what's her name, Sup Forums?
What's her name, Sup Forums?
Fast and Furious
Star wars prequel trilogy
Pusher and Three colors trilogies.
Star Wars prequels is the easy answer, to get that out of the way
Indiana Jones
nah, 2 is better than 3
Back to the Future
The Godfather
Debate me.
Sofia Coppola starred in the third one, greatly degrading the film
And that's not even the worst part
LOTR movies, obviously
Scream if you're a contrarian
Rick and Morty Seasons.
Wait this was a trilogy? I've only seen good bad ugly, the others any good?
Same character, but individual stories.
They're Great, highly recommend it.
The Matrix
Seasons of Leftovers
Rick and Morty
Twin Peaks
>/thread-ing his own post
truly a R&M fan
pleb answers
b8 answers
honest, if dubious answers
worst post in the thread
kill yourself
debate me
I mean its obviously star wars
But also Harry Potter
Deadwood. fight me.
Rick and Morty Seasons
Not an argument
Wrong. Fellowship is objectively the best one.
He's not making an argument. He's making a statement. It's up to others to argue him now. You didn't.
Not an argument
twin peaks
doesnt really count but yes also
I'll add Bourne too
the reason that star wars prequels is a bad answer is that 3 is still an awful piece of shit just like 1 and 2, but 1 has the only cinematically interesting scene in the podrace sequence. so to say you prefer 3 over the others is to suggest that it is in any way favorable and to ignore the only good thing in the entire trilogy
the only acceptable answers are 1 or "they're all shit so it doesn't matter"
One entire movie of slightly-below-averageness is better than a pile of shit with a bow on top
no. episode 3 is not "slightly below averageness". it just as shit as 1 and 2.
so you are left with two piles of shit and one with a bow on top
Game of thrones
Then 4>7>5>6
Toy Story