How have we not beaten ISIS yet?

How have we not beaten ISIS yet?

we could do it in 3 days, but hey we need some entertainment.

Because Israel needs a pariah to keep its enemies focused elsewhere. The enemy of my enemy type stuff.

Obummer is a fucking moron thats in way over his head.


>Turbokikes at it again


because we don't want to...


Because we're funding them to fight our proxy war in Syria.

Somebody's got to do something about Assad's barrel bombs.

Because Allah is a real niggah.

Kek tells the truth

They are backed by Toyota.

And Toyotas never break down.

ISIS is a tool to counter russia and iran. They too want to close down lebanons landroute to the ME so hamas gets no weapons anymore.

not all wars are meant to be won user

>Sacrifice more Americans to kill people who pose no risk to our national security for our Jewish overlords

We neither need to nor want to

Because we keep funding then and accidentally dropping more ammo and weapons on them to fight oil wars for the Saudis to build pipes thru Syria and everywhere else once they fall. It also lets congress keep pushing bills to funnel money into their campaign supporters, which is why they were elected.

>actually buying into that meme.

ISIS have most of their weapons from iraqi surplus. the other they bought with oil
US is funding SDF and FSA which are "moderate" and they use them to beat assad.

Confirmed. Those shiny new trucks are the ponies in this show.

isis had sized 2billion$ of military equipment
and have around 100.000 soldiers or more.
Also tons of muslims who like isis and are refilling their lines.
Also they was making hundred of millions $ with oil trade in a month.
They first started to struggle when russia joined the party and bomb their oil trucks.

We are actively protecting them by attacking their enemies. We aren't fighting them at all. We are supposed to defend them while they ethnically cleanse the region and replace them with Arabians. All countries will be replaced with low-IQ (dark-skinned) Arabians that can be controlled, and they will install a Sunni theocracy in every removed nation.

This strategy is also being applied in South America. They teach all of the educated communism and cultural Marxism so that they cannot defend themselves against an inevitable massacre. The economy collapses, the infrastructure is intentionally sabotaged, and the region will be ethnically cleansed and replaced with mestizos.

There is currently an ongoing campaign of this same kind in Russia, China, and Europe. Of these, Europe is the weakest target. Russia will have to wait, and China is shelved as far as I know. Either way, all countries are slowly being ethnically replaced with Sunni Muslims, particularly the low-caste kind. This includes Arabians, Africans, and Dravidians.

All Sunni or socialist countries are controlled by Jews and have had their populations mostly replaced with these low-caste. This is not an endorsement of Shia Islam, but they have mostly been ethnically replaced with Arabians in the last 50 years. They were a warning call to Europe and America that went universally ignored.

The have already created a slave class (Sunni Islam) and they control its teachings. The Jews' ultimate goal is to enslave all goyim, and their method is to have low-caste Sunni infiltrate countries and replace the native population. When this is done, the goyim will already be enslaved. To prevent them from fighting, the natives are fed confusing propaganda which makes it difficult for anyone to acknowledge the ethnic replacement.

Because ISIS is the best thing that's ever happened to Israel.

The powers that be don't care enough to.