If slavs were subhuman why did they BTFO the "aryans" and cucked them into eternity?

If slavs were subhuman why did they BTFO the "aryans" and cucked them into eternity?

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I dunno, bad Kraut leadership?

Weight of numbers.



2 seconds in google

Let's not start this meme again.

excuses excuses how do feel that your so called "aryan" "country" will now be a brown-skin hellhole after getting cucked by the soviets hans?

probably because the americans and jews gave you BILLIONS of dollars?

regardless, you took more casualties than they did

the only solace i have left is that each and every one of you cucks is going to also get enriched beyond belief.

how does it feel that slavs were the first into space?

All slavs are homosexuals, but not all homosexuals are slavs

Because Germany was also fighting 3 other fucking super powers you dumb fuck. Britain, America, and fucking France.

we extended lend-lease to russians. they were african-tier country with lots of people but not enough vehicles and weapons to fight. once we armed them they bfto germany

Hitler said the Slavs were the superior race at the end of his life.

It's this, pure and simple. Tactically the Germans were almost unbeatable but Stalin just had more to work with from the start, enough to keep throwing men at the Germans in waves of millions.

Adolf's sacrifice was like that of Leonidas at Thermopylae, it should have rallied the rest of the civilized world against the giant slave empire that was the USSR.

Start one of these threads without slav proxy one more time and your liberal shithole of a country gets nuked

please annex. we belong in the union

No one wants your gay ass here Justin

Anglo money.

Totally wrong. After bagration the germans were losing more even when they're on the defense.

>answer it with a irrelevant question!
I hate Canadians so much

P.S. I really don't care for space

>even when they're on the defense.
They were never good fighting defensively, they got as far as they did (to within 17 miles of Moscow) because they maintained the initiative and stayed on the offensive. They had to go on the defensive during the winter and there was just no fucking way they could hold out against the sheer number of soviets coming at them with their lines stretched so far from home.

By throwing out so much cannon fodder that it gummed up the Wehrmacht's engine.

He had no idea that Slavs were the true Aryans.

Because they United States sent them all of the resources that they didn't have, to carry on the war machine.

Hitler after the assassination attempt replaced all his top effective generals with cronys as he was afraid of a coup.

The entire German military ended up being run by him and a bunch of yes men thus they collapsed while fighting 3 super powers at the same time.

Canadians are the biggest pussies in the world. Canada couldn't beat the lost city of Atlantis in a war. It fucking amazes me how they shitpost when if America ever turned on Canada, they'd get annexed by another country in a heartbeat. Go ride your fucking moose into a pond and drown yourselves you fucking cuck Canucks

If Slavs were superhuman, why did they get cucked by commie Jews?

>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism

Stalin was not Jewish.

He was a Shabbos Goy. Even worse.

They were led by a failed painter.

Whole world VS some of the Aryans

Actually slavs are more arian than central europeans according to colored maps that gets posted on int.
Hitler was just an huge poleboo.

>Le waves meme
>Le numbers meme
Have you fuckers read one single fucking book about WWII or have any actual knowledge aside from what is fucking spoonfed by you from Sup Forums, the Russians won because of tactics and superiority not because of a fucking meme created by an American propaganda film made in the late 90s. You retards are no better than the sheeple who watch CNN and MSNBC all day you have no knowledge you have fucking nothing, you disgust me sincerely from the deepest bottoms of my fucking heart when you NEETs kill yourselves I will take it as a personal fucking insult that I wasn't the one to pull the goddamn trigger. I hope your whole family gets cancer

Canadias out performéd every task they were given in ww1, besides what do expect from a country whic such a low population.

None ever said they wer superhuman, racial supremacism is for retards anyway.

>throw waves of meat at the meat grinder
>gets his shit pushed in
>oy vey, we need more mea- I mean more brave men to defend the motherland from those evil nazis!
>proceeds to throw over more meat in the meat grinder
>meanwhile krauts are fighting other superpowers

Really makes you think

>the Russians won because of tactics and superiority

o i am laffin

t. ruskie immigrant


not really newfag



They would have been unstoppable

Germans lost because they got out of ammo after killing millions of poorly trained reds.

Because they were funded by Jews (USA)