Would COMMUNISM in the middle east stop islam?


Yes, because enforcing communism in the middle east worked out well last time.

If you want an answer just look at Sweden or Denmark

the problem isn't their economic model, it's their fucking religion

you faceless rat middle east is not your concern


As long as it keeps them over there.

mohammad is a pig and you know it. A big fat pig.

Thank god 2bh

This. OP, you are trying to implement a modern political system in countries with medieval religious and political beliefs.

Socialism, communism, capitalism and nationalism are creations of political modernity. We have modern political systems in Europe, because every country in Europe had a modern revolution, inspired by the French Revolution.

Some were anti-monarchist/nationalist revolutions. Others were pro-independence revolutions. This is how national states came into being.

Arabs don't have a national identity, their political identities are based on religious schism.

america really needs to start arming the kurds

Nope, just look at how well it went for the russians when they invaded Afghanistan back in the 80s

i mean like communism would outlaw religion like islam right?



>mudshits can actually organize communism
fucking doubt it.
>stop islam
yes, atleast keep it in check

>faceless rat

at least he's not a muslim


more like, would islam in the west stop communism?
if so I am prepared to embrace the teachings of mohammed

Soviets fought mujahedin in Afghanistan while the usa and (((capitalism))) armed them.

Really makes you think!

Think about it this way:

All modern political systems get their legitimacy from popular vote. The legitimate source of law is also popular will, reflected in parliamentary elections. The French revolution did this paradigm change: they replaced monarchy which was a political regime that took its legitimacy from god, with democracy, in which the government's legitimacy can only come from popular will.

So, yes, this means, in a modern political system nothing is above popular will and the law.

Arabs are unable to replace their god with a belief in nation, popular will or law. Their whole system (political, legal) is based on religion.

i mean if had sneaky propaganda in the middle east for a long time and then all the sudden a communist coup that would act like its favourable of islam and then slowly cuts it away

Pretty much this.

Am I bovver'd?



>political systems get legitimacy from popular votes
this meme again

It actually worked relatively well for the former soviet republics

ITT: Leftypol raid

Socialism WAS stopping it until my sergeant went Rambo and killed saddam

no lefty raid

No lol


I will find you, I will find out where you live. I will find out your name, I will find out who your family is. And I will gut them in front of you with a fish knife before I hang you where you stand JIJ GODVERGETEN COMMUNISTISCH TUIG!



Niets dan de dood voor alle landverradende communisten!

That's a Grey Wolf, not a jihadi you dense murican

im a nationalist not a communist read the title faggots

also the royal family is zionist trash

Any authoritarian regime will do. It doesn't have to be a Marxist-Leninist state.


>im a nationalist not a communist
"but lets totally support communism elsewhere, I'm sure it wont spread to us. Not like communism is by definition internationalist".
Have you not heard of globalism or what?

Dat is hoogverraad. De koning is de koning. Hij heeft niet eens het recht om een politieke mening te uiten. Wat hij doet, is ons behouden van een politiek verkozen president. Stel je eens voor hoe erg het met ons land zou zijn gesteld als on staatshoofd een verkozen PVDA president zou zijn. Duizend keer liever de koning.

no it doesnt fucking matter we still get run over by refugees , the royal family never did anything just a bunch of inbred zionist shills

Trust me, it would be worse if we had an elected president allowed to speak his mind on politics. Last elections, we'd have either a PvdA or VVD president.

I'd rather have the king, just being a silent fuck who does nothing but look pretty. Better than a political head of state.

You remain a filthy commie though. advocating for communism anywhere, under any circumstance, should get you nothing but a bullet.

Why do muslims always look more white in these 70s pics of when they had freedom? Does having freedom make one more white?

germany funded communism worked pretty much in their favor for a while only fucked up cus they werre also fighting the uk and usa , and no if you stand behind the monarchy thats part of the bilderberg you are a zionist shill that needs to get the fuck off Sup Forums normie

Socialism is the cause of all the worlds ills. All of them. Jew just used it to weaken us. Welfare is like a drug to keep white men docile.
Nazism only worked because it geared up war industries and employed people there and in the army. It was no long term functional policy.

The king is the king. His blood is as Dutch as it gets. We know his precise heritage for over 30 generations. He is no Jew. He may be a fool manipulated by Jews, but so are most politicians. You have to realize that it is still better to have the king as a neutral entity who doesnt do anything, really, than an elected president who does. Because that president would have power, and he'd likely be a leftist.

Any man who advocates socialism advocates weakness and a dearth of personal responsibility. Any such man is an enemy of whites and of me. The Dutch did not dominate the 17th century on welfare or subsidies, but by entrepeneurialism, an iron will and strong backs. No fucking handouts.

Fuck off you disgusting, weak, commie.

Ask the Kurds

are you illiterate or ignoring my arguments on purpose?

i never said communism should be advocated for us i only said it should be funded in the middle east to get rid of islam and destablize the entire continent or am i talking to t. mohammed goat fucking cuckold

But it did

If you talk to any of the hijabis in an American college they're basically this irl, it's actually funny

If they were so free how comes you "liberated" them?

That could be a good idea. Communism would neutralize their religion.