Weedfags finally BTFO
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Do you have a link to said study or just a ((("""news""" report)))?
thank you christmas tree, may weedfags die in your wake
>Daily Mail
The newspaper that campaigned for the ban on zombie knives and exfoliating beads because they were dangerous according to studies.
>>>>>>>>>>>Dailymail online
Kys degenerates, you are as low as pedophiles
>There is no doubt that heavy users experience a withdrawal syndrome as with alcohol and heroin.
Wait what, you get withdrawal from alcohol?
I went from drinking every day to not drinking for months and aside from the final hangover I didn't feel a thing.
> driving after smoking is dangerous
Everyone knew that already, only heavy smokers drive good stoned because of tolerance, same as with alcoholics
>mfw this much backpedalling
Your tears are too salty
Thank christ, maybe all the canadians will drop dead in the next week
I'm an officer of the narcotics-control directorate, and they literally do.
Just like with tobacco, we'll have to deal with at least 50 years of DUDE WEED LMAO IT LITERALLY NEVER HURT ANYBODY regardless of how many studies come out.
>my neckbeard anime girl pic sure showed him, hehe, why so mad hehh?
>Wait what, you get withdrawal from alcohol?
Oddly enough, yes. Apparently alcohol withdrawals can actually kill you if you are a hardcore alcoholic.
>look up the author
Yeah too late with this anti-drug bs. It's all going to be legalised and regulated soon
haha cool kids btfo good thing i wasnt one of them i hope they die of schizophrenia
Based evergreen
This, the only positive thing is that it hasn't been legal as opposed to weed, with corporations controlling another drug market, it would be twice if not more difficult to deal with it
This, the only positive thing is that it hasn't been legal as opposed to tobacco, with corporations controlling another drug market, it would be twice if not more difficult to deal with it
Do they do any of these studies about alcohol? Pharmaceuticals? Caffeine? Sugar?
No, of course not. Those are already making profits for corporations and the government is taking in tax dollars from it.
orthodox or mudslime?
>...heavy use...
>driving stoned is dangerous
Welcome to common knowledge. You don't smoke cannabis "regularly and heavily" or of course it's not good. Same with paracetamol. Same with fucking water.
>clickbait shit
Fuck off Leb cunt.
You weren't hardcore enough with the booze.
I thought the AA were a meme for sad people, and in a way it is, but after seeing true alcoholics I know they would just kill themselves without AA two weeks after they stop the drinking.
If you want to know whom we're supposedly up "against" have a watch:
Pretty sure you can drink water regularly. Lay off the weed m8, you've got a ciggy-butt brain.
A fucking tree.
None, Christian.
I would not be opposed to shooting drug addicts (weed people) like they do in the Philippines.
This is a fine example of the mental capacity of people who use weed
It's really sad but it's true. It SHTF the people everybody should be afraid of is the AA meetings after somebody loots a liquor store.
I am smoking a cannabis right now, u mad OP?
Of course weed isn't harmless when abused, especially if the Person isn't mature yet. The Prohibition is still expensive and ineffective.
What's your point exactly?
>muh evil corperations maaaan
Facts are facts.
>all the buttblasted druggies ITT
lmao I enjoy your tears so much
Actually they do, you mean you have seen promotion of cigarettes like in the mid 20th cent? And there would be no dumbass try hard diets with no caffeine - sugar etc. if it wasn't for those studies, I don't understand what you're trying to prove
>Driving after smoking cannabis doubles risk of having a car crash
Extremely fun tho
>If cannabis is not addictive then neither is heroin
>smoking a plant is as bad as raping children
Hans pls.
Well obviously smoking it is harmful, I mean ((((you)))) wouldn't burn an orange to get vitamin C out of it, come on now
>daily mail
Still, I'm tired of the "weed is harmless lmao" meme. It's addictive as shit just like any other drug (caffeine and alcohol included), and fucks with your brain and lungs. Probably not as bad as alcohol but I don't understand how people can ignore how weed literally ruins lives and turns normal folks into lazy ambitionless slobs
just get a good vaporizer
Anyone who genuinely believes that artificially altering dopamine levels for prolonged periods of time is harmless is fucking stupid.
Not to mention, no matter how nicely you try to paint it, putting smoke in your lungs is unhealthy, period.
Take this from someone who smokes pot.
Anyone who attempts to argue that pot is /completely/ harmless has room temperature IQ.
What these dumb stoner faggots should say is that it is LESS harmful in comparison to other drugs, but that doesn't mean that it's not bad for you.
>hey look punching myself in the face is less harmful than putting a dagger through my jugular, that means I can ask Tyson to use my face as a speed bag with no repercussions!
Fuck these people.
>Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development
I feel like this happened with me. Do his studies specify whether the impact of heavy adolescent use can be rectified? Even if only speculative that would be reassuring.
Yes, indeed
Pot is extremely dangerous if you have this guy as your President :^)
>doubles risk of having a car crash
>from .002% to .004%
>when he said "drinking water" regularly he must have meant drinking 50 Fucking gallons in one sitting
Stop being retarded. I'm sure if you managed to smoke an ungodly amount of weed you could kill yourself too
You have good points and arguments, but your tone is wayyyy too aggressive and violent. Anywhere in the world except for Sup Forums, that is going to really diminish the influence of your essential argument.
>it applies to only a few risk factors
I was a lazy and ambitionless slob before I started smoking weed (at age 25) and because of the weed I gained a new level of introspection, leading to me becoming more ambitious in life. Now what faggot?
I would like to shoot all people who drink booze, you want to start killing one group why stop there
>are you retarded
No but my dick touches the water when I sit down to go two
What are you my fucking high school literature teacher?
Smoked heavily for 3 years. Its a shit drug.
>heeey man, why don't you just... like...chill out man, you know?
fuck you, little bitch. imma come over there and play with yo ps4 n shit
Now you're a lazy ambitionless slob who thinks he isn't. Congratulations.
See, that's exactly what he's talking about. You're very defensive
>I'm a gum salesman here to say DONT DO ANYTHING BUT CHEW GUM
Fuck off narco. Alcohol is exponentially more dangerous.
>Daily Mail
>Causes a neurological disorder not linked to any usage of a drug but rather genetics and how we are "wired"
I am sure many pot users are schizos. Many are not. Random correlation =/= cause. I've never smoked in my life but this kind of pearl clutching bs with faulty statistics and claims based off of irrelevancy irritates me.
Duterte is based
this could literally be mexico drug cartels, the environment even looks similar, wtf
>OH MY GOD, you guys, pot is bad and so is silverware. Everyone spread your asses and convert to Islam right away.
Pot gives me serious depersonalisation disorder. I had to kick the stuff after only smoking it about 10 times.
The symptoms lasted for over a month and it was honestly the worst time of my life.
mods dox this poster
burn his manga
behead his body pillows
Fucking armchair psychiatrists - on Sup Forums of all places.
I hope you burn your breakfast tomorrow cunt. Fuck you.
Yeah my dick would be touching the water too if I was still on a potty training toilet you retard
>Daily Mail: oh hey, here's a neat graph that shows a lot of pot users are also schizophrenic! There must be some kind of linkage!
Can't be that more mentally ill or disabled people engage in substance abuse, can it?
>maaaan just chillax, blaze it bro
>Correlation is causation
Weed lmao tier retardation
so much edge
Obama is right, alcohol is way more dangerous.
thanks for proving my point, leaf
Sorry, I've got a big boy toilet, it says ages 8 and up on the side.
Even your ID is gay. Kys.
>I started smoking weed (at age 25)
that's like really pathetic, lmao
It took 20 years to find out what everybody already knew? GJ dailymail.
Good. I was out driving yesterday and this Chrysler 300 pulls up next to me at a stop light and her car reeked of weed so bad I was choking on it from my car, I noticed the kid in the back seat which really set me off. So i got her plate and pulled into a gas station that cops like to hang out at. I gave them there description and plate number plus i sent some pics i took the the cops phone. He thanked me for the info and called it in. I heard on the police scanner later she got caught. Even better I get a call to repo her car for the dealership, apparently she never made a single payment. Today was a good day.
'87 vipur
pot smoker here
I believe this article yet i won't really change.
>yeah I'm a repo man
>it's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it
>I've been bit on the job, kicked, yelled at, shot at, you name it
>but I love my work
point is that water is deadly at a lower dose than a lot of drugs,to much of anything can be bad even water
Both of those are being banned.
God help us all.
all brain functions can be dramatically improved almost throughout life, but it takes hard work.
neuroplasticity is lower as you get older, making large-scale improvements take longer, but they can still occur.
read books, perform N-up and "Training" games, do math problems, learn new skills - language, programming, musical instrument, something - and keep your general physical heath up and you'll be sharp as can be in a few years.
>as seen back in 2014
>MailOnline contains absolutely no link to any scientific article, only their interpretation
If you excuse me I will go light my fattie and get high as bonks while you idiots keep claiming this plant is bad
Btw i'm still learning a new programming language every month, my intelligence has not dropped and I have smoked pot daily for more than 2 years
you'll grow out of it. eventually.
Alcohol is more dangerous than weed, but it doesnt say much, because alcohol is one of most dangerous drugs there is. We were just conditioned to think drinking alcohol is normal thing (i do drink myself every week). People just ignore the effects of alcohol, which are one of the biggest of any drug in the long term. If you tried driving as drinking alcohol there is prolly like 500% chance you will crash.
>Smoking mind-affecting chemicals damages developing brains and makes you crash your car
It's almost like the states that legalized it require you to be 21 and made driving while stoned illegal for a reason.
Water isn't even on there
yeah, this
is correct.
After a while, and if your social circle stops doing it, it'll start to feel kinda stupid to you.
Being a 30 Y.O. smoking every day starts to feel really immature.
he didnt prove your point you idiot because you physically cant smoke multiple kilograms of weed to kill you.
>doubles the risk of schizophrenia
So from 1 to 2%?