When is Germany going to get back on its feet and purge the Jews again? Judging by history, it happens every 50-100 years, but since they went really brutal the last time, it could be longer?
The fire is rising. Lets wait for election results of today
>purge the Jews again?
you mean purge the americans
There is a state government election in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern today.
That is that shitty state.
Goddamn I honestly believe Germany should be divided up to numerous kingdoms again.
As a (((country))) (((Germany))) never ever accomplished anything.
Germans are the scum of the earth they must be rid off once and for all before they ruin the world a fourth time
You will be incorporated into the Reich again and punished for defeatism.
History has been artificially, because of this, the future has changed. Will Germany wake up in time or will the Jews destroy Germany forever?
Defeatism mein ass.
You fuckers are so weak it's pathetic.
This summer alone I have made 2 german families move to another beach by simply telling them their Mutti is destroying Europe and the German lands even more.
One of these families was crying to me about how the Dutch lost its hospitality.
I laughed, told them to fuck off to ficki ficki land.
They took their things and their confused teenage daughter and moved away.
Good times.
Remember the 6 million subs
#Followcaust #AvengePewdiepie
kek, do you think I care about them? The nation only consists of the people how believe in it and may it be only a thousand men.
Kill them, do what ever you want to them.
>in this comment things that definitely happened
t. nigger scum from brazil
If your countries turn on each other now, Europe will turn into Roachistan permanently.
Time to work together to remove the (((sandy menace))) from the East.
I know, dont panic.
People are pissed here very much pissed.
There is rape and crime from foreigners and refugees everyday.
Yeah, they are sooooo pissed.
75% of you still voting Merkel.
Fuck dich Hans
Germany turned on itself and all other European countries.
It's good to call them out on their cuckery, that's not turning on them.
Dutch people aren't any better.
Don't come with this PVV is the biggest party in the polls. The biggest with 20% of the votes. That means 80% still votes for parties that support refugees welcome policies.
At least we rampage a town meeting on housing these migrants.
We burned down more refugee centers than you ever did. In aboslute numbers and per capita wise.
You are arrested if you wear a pig hat
>We burned down more refugee centers than you ever did
Any Dutch Patriot will vote for PVV.
They are Humanist/Trade/Republican/Golden-Age/Pro-Merchant/Independence-party