booze can only do so much. what kind of genetics just completely changes you into a different form.. thats worse.
its like his genes were some kind of ancient strain that is only desirable in the younger years long enough to attract a mate and reproduce, but then literally fucking melt into a hippopotamus, im so confused.
His face hasn't actually changed that much, he just put on a lot of weight. That, and the beard
Elijah Reyes
>His face hasn't actually changed that much,
HIS fucking EYES are POPPING OUT OF HIS fucking HEAD
Ian Carter
if you watch the episode youll learn he was only ever that skinny because he was bulimic.
some people are naturally meant to be bigger. he looks like one of those people
Hudson Perry
The difference between those two pictures is like 85lbs... thats a lot. If he lost it all and was the same weight as before, he'd look better (except for the 17 years of aging)
He has major coke bloat, has injured himself interally.
Drugs alter the way your face looks.
Caleb Gutierrez
Imagine looking worse than the guy who was expelled from your high school for smearing shit on a locker.
Nicholas Edwards
Ayden Brooks
Have you seen his dad and uncle? He is beginning to look exactly like them. Vito has those crazy bug eyes too.
Logan Russell
i knew a guy who made the exact same transformation in half a year just because he stopped using drugs (i don't know what he took, but certainly a huge amount of stimulants) no joke