Suggest a college acquaintance watch oldboy(2003)

>suggest a college acquaintance watch oldboy(2003)
>now avoids me in class, deleted me from facebook
Times when revealing your kino level blew up in your face?


If he was that disturbed by the movie, you made a mistake in becoming so chummy with him. In future, make sure to ask what movies they like to watch before giving any recommendations.

In college we picked a movie every night we didnt party. I was only allowed to pick movies after '95 because I suggested nothing but older kino.

Should have said something inoffensive and accessible like capeshit, to impress them say anything in the imdb top 10.

>only allowed to pick movies after '95
stupid rule. i would've brought chaplin in the next time.

oldboy is capeshit

>Entry-level pleb trash
>Babby's first Korean cinema
>"kino level"

Fuck outta here pleb.

If someone won't talk to you because you recommended Oldboy, then they aren't worth talking to.

I suggested this to my sister and she thought it was good. Your friend is a pussy.