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>trump pays taxes
news @ 11
And... I'm still voting Trump.
Along with my state and family.
I wanna fuck u right in your wet canadian mouth
Wow big fine. Very serious stuff right here.
he paid the fine
if real=3d chess
this was a small mistake and easily fixed.
let them blow it up and compare it to the clintons fake foundation please
2,500 dollsrs fine lol
ive paid more than that to the irs
canada, you literally do this all day, not even for CTR bc they would hot even take a dangerous fuck like you.
How much a miserable cocksucker must you be to think your life in Canada sucks bc of fucking Sup Forums?
Irony is that you will turn out as the mass shooter, or something like one.
>Washington post
kill yourself leaf
I am now a #cruzmissile
Which one of the trailer park boys are you, Canuck?
So he's charged with a fine that he happily pays, the news story is what?
Not even Shillary could make much out of this revelation. It simply makes the IRS look toothless.
>Trump pays off potential lawsuits
This isn't even a "scandal", his staffers made a mistake and he paid the fine in the end. The Clinton camp making a big deal out of this now, right after the FBI shit came out, just makes you look more desperate, just saying
Please, Hillary. Please, by the power of KEK, take this bait. Please involve the Clinton foundation in the election.
>Attorney General Pam Bondi was considering whether to investigate fraud allegations against Trump University.
>$25,000 gift from the Donald J. Trump Foundation
>She decided not to pursue the case
so they used the wrong checkbook and paid the fine?
is there more here or is this just bait?
This is the best the establishment can do against Trump.
The guy is basically a "straight arrow", like boring.
Hillary is being protected by the White House.
There is literally no Rule of Law in our nation now.
lol, this
>foundation pays hundreds of thousands to hillary and bill
>trump sets up a massive 2 dollar corruption scheme
>It's over
Says nervous man for 100th time.
Is this really what they took so long to find in their fucking audit?
OK take Trump's cock out of your mouth for a sec, will ya?
>Trump University case in FL
>AG says hey I need money
>OK here you go
>No more case lol
Yeah, major coincidences huh. Trump is done
It's actually one of the only truly good indictments of women I can think of that they don't get collectively offended about the media treating them like they're this fucking stupid.
wtf do these people think the zuckerkike, microsoft-man, or clinton foundation are all about?
are they really trying to make it look like trump is the only one to do such a thing?
Why are they so concerned with 2 fucking dollars?
Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation operates like a literal mafia and everyone looks the other way.
And yet there is a current court case going on against Trump University alleging that it was fraudulent.
>lawsuits accept money rather than going to court
>The guy is basically a "straight arrow
> Literally forgot to report 87 million dollars in donations from foreign governments
> Got a personal letter from Luis Lerner, got to refile three years of returns with no penalties
When the justice system is corrupt, getting caught isn't proof of anything.
Still voting Trump OP, don't care.
NC is voting Trump.
We know real corruption when we see it.
exactly what i was about to say
the case is still a case
>giving 2 fucking dollars from the wrong by accident
>pays the fine in full
fucking liberals
I didn't know the mafia helped children with HIV and environmental issues
wtf I love the mafia now
>the best shills can find is 2 dollars
Holy fuck Hillary really is screwed
meanwhile the clinton foundation has been doing this for decades
10d chess in action
87% of the people Clinton chose to meet with while Secretary of State had donated more than $50,000 to her foundation
Just 2% of the meetings she declined were with CF donors
He was allowed to make that donation to her, though, the "scandal" here was that his employees mixed it up it with a charity donation and donated from his foundation instead. But he already paid the fine for that, so this is literally fucking nothing: the article.
You wanna know how I know that you're a shill/a guy with no time on his hands that wants to see Sup Forums "btfo" because he got triggered?
It's over a bribe he paid to the district attorney, and in return she didn't press charges against the fraudulent Trump University.
A German defending Adolf Trump? Your parents would be ashamed.
Except Florida is still pursuing the investigation
So it sounds more like he donated 25 grand to a fellow conservative who's supported him since day one and also happened to hold political office
If anything illegal had happened this would be a matter for the FBI, not a slap on the wrist and a fine.
I think I know where OP lives. I'll handle this boys
Crooked Donald caught bribing the IRS.
I bet the mafia uses more of its money for charity than the Clinton foundation.
trump's not a public servant, he has no obligation to do so
How many of Clinton's tax returns are fraudulent? We're finding out.
I live and breath Donald Trump. I love him, I think he is an angel from God. Unapolegetically, unequivocally.
I don't generally dont respond to these "X BTFO", but this one is legit. Clinton is not only going to hammer him on this, but it will also provide her cover for Clinton Foundation attacks.
As someone that has actually worked in politics, this is what we call in the business both the "sword" and the "shield" rolled into one.
>trump pays small fine
man wait until the cuck media look into the Clinton Foundation
you dont need the CF... you can give directly to real charities
your country is a hat at best
This is literally nothing and nobody cares
Can we just ban leafs from here already?
Doesn't compare to murder
>there was a small mistake in the taxes that an employee didn't catch
>he was asked to pay a small fine and he did
Judging by the fine, he is either the jew personified, or there was a simple accounting mistake somewhere which got fixed up.
Every shitty Canadian OP is brown and from Ontario.
>"""less than a month"""
>3 months total
Regardless, is that legit?
kek wills Trump arrested before election and inevitable Clinton landslide
Breaking news - more 4D chess moves
kek confirms
theyll keep it quiet, they dont want to draw more attention to clinton foundation
Pls user. This isn't out regular shitposting. This is next level autism.
You better deliver, canuck.
>Accountants mark something as a donation
>IRS says, "This isn't technically a donation"
>Accountants pay the tax money
I don't see the problem. This isn't embezzlement or anything like the Clinton Foundation where money just disappears
You don't speak for kek. Kek. Oh hey check these dubs
its not 2$, its a dollar sign meaing they didn't have enough room to type money, and then the number 2, as in the 2nd point.
HillBillies are desperate to find something that sticks without realizing Hillary's foundation and email woes eclipse anything that Trump does.
Our Lord Trump is indestructible. Nothing you can say can change anything. We always get to win.
yep, this is something that'll "ruin" Trump's chances. C'mon Hillary, take the bait :^)
he speaks, lets all suck kek's dick because we like men and donald trump because we are browsing Sup Forums haha lol desu senpai mudkips niggers aids
FUCK YOU CANADA, you are everything that is austism : the next level. Eat shit and die negrodomous
This is Cory or Trevor tier posting.
here, have a 2 dollar sage
Meanwhile, Cankles Shits her pantsuit.
I bet it's one chink leaf on Shillary's payroll hellbent on ruining the flag for everyone.
Wtf I hate charity now
Lol the media is working overtime to make trump seem at the very least just as bad as Clinton. Imagine how ducked your campaign has to be for THIS to be your plan.
Not this.
False equivalency arguments go to hell
You mean the newspaper that dedicates almost it's entire staff to bashing Trump on a daily basis?
>Washington post
>1 post
fucking ctr is in full damage control
Trump fucks bondi on the side, I wish I could too