where mystical Amazonian women defend humanity from the wrath of a missing god. It could be a great story worth telling. Why did misanthropic feminists have to ruin this movie by making it about politics? I can barely sit through this garbage.
I enjoyed Moonlight, I Am Not Your Negro, and the LBJ biopic All The Way. Movies ruined and made by SJW agenda thread?
Angel Torres
Wyatt Peterson
Oliver Perez
I need to watch this again, So Hippolyta didn't think Ares was alive, but mostly out of concern that Diana would have to leave to fight him but Antiope thought he was and that it was essential they train her. Wonder how gone to shit the world would've been if Steve had not crashed there, imagine Themiscyra getting shelled to fuck by modern era battleships with some cruise missiles for measure
Jacob Barnes
Capt Kirk: She's my secretary.
Secretary: I go where he tells me to go and do what he tells me to do.
Diana: WHERE I COME FROM we call that slavery.
wooo you go girl!!! SJW paradise is an anti-capitalist slave state where men don't exist. I swear to god this movie was not through at all.
Leo Anderson
>Diana: WHERE I COME FROM we call that slavery. I want to see how she looks after 3 weeks without job. Proud princess living in da woods feeding on rabits.
Adam Perry
It's interesting that she knows what slavery is, means the Themyscarans have a concept of it and probably HAVE slaves
Wyatt Perez
Shoddy reasoning, they know what slavery is because they have a huge fucking library, it's also how Diana knows what dick in vagina sex is.
Christopher Reed
I just torrented this yesterday and watched it. Cringe fight scenes, too much political agenda.
Diana wanted to save every person but had no trouble slaughtering the germans because, according to the guy, they were the "bad guys". So what if a german soldier ended up on their island and would have asked her to fight for their cause?
The interaction between the characters were barely ok, nothing noteworthy, although the 2 filler characters, on of them was a Turk I think? didn't forget to mention that he's fights his own battles because of his skin color.
Kayden Young
Alright so I'm watching this movie and Diana's solution to war is...
killing dudes!
I can totally get behind this. I would have loved to been a part of Diana's charge into no man's land. She's obviously breaking dudes necks and spines left and right, but ostensibly only disabling their weapons Batman style so as to gain the moral high ground with the audience and stroke the peaceniks. But this is truth you can only get by golden lasso. Violence is stopped by violence. Why do I care so much about this shitty capeshit movie. It's a good story told poorly. It's fucking embarrassing the unshaved pit set so desperately want this feel-good moralizing but hypocritical garbage.