This is the average playground in Minnesota

This is the average playground in Minnesota.

Notice anything, Sup Forums?

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ninja training camp

awww they look happy :)

Minnehaha Falls?

The cherrypicking? Yes.

It's just a bunch of Somalian people who go around taking pictures of themselves in public:

They've removed all the gravel, probably because it's considered "unsafe".

Looks like Sweden

Yes. the women aren't hanging from the swing set like in the middle east. Give it some time.

>tfw minnesota used to be the best state
>tfw we were the only aryan nordic state
>tfw somolians are ruining it
we are still in the top 5 states, but we have definitely fallen. only 85% white now.

Why are the little girls dressed like that too?

is there some rule against looking pretty in Somalia?

How did they get so tan?

fuck, i was planning to move to Minnesota because of the weather and because I thought America was mostly clean of this shit.

I never see Somalis outside of the cities

>they look different and it makes me uncomfortable

Ahmed would rape the little sluts otherwise. I know they're pre-pubescent, but that doesn't matter to ahmed.

>muslims take their shoes off to play

It's not very diverse.

Yeah, the right wing death squads will have a bit more work ahead of them.



The Twin Cities isn't Minnesota. It should be nuked and permanently quarantined from the rest of the state.

Meh who cares, Somalians are Caucasians. They're the future of the white race.

Fuck off hipster. Go back to your Starbucks and get the fuck out of my state.

he have been infiltrated by witches

That swing has a fucking backrest

Americans are so fucking lazy

Its probably for toddlers so they dont get hurt

for real non-joke tho
honestly, all traces of muslim culture should be aggressively banned in the US
it's not fucking okay to have women publically wearing clothes that mean "WOMEN SHOULD BE HIDDEN SLAVES AND ARE INFERIOR"
do we let KKK people walk around in clan outfits? no they would get arrested for disturbing the peace if they were noticed by many.

Because we're a melting pot :^) You can thank Israel Zangwill for popularizing the term.
But of course it's purely a coincidence.

>File: screaming israely mercenary.jpg (22 KB, 126x190)


Church organizations get paid by the State Department to do it

A big one is called "Lutheran Social Services"

We scandinavians and people of scandinavian decent love the nobel people of Somalia. They are a beautiful, hard working and honorable people. We gladly share our boring white nations with them :)

I'm the Captain now

Minnesota was one of the states with most Swedish ancestry. I guess self-hate and thirst for nigger cum runs in Scandicuck veins.

There's no humans there. Must be boring

Goddamit he's so fucking ugly

i bet all those people on that boat have made and heard every single somali pirate joke possible

lol, cherrypicking, most of Minnesota is white.

Fuck Minnesota. My girlfriend and I are moving to Rochester, NY once we finish our four year degrees.

Your women are gorgeous. Do they like chinese men too?

This. My city of 30k is 95% white. There are fewer than 300 blacks in the entire city and neighboring town of 4K combined

The way you put that just made me think they're all fucking Gorean practitioners, lmao.

>moving to Jew York

Good, stay out you tight-pants hipster shitbird. Don't need your recessive genes here

>bare wrists
Unclean whores! Their fathers and husbands would be ashamed.

It really is awful. My city is horrible. Anyone who says muslim somalis are better than niggers is a retard. They are as retarded and petty as niggers.

...why the fuck? The day I moved out of Rochester was one of the happiest days of my life.

>Do they like chinese men too?

I like rain.

I can't see a single white in that image, even the background is filled with niggers.

And black semen apparently

Holy shit are you really in this denial? I lived near the west bank neighborhood in Minneapolis for 2 years and had to gtfo. Its become Little Mogadishu.

LOL. Most cucked state.

Huh. I just looked it up. It's a lot more BLACKED than I remembered it to be.

Where's a rainy city that's more white than Rochester?

It's sorta like that here in Austin. I'm feeling compelled to take a photo.


If you don't recognize this rock, then you don't know a good part of Minnesota

Go to Montana.

>a fucking rock



Im so glad to see that my fellow countrymen are doing well in America!

I made friends with a dude who moved here from Minneapolis. He said there are so many Somalians in St Paul that they call parts of it "Little Mogadishu" and that they are nothing but trouble.

Wish a blizzard would kill them desu


How does one stop the Tyrranids?

It's awful. I delivered pizza in Minneapolis and they drive around in huge groups crammed into shitty cars. If you go the speed limit, they slam the horns, trying to pressure you to speed. Even adult Somali cabbies do this.

I hate the metro and this shit state in general

You mainland Swedecucks give them a run for their money tho.

>Wish a blizzard would kill them desu

It would if Minnecucks didn't let them sleep with their wives during the winter.

Thats where all the cute women are...

>we are still in the top 5 states
no we aren't you fucking retard

I bet you own a twins hat and a mauer jersey you cuck

>he's so fucking Jewish


Throw Orkz at them.
It'll stop them for quite a while.

Unfortunately, whichever one survives will be unstoppable, and there's like a 99% chance the Orkz will be the ones to survive.

i went to a school outside the twin cities with a large somalian population. they were really cool. i enjoyed them and so did the rest of the community actually.

We have to burn the seats now.

A distinct lack of Viking longboats

Somalian detected. Everyone hates somalis, even other africans.

wow you showed me.

>Says Cucknada

*north minneapolis
Apart from mosquitoes MN is white man's paradise outside of the cities.

your evidence was anecdotal and your post was shit to begin with
kill yourself

wtf i love somalis now


I live in Minneapolis, everyone besides somalis hate somalis. A gay peurto rican guy I work with just went off on a rant the other day about how much he hates all the somalians here etc etc it was hilarious.

nah i wasn't proffering any evidence i was just talking about my community's really positive experience with somalis.

Why has there never been any hijab pulling attacks? It just looks so tempting to run around that park tearing their stupid hoods off.

okay well Somalians killed my mom and raped my little brother and they also destroyed my gameboy advance
now your positive experience has been cancelled out

We need another 9/11 and then I can see this being a thing.

i think minneapolis somalis are different from where i grew up. i lived in a very rural community so the somalis were not exposed to the common american nigger. they honestly got jobs, worked their butts off, went to schoolboard meetings, etc., and a lot even opened up their own businesses.

if true that really sucks about your gameboy advance.

because islamic women never go out without a man/men

I used to work with one, he got fired for stealing thousands of dollars from the company and then claimed racism after the fact.

>destroyed my gameboy advance
those savages

Do Somalian men actually stick around with their baby mommas? I've seen a few Somali women walking around without a master, but then again, I don't see many of them yet.


the eternal swede, they must import somalis wherever they go

They're in an aladdin play?

what is this fascination with backwards people and cultures?
somalia is a muslim state with ZERO government and horrible people.
if you're going to import non-whites, why not indians or chinese?

virtue signal point multiplier

Here in Norway they pump out 10 kids then get a divorce. That way they get more gibs, but they still live together. Since the kufar laws dont apply for them. But yeah, they generally do. Who Else want thier ugly asses.

The're having fun?

Looks like it.