He will not help the poor

He will not help the poor.

why should he help Brazil?

If the poor want help, they have to help themselves, gibs me dat isn't help.

poor need to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps

Fuck off, shitskin. Nobody cares about you, Brazil.

Because the poor won't help themselves.

Also rate my Pepe this is now a Kek thread

It's not his job to help them. They're poor because of their own inadequacies.

>help the poor
the best help the poor can get is jobs, if he creates jobs then he's helping them.

Poor people should sort their own shit out.

>No taxes
>Can fully write off health care
>Will no longer be fined for being too poor to afford healthcare

Nah mate, he'll fucking wipe em all out.

By improving the economy, he helps the poor indirectly.

Fuck the poor lmao

I'm not asking him to help the poor
>I'm asking him to keep this country safe.

Only partially correct.

He'll lower (or attempt to lower) taxes massively for the poor. He's helping the poor help themselves, which is exactly what should have happened in the first place.

>the poor should help themselves
nobody helps themselves, it's up to your parents.

It's way easier for a rich man to get richer than it is for a poor man to get to the middle class

Creating more jobs IS helping the poor

Hail Satan.

Neither will Hillary. But at least he won't give them token programs while exploiting them for votes by making them relying on said programs.

Still voting for him op.


>1% tax up to $30k won't help the poor
Epic, my tin shack monkey friend.

>>implying this is a problem

>Guy who's out meeting community leaders won't help the poor
>Woman who's only meeting with people who pay her thousands of dollars will

even with your cynical take on democrat's support for our great nation's poor, it's still better than he would do...

reduced income tax to people earning less than ~20000 per year to ZERO.

As someone who's on SSI for disability, yeah he will help them. By cutting back SSI/welfare (if they haven't gotten their quarters) He will force them to get off their lazy ass to get a and fucking job. It's way to easy to get 833 (in Mass) a month and just live off of it. Any time you make money it's instantly deducted from that 833. So if you can't make over that a month, or at unwilling to, there is no reason to seek employment. Like I said, I have it because of a disability. I wanted to still find a part time job so I felt like I wasn't a drain on society. Turns out it's not worth it, it just reduces my benefits and makes me lose time. If they had a breaking point, or some initiative, or even a fucking training and job placement program we would be in a better place instead of having leeches.

Also, going to a SSI claimant court and looking around, I was the only white person.

>833 a month
As a white male you can't get that in sweden. How is that possible in the US?

what is your injury? obesity?

You can't directly help the poor. You can't just make them valued by the labour market, can't make them financially liquid immediately.

But you can change the environment. Trump will change the environment, which will allow more opportunity for the poor.

That's because their entire lives they've been raised to believe that what little the govt hands to them is worth more than going out and earning enough to actually become something

Meanwhile rich people are taught how to succeed.

>only nigger in NE Brazil with a high speed connection wastes his time shitposting about the God Emperor
Must suck to have no leaders of your own and have to watch as we get the best one ever, right?

How? With meme magic and blustering and quitting globalism?

>you can't directly help the poor
>give rich more money so they can hire poor instead
this is what Sup Forums actually believes.


hang in there. i hope you're able to manage it symptoms soon man.

What came first? Riches or Man?

what's your point? i'm intrigued.

Thanks for the concern. It sucks to be right wing and a leech on the state. I'm pretty much worthless in an already over saturated job hunting market. I just want Trump to bring some jobs back to America so I can try and get a monkey job screwing caps on bottles so I can chip away at my student debt.

>INB4 lolstudentdebt

Went to be a teacher, got my masters, pretty much insured a job (Even if in the ghetto) then pow MS walking is hard, everything hurts, all day to read Sup Forums. Friends joke that this is the life, but frankly I'd rather be working.

you're not a leech. that is literally what the system is for. as a safety net until you get a chance to help out again.

liberal programs aren't ALL bad


>mfw beta libshits want to be rich

Your lineage and bloodline is part of your own consciousness in this world. At some point, their poor ancestors capitalized on success.