All confirmed leaders of Civ 6 so far

Good news, Sup Forums! They finally added a black leader to make the game more diverse. We did it!

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What's with the noses?


shit game desu

best so far:
Phillip. This smug motherfucker will be the new Alexander, you will love to hate him every game.

America will be god tier early game because even your scouts can beat up barbarians

looks good to me plenty of whites and a few races some savages to pillage

to bad turn based strategy is shit

Who in the fuck was Mvemba a nzinga?

Why does this shit look like looney tunes.

>As black N(z)i(n)ga.

America gets a combat bonus?

as an egyptian im sick of seeing Cleopatra... she literally ended the Egyptian state by slutting around.

He's better known as Alfonso. It's very strange they gave him this name.


What the fucking fuck

I'm sick of seeing a Greek born from generations of incestuous marriages being depicted as an Egyptian ethnically.
The worst part is this only started happening around the 90's.

a black guy in Africa? Uh oh Sup Forums, must be the jews again

I look like Montezuma sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

Massagetae are Scythian tribe

Pick the blacks and you won't progress pass the Stone Age



>catherine de medici
literally who, shes not even french


[insert drowning joke]

Why are there so many non-countries and non-leaders? What the fuck? What happened to Bismarck? Isabel? Napoleon? Ramses?
Where's Russia? Italy? ROME?! Sweden?

ghandi got that "i got two wieners" look

Only thing he drowned in was your mommas big ol titties.

at least they aren't promoting the fact that blacks wuz kangz n' sheit... even though they took away white (greek) kangz status.

unique ability: slave trade

Tumblr nose

I agree, Chess is garbage.

>a black leader

I see congo brazil and spain


how could they make Cleopatra white? don't they know it's the current year?

Cleopatra wasn't even Egyptian, she was Greek :3

I don't like the comic booky style. But I still have V to play so.
I bet there's gonna be fewer factions too.

Legitimate leaf


>not posting the entire list

>here's about 5000 years of rulers to choose from
>why not Ramses, Inhotep, tut, or an avtual leader
Womyn are strong faggot

>when your boy didn't make it

>Trajan for Rome

based, Marcus Aurelius would've also been good.

With Phillip the second of Spain...portugal is in...Technically.


Iberian union finally paid off...400 years of waiting and it finally paid off.

I'd rather 100 Trudeaus over 1 Hilary.
Don't get my wrong I'm livid with Trudeau.

Your move shart speckled banner bro.

that makes it even worse.

>I'd rather 100 shits over 1 shit.

At least hillary will keep the status quo meanwhile trudeau is fucking up your country



Pick one.

She sure will

Keep making America brown.

Handing out more and more NEET bucks.

Next Bantz please.

Notice there are two greek leaders?

>repeats of Cleopatra, and Ghandi..again
>shit tier countries list
Teddy Roosevelt Americans are literally the only good thing about this game. But its not enough for me to buy it.

Hillary isnt president and america still has a chance to get uncucked

Canada though is beyond gone already and has no hope

Did they remove Shaka from the recent version?

I wonder if they'll be accurate and have Cleopatra speak Greek.

>Finally added a black leader

Fuck I hate Sup Forums

Civilization had black leaders since forever. Civ 2 had the Zulus

when are they gonna put hitler in the game

lol, its not the full list, dumbtard

Face it. She's gonna win.

Canada is in a bad spot politically.

Economically speaking were are still leagues better off than America.

So I'll take it.


>Face it. She's gonna win.
You wish leaf we still have yet to see

>Canada is in a bad spot politically.
Face it. Canada is fucked

>Economically speaking were are still leagues better off than America.
>some random literally who country is leagues better than the biggest economic power in the world

Guys Cleopatra has her turn now. Ramesses II has been the leader most of the games with Cleopatra being the other main option.

I don't understand why this triggers people. Cleopatra was introduced way back in Civ II IIRC.

Why is Saladin always chosen to represent Arabia, he wasn't even a nation leader, was he?

Debt to gdp America is still only around because your made up baseless money.

And no no.

I don't like Trump...but I don't trust Hilary.

I'd rather someone I don't like in office over someone I don't trust.


Should have been mah nigga Cao Cao!

He was the leader of the Egyptian military...I think he became the defectors leader.

I remember reading that when he past away his lands got split between his sons. Breaking up the saracens...I could be wrong.


Honestly it's not the worst pick for Egypt, I agree it's kind of memey, but still.
Also, there will OBVIOUSLY be multiple leaders for every civ, eventually. The fact that there are now civ abilities and leader abilities, and that on the leak there were two greek leaders

with new expansions means new civs and also new leaders for current civs. This is why the background art is what it is. instead of a fully rendered background like in civ 5, its a still image. because theyll reuse the background and swap out the leader in the front.

>tfw no Canada
Well fuck you too guy

He was a leader, he started the ayyubid caliphate

Ghandi also no real right to the leaderhead of Inidia, besides being the spiritual leader.

personally I really like Saladin as the pick. Yeah, he's had a few times up to bat already but it feels right.

Personally I think they should have used KING SCORPION. Seriously, isn't that a badass fucking Scorpion King/Conan the Barbarian tier title?

He was one of the Kings of Egypt in its very beginning

>Debt to gdp America is still only around because your made up baseless money.
America is literally the biggest economy in the world and could crush canada any day with our "baseless money"

>I don't like Trump...but I don't trust Hilary.
>I'd rather someone I don't like in office over someone I don't trust

Good for you I dont really care about your opinion though

Who would you like to see ?

Why the fuck is a 12th century figure wearing full plate armor


Friendly reminder that they're not including ghenkis khan cause sjw devs say hes too controversial

German art work has Barabossa wearing that very set

>Any of those people

Pedro II was legit though.

Probably one of the greatest political leaders to come out of South-America

Still he should be wearing chainmail not fucking 16th century armor.

You gotta remember he was the heir of portugal.

But he said fuck that shit. I wanna be rich and cool.

Everyone after him ruined his dream.

Well at least the Europeans are white. After Battlefield 1 it is a sight for sore eyes.

Poor Portugal, they put former portuguese colonies like Brazil and Kongo before them. But I guess is better to be absent than having a shit leader like Maria.

I know. It's stupid.

But it seems like the just based the model of his more famous paintings.

I agree with the fact that he should be wearing somthing out of the 12th century.

But alas I'm not on the device team.

>Not including Alexander

Am I supposed to know him ? Her ?.

Replace Aztecs with Mexicans


Where's Portugal and Alberto Barbosa?

Indians can be pretty black
Jarwara people are nearly black as night


Battlefield: Civilization

I can at least tie myself back to Galicia without needed to go that far back.

So I don't mind having base Phillip I I

And Maria the mad was should use Sebastian "The desirable"

He's our Fredrick Barabossa...but at least seb didn't drown....

Don't know shit about India but do couldn't they pick someone other than Gandhi for once?

I think he's just the civ meme now.


Did they even have a central government before becoming an english puppet ?

Mugal empire.

They was ancient aryans an shieet

Frederick II>Frederick I

>Catherine de Medici
Literally why? Pick Charles Martel or someone who actually did something
Just switch it to Vikings again
Why? Where are all my Piasts?

Just make countries have multiple leaders again for fucks sake

I had no fucking idea who they were, I'm a history n00b.

whats funny is that they are the Iranian represent this time around, instead of Persia, lmao

Oh yeah and then I supposed we should put Australia and Canada in next?

Muslim scum 2bh.

Ashoka would be pretty good as it was I think in Civ 4.

>mfw theodore is trump