Am I the only one who thinks a North American Union would be pretty fucking cool?
Am I the only one who thinks a North American Union would be pretty fucking cool?
Mexico and USA annex Canada. We build a friendship wall to keep out the Pesky traitors.
except mexico
>Caribbean Union (Mexico)
Hola Chicano
No fuck Mexico. We can conquer Canada, but they have to be our colony.
Quebec here, we are your new Greatest Ally
>Am I the only one who thinks a North American Union would be pretty fucking cool?
No there are lots of people that don't understand what the fuck a "Nation State" is.
Yes, I don't want stinky brown mexishits or filthy ameridiots exploiting our vast natural resources
Mexico is way too fucked and I'm absolutely disgusted with its culture and language. Everything Spanish is degenerate and weak.
>flooded with mexicans and faggot canadians
No thanks
All of north america + south america like in gundam 00.
No. It would be a fucking disaster
Yes, because Canada is a communist shit hole and Mexico is a drug infested shit skin hole.
i think will will start as a strategic alliance to face china on trade first
total free trade between members and tariffs on china.
trump said something close to that in his visit to Mexico ,if Hillary wins it would likely happen too as she has said shes anti ttp and pro NAFTA renegotiation .
> I fucking HATE globalists they are pure FUCKING CANCER like george SOROS
Sup Forums logic, everyone
Were not all the same person
The North American Union would shit all over China.
We can turn Mexicans into our chinks.
it's simply too big. It's like if there was a union that went all the way from Iran to China. Not only will political ideals vary drastically, but so will living requirements; people living in bumfuck nowhere canada actually need guns as a practical tool unlike 20 year old women from new york.
>Canadian Mexico
North American Union isn't enough
I support One World Government
>Sup Forums is one person
Rethink your comment before you post again
I think a big detail in this is the USA is in charge and the nations that are annexed/join give up there sovereignty and provinces become states.
Of course realistically this would only be good if Canadian liberal culture and Mexican shit culture was destroyed and american culture was inbrased fully.....but that would never happen
>Am I the only one who thinks a North American Union would be pretty fucking cool?
Yea, you are fucking globalist kike
the US has always been apathetic of Mexico, 70 year dictatorship and not a word from the US
they would rapidly change their ways if we put some pressure on them.
>imbrased fully
damn chinacos.
t. Pahjeet Li Chang
imports from China almost doubled within five years from $51.5 billion in 1996 to $102 billion in 2001
It's called NAFTA OP. Only it fucks everyone over in favor of the wealthy with little perks compared to the European Union
It's called NAFTA OP. Only it fucks everyone over in favor of the wealthy with little perks compared to the European Union
>implying there isn't an overall opinion about topics on different websites
Thats like saying tumblr isn't a sjw fest because it isn't one person
fuck off
Globalized monarchy anyone?
Political union? Get fucked.
Assemble the moose!
No. it would be awful and destroy sovereignty
Are you saying that you want to help out creating the new world order?
There would be chaos in the South. If the North American Union is like the European Union, than that would mean easy travel across the borders from members of the NAU. Mexicans will flood into the border states, sparking a race war between Whites and Hispanics. Another Mexican-American war would ensue.
Also the Canadian economy is to different from the American economy for them to become on unified state.
It would be fucked as a democracy and there's no reason not go go bigger as an empire.
Fuck off Jew.
>what is NAFTA
>implying anyone lives there
YEP. Not body wants that cancerous trade fuckery... go shill somewhere else.
>what is NAFTA
Why do you just admit that you want the illuminati to win
So establish a new sovereignty? I never understood the resistence to a one world gov. Seems like a logical step for our species to go in if we are to explore space... though ALL current govt leadership would need to restaffed to a minimally corrupt competent state...
Im genuinely interested in arguments against it.. feels and slippery slope dont count.
Awesome post.
Canada is an SJW wasteland that admires British government more than our own. Mexico is a drug-addled wasteland filled with poverty and corruption. Unification with either could only come from our conquests of them. The savages can't be trusted in leadership positions.
>minimally corrupt competent state
Maybe try to form one of these first before skipping directly to the one world government and just assuming it's going to work out perfectly.
The NAU was mentioned by Heidi Cruz. It's already being planned by the government and banking kikes. It would destroy all three countries, which is obviously its purpose.
You should have checked for the zero post. You almost called your own shot.
Jeb has talked about it too.
fuck off, pedro
>Canada is an(?) SJW wasteland
Have you taken one look at your country lately?
>communist shithole
>Conservative party in power for last three terms
Have you taken a look at your Prime Minister lately you retarded fairy?
Yeah too much degenerate shitskins like pic related
just a headsup, torono is filled with pakis
Do you normally answer questions with questions?
We're all going to have a big kick out of you come November when HRC weasels her way into office and you burgers ultimately do nothing about it.
>implying that rhetorical questions shouldn't be answered with rhetorical questions
Canadians are as bad at argument as ever, I see.
There is literally no way that Hillary could ever be as bad as Trudeau.
Wow OP I never really thought about how it would be great to have super national bureaucracies that can pass laws without vote just like the EU. Really made me think OP wow you know it's like if the world was ruled by a small handful of unelected officials that would be cool you know? I guess I'm voting for Hillary now because of your great unpaid posting!
Rip gene
>rhetorical questions
No, it's really not a secret the US has been the breeding ground for this Marxist bullshit you love exporting around the world.
>There is literally no way that Hillary could ever be as bad as Trudeau.
There are literally several ways she's going to be worse than Trudeau. Trudeau is a faggot, but he's not a faggot that's capable of destroying the world three times over.
At least Trudeau isn't a criminal and at least he's a man. Hillary might have a bigger dick though.
Until they realise they have to sink yen's of millions of dollars into your province every year to make you shut the fuck up about your frog snowflake shit
This made me projectile vomit.
>Retarded faggot
>Power hungry jew lover ready to put the country in chains after she sells its citizens out for personal gain
>It isn't a rhetorical question, because I think that the rhetoric was right.
Canadians seem to lack critical thinking skills. You throw a bunch of jabs at me and then cry like a bitch when I do the same. Maybe if you people had any real problems then you would be more capable of logical thought. You're appealing to your own nation's irrelevance as a reason for it supposedly being better than mine.
lets do this tomorrow.
>implying the president has that power
I bet she'll also bring the moon to crash into the Earth, right?
Dumb phone and desktop poster
What? Did you misread the IDs?
if beneficial to the US's interests then yes, but I don't think that's even close to the case, not to mention the EU has shown us how fucked globalism is.
Yes, it is my deepest desire. Include the South America, and you have the mightiest landmass in history, beating the USSR.
I'm on board if I'm gifted a qt virgin catholic latina
The second post came a minute after the first post.
Our great North American republic, only whites can live in it. We must build a wall in Guatemala. death peanalty, legaliza drugs, free health care and eucation. min wage of 30 per 8 hrs $ Ameros.
Did we learn nothing from Brexit?
We want Mexico and Canada telling us what to do?
Fuckin dork
Samefag a little less obviously next time
let me remind you that canadians, quebecois, and mexicans would be in it
still sound great?
ameriniggers are so caught up in this deportation nonsense they fail to realize
mexico dont need a wall
mexico is the wall.
a wall at the south border of mexico would be much easier to defend than a wall at the texan border
Three walls. Two at Mexico's northern border and one on the bottom.
of course! Spanish and French ancestry!
Fuck Mexico and Canada, they made their beds now they need to sleep in the shitholes they've created
>exploiting our vast natural resources
You mean the ones you're too retarded to exploit yourselves so China is doing it for you?
>more like BLACKED by U.S.
Excuse me, we are white.
I don't think Union would work with current status, all nations must have similar development for that kind of union to work.
I'd rather make North America region stronger with more cooperation and stuff, including central american countries.
All your parties are commies kid
Greece you are not
>he's a man
high tech "digital wall"on us mexico border,physical wall on tehuantepec istmus,check points on Mexico Guatemala border
A North American union would be an awful idea. Our fucking union of states already doesn't work, making it bigger is going to help
Why won't he sell based Kevin his spot?
Sorry for assuming his gender, I'll go check my privilege now.