>weed is degenerate and makes people stupid
>Sup Forums is redpilled
you can't have both faggots
>weed is degenerate and makes people stupid
>Sup Forums is redpilled
you can't have both faggots
Everytime I smoke weed my dick goes into my body and I can piss out of my ass. Its quite a sight. I still smoke, just need to smoke more now for my cock to invert.
yeah i fucking can bitch
i feel that, in light of admittedly spurious current medical information, the use of the devils lettuce has little to no physical long term effects & if properly refined & administered has countless beneficial abilities to ease a variety of conditions, though recreational users, especially those of the critical early ten years, suffer on a fundamental level from using it as an emotional crutch early in life, with extreme cases extending as far as complete cessation of development emotionally, with a loss of the natural mental growth of daily life to guide them & a resultantly stunted end product, serving as a vital caution regarding the use of & minimum age of users of the dank ass herb in question, allowing an open minded but future focused government to regulate the use & consequences while permitting the proper medical treatment for those in need
you mentally putrescent bitchass faggot.
Daily reminder that krokodil is the only non-degenerate drug with no side effects
Nice anecdotal story ya got there. Please also tell us how LSD will make you think you're a glass of orange juice for the rest of our lives, and how it happened to your uncle
Weed is for people that need to escape their shitty life.
I'm not a faggot so my life does not suck, therefore I do not smoke weed.
I have beer on Fridays and the occasional bourbon over a nice conversation.
since you're a fag i'll rephrase:
weed should be legal, impossible for minors to get, easy for those in pain to get, & used responsibly. i say this even though i am against the idea, it's just not my place to get in the way.
now why the FUCK would you have a problem with that unless you used it far too much for far too long at a stage in your development when you should have been studying & dealing with your developing emotions & have now ended up a fucking retard with the mental health of a fourteen year old
Weed as any drug is mean of escapism.
... Basically, you smoked pot in high school and failed English with all those run on sentences. Congratulations, you proved your point.
I am on lsd right now and I am a polack
Nice proxy
ugh my mom is visiting and I can't go and smack my bong up
i did fucking not you prick i have never touched the stuff
i've got a better grasp on this language than you'll ever have. were it up to me, it would be banned, but because god knows there's nobody quite as ivory skulled as stoners, they'd find a way regardless. they have been, for years, with an almost admirable persistence. if i have to concede to its legalization, at the very least, let's keep a close eye on the stuff.
Any form of escapism should be banned, or at least heavily controlled.
Legal weed has ruined Denver. It's now the Mecca of niggers and homeless.
I smoke weed and I bet money I am smarter than you
not like there's any way to prove that over the internet
You don't need to explain yourself. We don't actually care. The shits getting legalized slowly but surely and it will continue to be used & abused just like any other substance. Here's your (you) for the day.
I am high right now, and even while high I can admit some obvious things.
Weed has temporary debilitating effect that makes me more stupid. It lasts about for a day after smoking it.
Weed has a withdrawal, about a week long. For me, it makes me hate other people a lot. It goes kind of along of "we generally find pleasure to be not nearly so pleasant as we expected, and pain very much more painful." The feelings that are always with you get less bearable on weed withdrawal.
I would agree that weed is degenerate. It smells like a skunk fucked a nigger, and makes people stupid.
you might very well be right.
not really. you'd be out that money. i'm not brilliant but i'm squarely above average. what's interesting to me is the contrast between stoners & those who do literally any other drug.
smokers admit their health is affected. those who do any hard stuff will too. but god help you if you make the mistake of even implying that weed might do the slightest bit of damage to the body or mind to any stoner. they'll fight you tooth & nail for hours before they concede. it tells me they're hiding something, that deep down in their bloodshot, munchy-afflicted little hearts, they know the truth.
weed is not good for you
it's not bad when compared to anything that isn't lsd on the physical harm spectrum however
those people just fell for the memes
stoner steal your gf?
The problem with you puritans is you equate recreational use with dependency and abuse.
Weed can make you extremely existential (in the proper sense of the word), which isn't always fun. You see through and around things, especially media representations.
For example sober you might watch a movie and think nothing of it. Stoned you might watch the same movie and notice that the star was the producer, and you realise that this person hired a bunch of people to make a movie for and about themselves, to try and make themselves into a film star, and they must be desperately alone and looking for validation.
And so on. It can also be lots of fun. I watched pic related with friends while high and it was incredible.
Trying to make a lifestyle or culture out of it is fucking cancer though, make no mistake.
>it's apparently possible to be this passionate about drugs
>Not from California
You're probably from somewhere midwest or the east coast where you are forced to buy shit weed from niggers.
We grow out here and since everyone has it, niggers can't profit from it or monopolize it.
I'll admit there's a degenerate crowd that it attracts, but it's so prevalent among people who don't advertise they are users that it's a non-issue.
>weed is for people who need to escape
>drinks alcohol
only patricians smoke weed
Of course you think that. Your internet is regulated and your government still executes people over a fucking plant.
you're rational, i like you
it hurts man
shove some more fairy bread up your ass i'm from oregon i don't ask why you're so afraid of emus do i
You're implying lsd is good for you? Idiot
You'll need to define "good for you". Masturbating isn't "good for you" either, but I wouldn't equate it with drugs.
"If you wish to converse with me, first define your terms."
- Voltaire.
if you think you can't stop smoking weed you're retarded
I can tell you smoke weed, because you're clearly stupid and know nothing about hong kong.
You are right about where I live, as I live in TX.
But as I pretty clearly put it, I do not drink to escape my problems, since the biggest problem in my life right now is that I do not have the full down payment of the motorcycle I want,
therefore I'll have to get it in 3 weeks as opposed to next week; which as I know you'd probably agree is not a problem at all.
I agree. Cant comment much on making you stupid for a day after because i am an everyday smoker. I agree about the withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes i get them within 24hours of my last toke. For example if i have something important to do and don't smoke all day by the evening i am quite irritable. I don't smoke while at work so i do go about 11 hours without my first toke on weekdays. Don't notice withdrawal while working surprisingly, mostly because i keep busy and have to fake being nice to everyone anyway.
To clarify the withdrawal im describing is basically just increased irritability. I was never an angry person to begin with some of the sober anons here are probably angrier and more irritable than i am when i haven't smoked in a while.
I smoke weed every day. Have an IQ of 138.
Masterbation is clinically proven to be good for you.
I hate angry fags. People who are pissed most of the time are fucking psychopaths.
>you get addicted to a plant if you smoke it
Only if it's tobacco with additives faggot
Used to smoke quite a bit when I was in my late teens and then I stopped smoking for about 5 years until I smoked it again for medicinal purposes, so no you don't get addicted to pot Nancy Reagan.
fuck you man I have no pretensions about what I am doing, I am self-medicating, now leave me alone.
weed is like coke
shitty people have ruined it for everyone
it smells great and is a nice touch to have with tobacco but fuck is it degenerate
"stoner" stereotypes exist for a reason. Like nigger stereotypes and bitch stereotypes.
>admittedly spurious current medical information
Why is it admittedly spurious?
Because Nixon got some scientists in the 60s to suffocate monkeys with dope smoke, therefore any contradictory medical findings are "admittedly spurious"?
If you don't blaze it, you lose.
Worthless waste of time, rots the brain and cause mental issues.
But you wont see any duuude saying that, "woah, its just a plant, i am not addicted i just smoke everyday because i cant face reality." Nobody with an ounce of self respect pollutes its mind with the plant jew. But just wait to see how defensive all the drug addicts gets when you tell them what a cancer that is.
>hurrr caffeine and alcohol is equally adictive
>really makes you think
>imma listen Pink Floyd
Hmmm...i'll just leave this here.
You are now aware that nothing makes anyone stupid, and stupid people are simply stupid by birth and cannot be helped.
Apparently weed turns you into a drooling retard who can't use punctuation properly or capitalize a single fucking letter.
Kill yourself degenerate.
I support your right to not smoke weed.
Tfw living proof against your argument.
Sure, if you're smoking doobes of the generally available shit.
"Weaponized" weed is where the real brain boost is at; I get so much shit done...