there are multiple books about the subject or anything.
More like enemy PooAV inbound. Amirite india?
Top kek
I've got a redpill for you:
In the modern world, aircraft is a waste of money. Totally inefficent and ineffective. You'll get kills, sure, but at what cost?
The US spent $400 billion on their latest fighter jet. Whoopie! Was that a worthwhile investment do you think? How many factories could you have opened with those resources?
You know how expensive the bombs we drop are? With infrared sights, computer guidance systems and high grade explosives? A million dollars a bomb, minimum. Is that worth it?
If anything by neglecting something like aircraft, ISIS is making huge gains while inflicting a massive expense on the West
>The Poo Patrol
This is now an India meme bread
A fucking leaf.
>implying rocks with slingshots can't kill any planes ISIS throws at anyone
I mean seriously a late Cold-war-era SAM would probably be able to shoot down a Mig 21 or jet of similar era (since this would most likely be close to whatever jets ISIS could get their hands on, yet this also implies they would have enough money to buy an airforce as large as a regular USAF fighter wing)
That's because politics were involved. War is the cotinuation of politics by other means. If the us went to war to kill another race or religion, no country can stand a chance.
>Without it they have no chance of winning a war
They have the next best thing: democrats controlling the war.
Democrats suck at waging war. The obama admin vetoes 80% of airstrikes.
Fucking kek.
Vietnam is a primary example of how force could win almost every major battle yet still lose a war.
Fucking kek
I was about to say that the NVA had major communist support but then I remember just how much US equipment is ending up in ISIS hands.
you need to lay off the cocaine man.
Well it was their home. Short of eradicating the population.
the US doesn't trust their proxy army enough to "accidentally" leave bomber aircraft for them
have you seen isis vehicles???
They literally go
> Oy wats needs buildn boss
>wez needs to put more metal on
>wut about the gunz boss
>needs more dakka
Yeah, I mean come on. We've left them fully armed tanks and they can't even use them right.
you also forgot about the 400M that was just abandoned, the black hawks, the artillery, the tanks
and then throughout the course of one fucking year, the US performs "sorties on ISIS" for well over a year, and no one hears anything about ISIS casualities.. all the while, dropping supplies and ammo for "moderate rebels" that miraculously end up in ISIS' hands
then Russia comes into the picture, and bombs ISIS to hell within 2 weeks
Will not really help (bunker buster?), neither will more troops. The problem is the enemy is hidden and unless you no longer care about civilian casualties at best you can limit the growth. Warefare has changed to include civilians as actual defence mechanisms. If it was a case of target and blow up the US would have done better in afghanistan etc.
They still dont. That's why Afghanistan is the longest war in us history.
Well... that and heroine.
if they cared they wouldn't be bombing the shit out of the country and trying to bring "democracy" to countries that are morally and socially antithetical to western ideology, and bombing the shit out of their infrastructure so they have no other option but to seek asylum in other countries.
This whole towing the line of "helping the poor oppressed people" is a sham. Always has been.
You can see it in the short history of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now Syria.
Libya was also the only first world country in Africa, until the US, UK and France intervened.
So much for helping the oppressed people huh
Comparing ISIS to the Orkz is insulting to the Orkz
Muslims can't into heaven