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Feds Spend $499,571 to ‘Combat Online Trolling’
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They're going to need a lot more than that lol
>not even a 10th of what clinton spends
it's like they're not even trying
This seems like a very specific lowball number. It's expected that the CIA would've developed a manual on this already considering they clearly have one on the subversion of culture, leading me to believe this is more of a notice that they are doing something.
So it makes me wonder, why are they purposely releasing this information? Why do they want us to believe they are spending X amount of money to "combat online trolling"?
This is different from CTR. This is about using ad tracking infrastructure to censor "trolling", but their definition of trolling basically includes hearing things they don't like. You guys really need to install uBlock Origin.
>goal of preventing online trolling (scenarios in which various groups deploy tactics to influence public opinion on the Internet, by leaving biased, false, misleading, and inauthentic comments, and then artificially amplifying their ratings
mot even a round number
I'm insulted
>no link
OP is trying to troll us.
>inb4 hi fbi
That's the point.
>mfw we are doing it for free
Soon more Feds will come here, get redpilled and the government will collapse.
They spent the first $29 on buying the team lunch.
They're going to need a lot more money then that. It's a futile endeavor anyways, the great thing about the internet is it's so chaotic nobody can really control it.
>inauthentic comments
working on the winning side is the real red pill.
its going to end up being 50 mil + easily.
the 500,000 is just to hire the person that will hire everyone else for 1 year.
have fun
they are not controlling what people post but implementing measures to prevent people from posting it is what I would think.
I really don't see why feds would bother on cyber bullying? We already know they lurk here for CP, illegal happenings and what nots.
which is why reddit and youtube with upboating systems are their favourite sites
Why does the article headline say feds when the actual article says the universities are doing it? Clickbait?
Fools. They can't outshitpost us.
This. It's happening faster than you think.
>Chink font
You bring shame to Chinese military intelligence, Zhang.
Vote putin
>For one year
>The study has received two grants in the amounts of $250,234 and $249,337, totaling $499,571. The research is set to begin Oct. 1 and is slated to continue through 2019.
Though thanks feds for using our tax money in productive ways. I am so damn incompetent and idiotic with my own money that I couldn't have possibly thought of doing something as impactful as this.
> Misleading
> Inauthentic
Kind of sounds more like shills desu..
>not even 1mil
Insulting, honestly.
>CIA would've developed a manual on this already
>considering they clearly have one on the subversion of culture
Senpai, where can I read CIA's manuals on random topics??