Just finished this. Wat do?
Just finished this. Wat do?
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Order for the table you fucking cuck
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Take up H, start a business, profit.
It's now your duty to inform anons that the ending was clear and perfect.
Let it sink in. Read some commentaries. Get your friends into it.
Then when you're ready, start the next best show, Mad Men
Thanks anons
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Anthony Fantano. Movies. Forever
dwell on the fact that nothing as good will ever be produced again.
feel empty.
Watch something good.
try and talk to your friends about it and slowly despair as you realise none of them have watched it or care to watch it
at least that worked for me haha
Not long after boardwalk empire started. I suppose you could watch that.
spotted the breaking bad fan
Watch it again
Play the high quality Sopranos video game, of course.
>TFW your hard drive crashed and you lost your collection of Sopranos reaction images
Why even live
Just be loyle to your capo
iktf capo
Watch Mad Men next. It's made by Matthew Weiner, who was an executive producer and wrote several episodes of The Sopranos best episodes.
I wanna balls deep cream pie Dr. Melfi in her gabagool
kill yourself, its all down hill from here
just finished it too. Marathoned it in 3 days. Depressed now because that was the last TV show I had been putting off on watching all these years and there is truly nothing left for me. What a depressing ending too, no one had a happy ending.
Tony isnt dead
feed a seed
s2-really good
s4-going down
s5-getting desperate
s6-pleb tier filler trash
nice summary of breaking bad
Are you retarded?
Tony definitely got shot in the head.
where is the proof?
>tfw still haven't watched this
>watching mad men currently
and i have other great stuff to watch after these 2 that I haven't watched
feels good man
What's your favorite spooky bit in The Sopranos?
Mine is this one, at the end Tony can sense his death approaching, that is why he has that pensive look on his face, very eerie scene
Scared the piss outta me
Watch the spinoff where Silvio goes to Norway.
just restore from your backup, user.
holy shit me too, can't even watch the youtube clip.
This. Mad Men is the closest any tv got to the level of Sopranos
Overrate it on Sup Forumsmblr
hahaha that show was great and you are absolutely spot-on with that analysis.
seriously tho, if any series has enough memes about it on 9gag it really turns out it appeals to the lowest common denominator.